Yay 4. 1928 "Sella Healtho Circua" Comina to School Room · Taking the circu~ to the schoolhouse ts a new venture m heal~h education~~ tactics soon to be launched, accordmg to an announcement made this week . by Dr. Isaac; D. Rawlings state health director. Moving und~r the suggestive title of "Sells Healtho Circus," the scheme carries with it all the atmosphere and glamour of a real circus,. embracing everything from a gallopmg clown to the painted tent ftaps! and is calculated to captivate the mterest .of small boys and girls. Its purpose 1s to drive home an impressive lesson in dental hygiene. The fact that about 85 per cent of school c~ildren · carry dental defects of one kmd or a~other emphasizes the need of preventive effort. "The health circus is a new departure in educational methods and was desig~ed by Dr. Lon W. Morrey, state sup~rmtendent of mouth hygiene, primarily to teach dental hygiene " said Dr. Rawlings. "It is almost re;dy for service and will be demonstrated first before the annual convention of the State Dental society at Rock Island on May 8 and 9. The plan is to move it from school to school as occasion permits, where it will fit 'into a classroom and do its educational work by bringing into action as circus actors a dozen or more children. SERVICE TO MOTORISTS Am<?ng ~usiness enterprises serving motonsts m the United States are 250,000 filling stations, 53,000 storage garages and inde~ende~t repair shops, and 86,000 dealers serv1ce stations according to a bulletin receiyed b,.' the Chicago Motor club. Building permits in Illinois for the first quarter of 1928 totaled $104 417J , Chri&tia· SeiBIIeB Churchss "Everlasting Punishment" was the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, April 29. The Golden Text was' from Galatians 6: 1, "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." Among the citations which comprised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible : "Come now:, and Itt us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool" (Isaiah 1: 18). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passages from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health . with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: 11 lt is error to suffer for aught but your own sins. Christ, or Truth, will destroy all other supposed suffering, and real suffering for your own sins will cease in proportion as the sin ceases" (p. 391). ' COMPLETE DETROIT BRIDGE The Detroit International Bridge, : when completed, will constitute the first direct highway link between the l-fiddle \Vest and Canada. Rapid construction progress now being made indicates that the bridge will be ready for traffic considerablY ahead of schedule, according to -information received by the Chicago Motor dub. The structure, it is declared, will be the world's largest suspension bridge. Corn, hay, oats and winter wheat are the four major crops of Illinois. Make This a 1leal YACATIO Chicago aDk North Weitern offen you an incomparable variety of places tO 10 . and things to do. Let us help you plan your trip. 996. WRITE VACATION HEADQUARI ERS Let us show you how inexpensive a deUghtful western vacation can be. State the region in which you are interested and we wlll be pleased to furnish complete information and illustrated bookleti. .All These from COLORADO-CALIFORNIA PACIFIC NORmWEST Tile Worl.rs Creafesf T·~,.,., ··~·-· Which to·Choose YELLOWSTONE I oUers you aU lldsl Z daya OpeD lea. Dally duoup-traina to porta. Free 1lde trip from Toronto to Nlapra·Palll (foreteamahlp puaeapn), If deelred. A tea.ftMlte 400 mila aborter -aviD~ Two euv daya OD the beautiful St. Lawrence "water-bouleftl'd" -time to find your "~ea lese." 'lhe famout Canadian Padfic hoepitaUty md enm·nehlp. MaplficeothotebatoldFrench Servke-a1mt1 Ia 53 Europem . Montreal and Quebec-addinl dtiee. aDother country to your trip, And travel-epedalietl to brlo1 without added coet. you ebip plaaa, arranp ltlaer· Choice of 15 peat linen, In· ary, look after pUIJ'OI'tl, tra.. dudin1 the 3 deluxe Empreaa ellen chequa, reaervatlon1, and Z luaarioua 'new Duchaa everythlna. }111C phoae · ~ lhipl-aU pricel, all 1m,. writeR. S. ELWORTHY, Steamship GeDeral AaeDJ, ..mnp. portant porta, almolt dady Aal aboea& &corwl AU.E.Qaue T011n ao Yeflow·roae, Colonldo, Z i o a · Grand CoaJoa Ncalioacd Pear··· Ccalifonaid, P~ Nof'thwe·t dad AlculcG. ZION NATIONAL PARK GRAND CANYON JASPER NATIONAL PARK BLACK HILLS OF SO. DAKOTA WISCONSIN~ O'I.AKES ·M INNESOTA ARROWHEAD COUNTRY LOW-ERFAIES In eft'ect May IS aadJane I , with liberal 1topover prlvlleaea. Return limit October 31. Por lnformadoaucl ma.. tratecl bookleta of ~ you are mOlt iaterelled ill, apply Ticket Alf:llt. 411 7l East .Ja~kson Blvd. Telephone Wabash ltOt. Chleago or any loeal steamship agent. For freight apply to w. A. Klttermaster, G. w. F. A., The Booke17, Cllleago Canadian J>adfi( ------ ---------------------------