4, 1928 BBCOVBU JIJIO. ILLltBll8 .the heavzwefllata.·for their atandlnp. Nell Chambers, a girl Ill our room, re· 'llr. Davia :caue.s- u.,On Kr. ..Hap" Gatberooal ooacb 01. the heaVJWelahts, tumed to achool todaJ'. She wu out of to award letters ani atrlpea to the fol- IIChool ftve weeks with pneumonia. Dur- lowlq: Kenneth IIOier, Otis Gooch, and Bill La.rlee, wbo received letters and stripes. and Jack . S~ckhouse, Paul Soule, Colln Finlayson, Hugh Saxon, Georg& ~ Ebers, Frank Church, George Quinlan, Ray Kimball, and Cecil Williams, who AD auembly was aeld at 'the Stolp received stripes. The assembly was dismissed after we IICbool for the ftrat time In several weeks. 'l'be ~mbly was called to -order at had · sung several songs.-Carl Laurence, ~ 11 o·clock, TueiiMJay momlnc. lOa J{ayea 8D Stolp made eeveral announcements and gave tbe PI"'ttT&&D to llr. Daniel 11. Davis of BOBCATS WIN tbe Playaround and Recreation Board. Tuesday, April 24, 6B the Sly Fox Be called upon Jack Stackhouse from the Peewees to &1ve their lltaDdlnp and played 6C the Bobcats In basketball. The CoUD Flnl&pon for the atandlnp ot the Sly Fox score was 0 and the Bobcats' IIPtweJchta. O.Orp Quinlan represented score was 11.-Ruth Williams, SB Central ... Lett.a tO "Stolp Athletes 'iD Auembl, Ing the ftve weeks that Nell wu out the children In our room brought money to buy her a plant. M:IBB Brickey bought the plant and took It over to her. I hope that Nell enjoyed the plant. We are very happy to have Nell with us agatn.-Jerrlne Fromm, 4th Grade Logan PULL FOB CBAKPIONSBIP We have got two basketball teama and Sophia Denholm Is one captain and the other Ia Katherine Idler. Sophia's team has won every game they have played. They have two more games to play. And we hope to get the champlonshlp.--Jean Bums, 6A Central ,..)._ Henrg C.Lvtton I Sons BfMmton Shop Ot»n Twadag, Thursday tmd Saturday Buening· On Wednelda.y, April 11, :Mrs. Ju:Uan'a room elected new omcera tor the Civics club. For president we elected Eleanor Shapiro : tor VIce president, we elected peggy McCabe; for treasurer, Betty Palenske and tor secretary, Phyllls Carleton. For the relief committee we elected Tom Antrim for chairman and hla helper Is Elmer Young. For the girls' relief committee, Emily Jane Qerber Is chairman and her helper Is VIvian Grigsby. For the program committee we elected Eleanor Ricks chairman and her helpers are Margery Simon, Billy Bowen, Ruth Sanderson and Everett Warshawsky. We also have elected a Home Work committee. They are :Mary Allee Hayes, Betty Smith, Locke Rogers, Richard Preston and Allee Ebeling. -Else von Relnsperg, 6A Central Civia Club Elects New Oflicen a Chainaa Glee Clubs Rehearse for Annual Springtime Concert The Glee clubs at Stolp are working very hard on the music for the Spring concert to be held at Howard school on May 13. The boys and girls Glee clubs from both Stolp and Howard will each sing two numbers. The orchestra directed by Miss Katherine Granquist will play several numbers also. ~Irs. A. n. Clark directs the glee clubs at Stolp and Mrs. Pearl Jones at Howard. -:-Emma Bickham, SA Stolp a.. aiMI J-:boo.-Chkaan OftiDalao aad Cuan:b-Ewn. . ; Howard School Stage Gets ita New Scenery Last week Howard school received Its much-needed set of scenery for the stage. One hundred and ten dollars were given by the Logan-Howard P. T. A. tor lt. Mrs. Pearle Jones, teacher of SA, made the purchase. The set Includes two solid, single doors, a double French door, and a French window. Set against the circular velvet curtain they present a ftne appearance. Howard Is going to purchase an outdoor set soon. -Lauretta Anderson, Howard SA. CANDY SALE NETS tl7.U The SC cla~ of Stolp gave a candy and. sandwich sale Thur~day morning. It was a great success as they made 117.63. At recess they sold sandwiches and hot dogs. Everyone bought some· thing and I am sure every one agreed that it was a SU<'Cel'-ls.-Helen Bower, SA Stolp. SB GIRLS' TEAll WINS Tuesday, April 24, 6B and 6C had a game. It was held In the gymnasium. Ruth Wllllams was the captain of the Wildcats which was 6B. Betty Hitchcock was the captain of 6C, which was the Cubs. 6B won by the score of 10 to 2. -Frances McNulty, 6B Central. I. I I r 'HOWARD WINS U TO 8 The Howard 6B had a game with St. Francis 6. April 19. We had a fah· umpire. The Howard pitcher was Frank Christy. The ftnal score was Howard 15, St. Francis, 8.-Bob H~rmanson, 6B Howard In Our Et~anston Shop Lytton Jr. Suits $1 : 5 Golf T1'ousers With Two LOGAN BEATS HOWARD The fourth grade boys played a baseball game with the Howard fourth grade boys Monday, April 16. There were nine Innings. The fourth grade Logan team won, the score was 36 to 11 In Logan's favor.-Bobby MacMoran, Grade 4, Logan GLAD TEACHER'S BACK Mrs. Julian the Reading and Language teacher has been l1l for quite a long time. She came back last Tuesday. We were all very glad to have her back and hope she will stay for the rest of the year.-Katherine Idler, 6A Central Hidden Points of Tailoring Make Them The Outstanding Boys' Value at E'D just like to show you how thoroughly these Boys' Suits are tailored. W The sturdy construction of the coat, the vest and trousers-the reinforcing of the pockets, buttons and seats, the quality of woolens, many "Cravenette Processsed" for extra wear. We don't forget style in Lytton Jr. Suits either. Full "plus 4" trousers, rich patterns in light shades-a masterpiece in Suit values at SIS. Others up to $35. CBAJ&IOT SPELLING BBE Our room had a chariot race in sl>elling. The class was divided into two groups, one Ben Hur and the other Messala. We had seven rounds of 100 points each. Messala won by 60 points.-Harry Hughes, 6B Central WILDCATS VICTORIOUS Last Tuesday, the 6B girls played basketball against the 6C girls ; tllat Is the .Wildcats against the Cubs. The Wildcats won ; the score was 11 to 0.-Marton Cracraft tC WINS FIRST GAME 6C Central ·played 6B Howard Thursday, April 26. 6C won by a score of 26 to 24. Frank Hardin and Jim Donahue traded places. They both took turns at shortstop. This i~ 6C's ftrst time to win a ball game this season.-Jack Slayton, 6C Central PBA.CTICE FOil FIELD DAY In gymn;u!,lum, we are practicing . for Field Day. We are going to do the Tarantella. There are groups of four. I am tn a group with one of my best frlends.-8ophla Denholm, 6C Central. -------- CAPS In variety, in smartness, in woolens and tailoring~~hese Boys' Caps lead the field at $2.45 --------- · · ··· ··