Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 May 1928, p. 6

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. nb iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~Andai . Five people were taken to the ~v anston hospital fpr me'dieal attention foUowi ·g a crash· on Hibbard 'l'oad Co·t in and · oat display of between Lake avenue and Glenview int, 9rin1 aad ····er pr-· · · . road between two f:ArS driven by· John ·tats. '. Nolsen of Niles Center, and James Dewitt, ~131 Sf;}liJI~r ~y~pue, Wilmette. The NolseQ car, being driven north road, and ~he ·D~witi car, on Hibbarct _ proceeding in the · opposite direction, Pb. Wil. 2401 1126 CtetraF A·'· Mrs. it i~ · iaid, ..crashed head-on. and Modes s ttarner· J Unique Style ·· ·S hop · Bower · a in the Nol- car, and Mr.· Noken -.ere taken to the hqspital by John Body and Officers Lewis Popple and Joseph Schmidt of the Wilmette police de;. pa&1ment while :Urs. D~witt J&Dd ~r. and Mrs. Roy Ebilaon, pass~ngers in the Dewitt car, were CObducted to th~ hospital by Joseph Everett aqd Mr. Dewitt. None is reporte4.' tq _hav~ been seriously injured. __ .. . . --~~---- . .. .. Mrs. Walter J. Gough ·of 619 Maple avenue and Mrs. George N. Lamb of 115 Woodbine avenue are entertaining the mothers of the third grade of the Laurel school at tea next Tuesday at the home of . Every Mother LOVES FLOWERS Sh~ Never Did Forget-You. ..·Remember Her On · MOTHERS' DAY No gift for Mothers' Day is more appreciated or symbolic than a gift of our lovely cut ftowers or a gorgeous blooming plant. .--. . We are known fort~ splendid ftowers we sell and the reasonable prices at which we sell th·em. . · A Most C~mplete Selection Is . The .Jt~9Qr. .· r91Lpgpils_, of the Byron C. Stolp public school for the past school month were announced this week. To have one's ·· R~me appear on the honor roll . the pupil must carry "V.G." . in .. spcial adaptation, have · no tardy ~arks, cariy "G" in ~cholarship, and h~ve no de~inquency during the month. Detinq~ency means work not prepared or having been a hindrance to one's ~l~ss. This l)onor: roll is for the p~onth ending April ZSJ Lucia Hollister, virginia Hawley, Frederick- Robinson. Frank Church, Betty Wilson, Georgia !\lice Vosburgh, Ann Boyd Linn, He.en Bq:wer, Mary Jane Thomas, Mary Ju~e Mdler, Harry Kinne, Harriet Lea~h, Emma Bickham, Ellen Cozzens, · llarg-aret ~W e g n e r, Eleanor Culver, ~liza~eth 'Balhatchet, Helen Jones, Rennold~ Ostromt_.Fost~~ Bennett.· Wilbert Kunz, Janet Henson, H a r.o I d OsbOrn, Arthut Weldon1 Eduard Bristol, L1,1dlle D·a hI berg, Henry Crawford, Paul Will;ams, Robert Young, John ~ipperich; Junia White, Mary Thaleg,. Dotis Tansi11, Ruth Schuman. ··Arnold Sol)el, · George 0 u i n-4 an, Frank Polzin," Frederick Picard, June Orwifi, Janet' Mcllraith. Mazie ldouat, Jacinta Kampmeier, Hu~ter King, HugJt' Saxon, Helen Taft, Palmya Lee Burnee, Donald Matthews, Colin Finlayson, Doris Ingham, Irene Christophel Dick Ot!lesbee, Caroline Preston, Margaret ' Harris, Eleanor Zemek. Bob Leonard. · Sam Vaudivert, Selim Tide man, Richard Pickard, Janet McNulty, Laurence Buckmaster, M a r j or i e Houghton, Ruth Witk·ins, Helen Winslow, Selma Wax. Rosie Russo. Ella Jean Porter, Allison Burge, Eileen Burke. Frances Ellis, Jane Engel. June Kehl. Pauline Kehlin~. Eleanor Moulding. Marjorie Seuhold. Elizabeth Tucker." Frank Eatler, Geor~e Facht, Robert · Fletcher, Robert Werden, Charles Sundlof. Sue~est Retention of W. A. Shaw as Grade Separation Engineer Now -~eady .· . NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ... .· Tulip;- Geraniums- Roses- Spireas :·. · ·.Pelarga~ums - Hydrangea - Snapdragons · Delphinium - S~eet Peaa Spring · Bouquets Corsages : . ,. . . .. . .R:~dge Road ~nd Isabella St~ ·-· ~- · Telephone .. Wil~et~e _ 3300 . · ·- ·· - Prampt -Ddi.,ery Smice ; The special committee, composed of representatives of the various munidoalities from Evanston to Highland Park, appointed for the purpose of working in the interest of the Villages toward grade separation, met at the City club in Chicago at noon last Wednesday. A committee of the committee. composed of Henry F. Tenny of Winnetka, Winfred D. Gerber of Glencoe .and Paul A. Hoffman of Wilmette, reported to the committee that they stood ready to recommend the retention of Walter A. Shaw by the municipalities in connection with the preliminary work that is necessary before the case can be hrought up before the Illinois State Commerce Commission. Mr. Shaw, it was pointed out, has heen active in engineering work since 1891. He ·was for more than twenty years the enJrineer for the Rid~e avenue and North Shore Park district. He ~a~ cllief engineer for the intercepting sewcar·s of the City· of Chicago and later t'hief engineer under th~ commissioner of public \\'Orks, Joseph Medill Paterson, during the term of nffir,e of M' ayor Dunn of the City of Chical!o. Immediately following this he becamt" president of the American En&rineprin~ and Construction Co., frQJll. which _office b~ resigned to he,.on-tP the engineer member of the Pt1blic Utilities commission under Gov.. H e was reapDO.inted awl setnd _ hrhlg the· term· of &w. Lowden. · . . . ~-.

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