Frocks and· Gowns Grmvilk Arcah 1124 Granville Avenue Chicago. Ill. ()ppolite Gtaoille EleVGted Stillion ) i) Tbt aausual , combination of having our own workrooms in conn«tion with a ready-to-wear shop makes it a pleasure to shop at ANNABELLE SHOP Oar special order dlpartmeat is operated for the womaa who finds it difficult to make selections from ready-to-wear stock. Here you may select style~ material and color. Drases made to measure, fit and workmanship guarantml. your own material used, if desired. Prices $25.00 and up i A group of students of. the National" Kindergarten and Elementary college represented various countries at the bazaar given by the International club, April 24. Twelve different countries are represented in the membe.rship of the club at the College, and the bazaar was held for the purpose of raising funds for the assistance of foreign students. The Armenian booth was attractively decorated with rare antique rugs by S. K. Jorjorian, manager of Lord's rug department, as shown in the picture. Standing in the · back row from left to right, representing the various countries are: Priscilla Carino (Philippine Islands), Johanna Schnuch (Germany), Lois Lehman (Japan-Missionary), Valborg Nyden (Sweden), Mildred Melone (China), Ann Barratt (Sweden), Penka Kassabova (Bulgaria), Alice Ling (China). In the front row, seated, beginning at the left of table: Lucy Aghajanian (Armenia), Madelyn Chen (China), Sere Nordin (Sweden), Vera Hunte (British West Indies), Evelyn Larcher (Czecho-Slovakia), Marie Schlipf (Syria), Mildred Pierce (India), Cora Morgan (India). CIVE LUNCHEON PROGRAM The Monocoans of E\·anston are The Women's societY of the \\"it- giving an informal dance at Shawnee mette Baptist church held its annual Country club this evening. -oluncheon yesterday at 1 o'clock. A special musical program was given by James Killen now is recovering from Mrs. Caroline Fuermann, soprano, and an appendicitis operation at the St. Mrs. Elizabeth \\"eixel. violinist. , Francis hospital. II IIIII IJIIIIIIIIJIIIIUIUIJIIfllllllillillllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,JUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJiJIIIJIIIIIUIIII111UIIIIIoUIIIJIIIIII11111111111111lllllillllllll?. ! r· I A free "ad" for the Banks of = · FROCKS Will Locate 6~4 Wihnette is an ever-present necessity of the times. There can be no economy unless every dollar is made to do full duty. · And every dollar is not doing full duty unless you avail yourself of the savings to be effected by acquainting your- . self with the values offered by the advertisers in this issue of ' WII..!-JETIE LiFE. Before you shop - read the Ads. And bank the difference! EcoNOMY DAVIS STREET, BVAMSTOM Wateb 1011 Opealag Date I'UBL OIL u A Corrtct Gttlde for Each Butnetn Two Bulk Plants-Eight Trucks operated ON the north shore to assort PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE . RAUB Baos. OIL 723 Oak Strett. Wiaattka Telephoaa Wiaaetb 3020 - Co. WILMETI'E LIFE 1 ul , ._.....,..........,..._ .......... ·.. ·";;.;";;,;;,'"ltll-.;;lltt;;;.'"'··*iiiii"";;;'";.;;;;"*iiiii";;,;"',;,;,:;"";;;III;,;:IIIMIIt=......,........===".....,="::::'u::,::lltlffl:':::'":::""::m·:::n·:,:::mw::u::::IUM:.:::'"':::":::"·::::mu::"':::!"'!:m·:::,:m·!!!!"'="u~uu~tu~ "Fof' Fuel-Use Oil" Highland Park 3196