LIFE anaton, attended ae delegates from this conanca.UoD. The Illinois Spod will meet In Murphyaboro, IlL, May 16-18. Pastor Empson and Wllllam Melbye, . Sr., will be delegates to this convention. The attepdances have been very ftne In spite of the exceptionally ftne weather. It Is to be commended. It Ia well to have an hour with God before we go our various ways on the Lord's Day. Two new members were received Into the church Sunday momtng. They are :Mr. and M;rs. Paul Kler, 12ff Maple avenue. We welcome them Into our fellowship. · New members' reception dinner will be held sometime In May. The exact date wlll be ·announced next week. Watch the church calendar and WILIIIft'TB Lin for further announcement. We promise you a splendid dinner and a ftne evening's talk by some prominent minister or· layman of our church. The Women's Missionary society presented the church with a beautiful new Individual Communion Set for the use of the pastor In giving communion to the Ill and Infirm. By notifying the pastor of your Illness the day before the regular communion. you will receive it In your home on the same day as the others receive It In the church. We are very glad to be of service to you. When Ill or In trouble, call your pastor. Phone 4279. · IWWI&I _ _ _ , The Sunday school orchestra will ·be back on the job next Sunday. They are a big help in the music. The singing goes better with the orchestra. . Kenilworth Union Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road · · Kenilworth Dr. Herbert L. WIUett, minister Next Sunday morning at 11 Dr. Willett will preach on the subject, ·The Unseen Presence." The Young People's club will meet in the Assembly room at 6 o'clock. Light refreshments will be served, after which there will be a discussion hour, conducted by Mr. Carter, and a recreation period. On Wednesday evening at 7:15 the Sunday School council will meet In the Assembly room for a discussion of matters connected with the School, the survey of the lessons for the following Sunday, and other docket Items. At 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, Dr. Willett wlll give the fourth of the lecture-studies on "Ancient Prophets and Modern Problems." The subject will be, "Hosea: Domestic Morality." All are invited. On next Sunday morning a special offering will be taken for the Yengchlng University at Pekin~;', China, an Interdenominational Christian institution of education which has carried on its work without Interruption during the entire oorlod of the civil war, and is reaching a la~e body of students from all parts of China. It has two men's collee-es, a woman's college, and a theological seminary. It Is one of the most outstanding pieces of missionary educational work In the orient. On Sunday morning, May 13, the subject of the sermon will be, "The Spirit of MotherhOOd," a sermon for Mother's Day. CHARACTER AND THE CHURCHES NOBLER CHARACTER is essential to a BEITER CITIZENSHIP Better citizenship is much needed in this Chicago Metropolitan Region WORSHIP is an invaluab!e aid in developing THE NOBLEST CHARACTER The chur~hes of Wilmette are providing CREATIVE WORSHIP WORSHIP IN. ONE NEXT SUNDAY! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 First Scandinavian Ev. Church 886 Elm street, Winnetka Roy A. Thompson, pastor 809 Chestnut court (\VInn. 2304) Directory of Churches: Yrdmette EnP.Ia· Latheraa O.arch GrHniHI Awnu anti Sewntb &trHt RlfJ. Carl I. Emp10n 9:30 A. M. Sunday 4Jehool. 11 :® A. M. Morning worship. 5 :00 P. M. Young People's meeting. S·acJa,., May I St. Aapstiae's ...,II Il.fO Wilmette AYenae 7 :45 P. M. Gospel service. Rtv. Hubert CtUltton T·escla,.., Ka7 S::S·nda,., Ma,. 11 Uev. S. C. Ramsey from Moline, 111., speaking every evening at 8 o'clock, on the general theme, ··The Old Testament Tabernacle as a Type of Salvation Through .Jesus Christ," using a miniature model of the Tabernacle to lllustrate his messages. A hearty welcome to all who are Interested in th~ great theme of Redemption. "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord .Jesus Christ." (Rom. 5: 1). The ~Pd.tte Baptid Oaarch Fmt Co..,..egalioaal Oaarcll Lake and Wilmette ATea an - Fornt and Wilmette Annun The FU'It Presb,teriaa O.arch Ninth Strut and Gmnleaf Avenue ' R1r1. Gtorlll P. JlagiU St. Jolm's Lather· Cmrch Wilmette and Park ATIDDII RlfJ. Hnman W. lllfi· The Fmt Methodist Oaarch Lake aad Wilmette AYenua R111. HoriiCI G. Smith PalllilbN J Mrs. C. Seabrooke Marsh~ who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Woodcock, for a few weeks, is entertaining at their home, 503 Central avenue, on Saturday, in honor of Mrs. Harold BBY of the Auditorium hotel, Chicago. There will be several tables of bridge. ------ bv the lntercburcb Ad111rtiling CommittH. WiiiJJiitt Cbruch F~tnti.oa