.. , . The OIIL n from whom you ~ purchase Quaker Sta~ PrCKlucts · in the Wilmette, KenDworth, Winnetka, and Glencoe territory are the following: WILMETIE B.-.- Bros. Seniee Statioa Wilaette Aw. at Ridce There's ail extra quart in every gallon A sweeping daim, but easily proved. For, at the point where the refining of ordiDary Miller a . . . 732 IZtla Stntet Wihaette MOtor Sales SIS 4tla Skeet motor oil stops, QQ&ker State Medium Motor OD il riin 'Jbrough an additional, exclusive, auper-refining ptocess wbich takes out the non-viscoua content preaent KENILWORnl NO .DEALERS in ordiDary oils-more than 25% of the whole. That's why there's an eztra quart of lubricant in every ~allon of Qualcer State Medium Motor Oil. WINNETKA Abel BaHery A lpitioa Seniee . . n1 Elm Stnet Braun Bros. Senic:e Stat* Quaker State Medium Motor Oil is all lubricant-100%. That's. why it has made such remarkable performance records, and won the recommendation of the makers of our best-known cars, among others, Franklin, Wdla Ste. Claire, aDd Rolls-Royce. 7Z3 Oak Street Habhanl Woods Set wiee Statiaa 1111 Tower Road Weratecl Motor Co. 5IZ LiDCOia A···- GLENCOE G1ecoe Aato La.i 1 · m Park AweDM (nar) ~~ -·~-· OlLa·auiSES ---- BAUM BROS. OIL 7ZS OU Street, \V······ ...__W'aaetb ....ZI·ZZ CO~