. Rot.e·ber/1 Booits·tiJe N~ . u.-o eu Photo by Ray Last Friday and Saturday were circqs days on the campus of Northwestern university and one of the striking circus advertisements on Davis street was this window at Rosenberg's. ~e Floar, ~·.... SSG Miss M. Louise Robinson, art teaoher of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, was confined to her home several days this week by a severe cold. CBOCOLATB. Baker'a Ya lb. cake · .lfe 11e BLACK DIRT Teaalag Bolted PREIIUM Soda Cracken 2 for for 25e . SJuledd Wheat P.cka1e ............ aa4 BaaUag, WeD Kaaare, Lake 8aa4, Grad.lar - · PDUar. w-.-ue Ice a: 711 .... 81. P · ·BIBJl, Protdeter ····e WJbaeUe, · m. r.-. . Vaeeda Bl8ealt8 3 lie Saa-atop nak.. 1 for 19e \VALiftJft 8laelled ..... Raw. SI.ZS, ._ ..·..· 8fe bURS lbeUed