Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1928, p. 31

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sew· · ·· NQ»·· d Tu Game . Art Leape The clrla In the claas of 8C. played the -'rla In the clus of 8D In a baseball came last Monday, April Z3. At ftrst 8C was tar ahead of 8D and we thought they had no chance of catchIng up but they were up last In the last Inning and we certainly thought we were going to be beaten. 8D made quite a number of points In the last Inning ; It surely was a pretty close pull for us of 8C. The game was played fairly and squarely and along with the rivalry there Is a lot of fun mixed ln. 8C and 8D both showed good sportsmanship. The score was 22-19 In favor of 8C. 8C ·line-up was Virginia Buck, "Peggy" Harris, Thalia Little, l\lary· Jane Elder, Lois Boomer, and Rose l\larie Gash.Thalia Little, Stolp 8C. Thursda)·, the 19th of April, the Art League presented our room wlth a beau· tlful plctura. TheJ' gaye one to eacb room who had one hundred per cent membership. One hundred per cent membership means tbat every ehlld and his father and mother have jolnecl the Art League. The name of the picture Is "Chysanthemums" by Nauben. The colors are lovely. It has many ftgures of people with Interesting faces. I think tbey are Hollanders. There is a small dog in the picture who seems to be looking right at us. It makes our room more cheerful. We are very happy to get it.---Jeanne CUtler, fth Grade Central. .. ... PiCture to Grade 4 &Blf ~-Will On WedneiMJay, .Qr0 '11, " 18· Ceatnl and IC Central bad a pme. It wu ftl7 exciting. About half way throueb ~ game 6C was ahead u to 7 but m mad In the sixth lllblna and ,.... made several runs and In the seventh lnnlnc 8C made 2 runs. Paul Soule ma4e two homers. Score: 6B, 18 : 6C, 14. 6B 110 far ~ won two and loat two. gamea.Harry Minor, 6B Central . Sam Vandivert Moves to Home in Wheaton I ·· i I. .,. I I I Sam Vandlvert of 7B Stolp moved April 27. He has moved to Wheaton Illinois, where he will attend school. Th~ pupils of 7B were very sorry to see their friend and classmate go. While attendIng this school he has had a very good P.REDICT A WINNE.R record as a student. H e was also a good The boys of Miss Brickey's room are tackle at football. He is very sorry to going to have a baseball game with the go as he likes his classmates \'er:r much. boys of Mrs. Loftis' room. The captain -chester Hanson, 7B Stolp. of our team is John Spredes. He Is a very good captain. The captain of the DEEMS IT .REAL TREAT As I walked into the Stt'lP school Wed- Howard team Is Bobby Bumble. We nesday morning about 10 :30 o'clock there hope we can beat them. We played seemed to be a confusion and all the them once before and it was a very exWe had ins because we ~tudents were In the halls talking, laugh- citing game. were the visitors. The score was 15 mg. and eating. As I walked further to 16.-Harry Krames, Logan school. on I noticed several girls with baskets of sandwiches and one of them walked Pl.. A~ POEM CONTEST up to me and asked me to buy one, so The Howard eighth grades are to I did. She charged me ten cents but have a poem contest. There w111 be it was worth it. I thought the school was pretty nice to have girls go around prizes given. The pupils in the contest at recess and sell sandwiches but later are as follows : Lucy Murdison, Elaine on I found out 8C had a candy, sand- Alberga, Harriet Redfern, Betty .Jane wich and hot dog sale; It was a great Haigh, George Jones, Lawrence :Mcsuccess and they made $15.15 clear Hale, Alice Edmonds, Stephen Brooks, and Lauretta Anderson.-Don Pavlicek, proftt.-Rose Marie Gash, 8C Stolp 8B Howard. FETE G .RADS IN PARTY The 8C's of Byron Stolp school are gh·CENTRAL 'fEAM WINS ing a party for the whole eighth grade. Saturday, April 21, 6B played St. Tuesday, April 24th, we gave the invita- Francis 6. 6B only had four players. ·tlon to the eighth gradf'rs. We .hope They had to borrow some ftfth graders. they wlll all come for we want every St. Francis only had six players at the Soule last one of them. It Is to be Friday beginning but the rest came. evening at 7 :30 o'clock, April 27. It pitched and Cressy played catcher tor wlll be over about 9 :30 or 10:30. We 68. Ser played pitcher and McDaniels are counting on our mothers and fathers played catcher for St. Francis 6. 6B to help serve. We are going to have won 23-9.-Paul R. Soule, Jr., 6B Central games and we hope everyone will have TO GIVE ENTE.RT!INJIENT a good tlme.-Thalia LitHe, Stolp 8C Next Friday, April 27, the 8C class is giving an entertainment fo.r the rest of 8D WINS 4·! April 24, 8D-8A had a ball game which the eighth . grades at Stolp. The party was very exciting. As the players know is to be a,lven in the Stolp gymnasium the games only last seven innings, but and according to rumor there will be our game was a nine inning one. The no dancing, which will be a rellef to the score was a "dead" tie for three innings. boys and girls who do not know how At the end of the ninth Eber hit a to dance. There will be games played single. Soule walked. Saxon cracked out and I'm sure the eighth grades will ena double, which ended the game 4-2 in joy themselves.-Eleanor Culver, SA Stolp favor of 8D. 8D has won two games GIVEN F A.REWELL PA.RTY and loHt one. 8D plays 8C Friday afterThe SB Howard class gave a farewell noon, April 27.-Vance Soule, 8D Stolp party for one of their . classmates last Frida~-. We all had a very good time 7C WINS OVEB 7B and bate to see Paul Potter move away The 7C and 7B at Stolp had a baseball from us. He was one of the leading game Tuesday. 7C were up to bat flrst making eight members In the Dramatic club at the · poipts. The 7B were next to bat making Howard school, and was also a very ftne seven points. We played three innings, student.-Don Pavlicek, 8B Howard 7C winning 20-9. Both teams played bard. STABT FOU.RTH PAJIPBLET 7C players were Jane Moo!'e, Rosie Russo, We have just finished our third Social Esther McKeighan, Helen Winslow, Selma Science pamphlet and are starting our Wax, J.larlon Burtwell and Ella Jean fourth. We took the test at . the end Porter.-Selma Wax, 7C Stolp of the third pamphlet; the results were good.-June Kehl, 7A Stolp BOBCATS BEAT SLY FOXES Tuesday evening after school the Bobcats 6A In Mrs. Julian's room played the Sly Fox 6B In Miss Chase's room. The Bobcats won 11 to 0. The forwards were Allee Ebeling and Grete von Reinsperg In the flrst half and in the second half A BOYS' Eleanor Shapiro and Allee Ebeling. The WO"LD Bobcats also won the l!'ame that was played Monday night.-Alice Ebeling, 6A Central STOLP WINS 17·14 On April 24, Stolp 6B played 6C. We started playing without Paul Soule and John Bartholomew, who had to stay after school. Paul and Johr came out. Paul went Into the fteld and John played catcher. When Paul came up to bat, there was one man on· third. He hit a homer. Stolp won 17 to 14.-Wallace Crawford, 6B PLAY BA.SJLETBALL 68's Wildcats played a basketball game with 6C's Cubs last Tue8day, April 24. 6B's line-up was as follows : . Ruth \V1111ams, forward, captain :·· Frances Meguard : Esther Moraan, guard ; VIrginia Oakley, jumping center. Ruth Williams Nulty, forward; Frances - Schuman, made four baskets and Frances McNulty one. This making the score 10 to Z In AT'f-END CONVENTIONS· The past week the varioua te'achers of favor of the Wlldcata.-FI'Iihces Schu· ' Stolp have gone to conventions. Mrs. man, 8B Central Clark went ftrat to a 'Music convention, Mrs. Larson substituted. Then Mrs. LI:KES CU.RBENT E ,.J ;t;NTS Vernon went to a Social Science conIn our room, every Friday we have vention, and Mrs. Clark being back by this time, 1\lrs. Larson again substi- Current ev~n~ The ·Civics club pays tuted. Then Miss Perrlng went to a for them. They hav~ many Interesting Grammar convention and Miss Dryan things in them.-Sophla -Denholm, 6C ~ substituted.-Chester Hanson, '1B Stolp. Central. ha4 ..tbelt Cine ella tW __.,. other WedneecJay. We bad tbe ope. . and beard the .eeretary'a and tnuurer'a reportL Then we ba4 ol4 aD4 new bualne8L We then had the pro«ram. TOm Antrim tolcl Jc* , Blltv Bowen told about Wuhl...-!on'a -manbo04 an4 Bllly Kats tol dabout bl8 trtp to Green Lake. Tbe meeUIII' waa adJourned by the president, ,B leallor Shaplro.-Margery Simon, 8A Central. lA Wlli8 SHUTOUT . Last Tuesday SA and 6B played a .....-,; It wasn't much of a game for lA won the ~me 11-0. Some of the artr1e on the 6B team bad not played very many timeR before.-Reglna Swlrles. 8B Central ..........~ A»*D CIVIC CLlJH . . .., · ~ (MaN Jaaior Life 011 P - II) CAMP Onarga ;:u::~ ·~ lfear a,..aer, Wleeealla Por eatalope write to Tutorlnc for Individual Bo78 CAP'T C. ·H. LUDWICK oaarp ·mtai'J Sellool, O·~~~at Jlllllik Evening Art · Classes in Evan· s ton Each student follows a program arranged according to his or her ambitions and ability. Drawing from life, some evenings. Other evenings-evolving layouts for advertising, studying, color theory and practice, composition, design, symmetry and lettering. Carefully directed individual progress, under skilled tutorship. The beginner, the art ·tudent or the professional artist is welcome to join the classes Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings, 7 to 9:30. Tuition is nominal. Because instruction is individual it is possible to enroll at any time. Evening classes in Interior Decoration and Costume Design are also open at this time. The Day classes are in session Monday to Friday inclusive, 9:00 to 12:00 and ·I :00 to 4:00; Childrm's _s:lasses Saturday forenoon, 9:30 to 12:00. --~··· UIJ8 - . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . -~ . . ........ ........ 81laek· .. . tne lloa... Ia De ....... It_... ._. STAGE CONCERT MAY 11 rllbl. . . . . . "· ....... fend ...... The girls' and boys' Glee clubs are ......... ... lklafl . . . . ~aa-. working bard for their Spring concert. It Ia to be on May 11 at 8 o'_ c lock In the an IOJBO of De aetl'dUe8 ef WI aaltw evening. The school orchestra will plav and the glee clubs will sing. We all know It wl11 be a success and hope Jllalll b to ~., everybody turns out to see lt. The . . . . te ,....... tickets are 50 cents and Mn. Clark has Tnlaot ........., ··· te eaell fftl' charge of them.-Thalla Little, 8C Stolp " " - .... llean' ...... Ina Clll..... -------- . . . .... ...... .. tile --~ .~a.,, . . . . . . . . De 181aat1 Ia ann BaiY.Iq ··Ma· ~ .. nw....., ....... Jla7, School 'E xhibit May 17 to. 19 Inclusive· Summer School Begins July 9th. ........ --· ··- .........., ..... ····wn u_.... terv le···" - . THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CAilL SCHEPPLBR, Dindor BILLY VISITING G RI\NDMOTHER Billy Harvey of the Central school Is at hla grandmother's In Mobile, Alabama. The fourth wrote Central lettel't' to him.Helen Bane, grade 4th Grade, CHARLES A. KINNEY, Telephoat Gnealaf 1674 w--11ra. II. Tel. ......... 114 1111 111====::;===============-~==========lili::illll Carl10a Baildiaa Towtr, Cbarcb aad Orriagtoa

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