Exclusive Yet Home-Like RESIDENCE that com. mands respect, an exclusive environment, a luxurious home where a trained and courteous staf attends your every want. 8XHIBIT MOUI IIODELS · During this week and next the attractive house and garden models made by Mrs. Jone Lind of Kenilworth for the New York Garden show and Chicago's Second Annual Flower and Garden show at the Hotel Shennan are on exhibit at Lord's store in Evanston. Mrs. Lind, whose home is at 316 Richmond road. is embarking upon a career as landscape designer and consultant on garden accessories. 0 A Why not an Orrington home this ·Spring and Summer? Single rooms or suites some furnished and with kitchenettes. A few are available, now, delightfully cozy and home-like. As a benefit . for ·the Eastern Star organ fund, Evangie Lee Morgan will give a reading of "The Return of Peter Grimm" in the Wilmette Masonic temple at 1010 . Central avenue. by W. Mrs. Morgan will be assisted _ G. ~organ, vocalist, and Myrtle Hopkins, organist. Selections will be ren_dered by a trio consisting of Myrtle ' -aHopkins, organist ; Corinne Sanderson, OBERLIN GROUP MEETING violinist; Robert Sanderson, 'cellist. The North Shore Oberlin Woman's The public is invited to attend the afclub will meet with Mrs. Marshall fair, for which a small admission fee Galloway, 810 Ingleside .Place, Evans- .will be charged. ton, Monday, April 30, at 2 :~ o'clock. SPOKE TO GIVE MUSICALE Mrs. W. C. Reinhold of U)05 Ashland Spoke Ten of the Wilmette Presbyavenue was given a surprise birthday terian church is presenting Mrs. luncheon at the Wilmette Woman's Emelie Cavan Cruz, native Filipino · exchange Tuesday of tliis week. The artist, in musical interpretation given menu was very artistically served by in native costumes, with Mrs. Willis Miss Ella Waidner. Those present Berblnger, assistant artist, Thursday, were Mrs. H. E. Poronto, Mrs. Lee May 3, at 2 :30 o'clock, at the home of English, Mrs. Horace Smith, Mrs. Mrs. H. F. Riley, 730 Lake avenue. A Fred Proctor. Mrs. Walter Baldwin, tea will follow the musicale. Mrs. Cruz and Mrs. Albert Ackermann. has been enthusiastically received in -othe programs she has given before Mrs. Otto Lorenz of 220 Greenleaf several Cfaicago clubs. avenu~ entertained as her guests at luncheon and bridge Tuesd~y, seventyMrs. Richard Cody, her daughter, five members of the National Woman's Mrs. George D. McCormick, and the Order of Druggists. Her guests were latter's two little children, who have wives of retail druggists of Chicago. been in Florida since the first of the -oyear, are expected home Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. W. Harlan Cattin of will spend the summer in the McEvanston, and their two small daugh- Cormick home in Winnetka. ters, have moved to 132 Central Park -oavenue this week. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cole are giving -o-up . their apartment in Evanston and Mrs. John Welton Fisher, Jr., of will stay with the latter's sister and 826 Greenwood avenue entertained her brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Reading club Wednesday at luncheon. Campbell, at 815 Lake avenue, until their new home at 593 Arbor Vitae PAINTERS AND DECORATORS road, Winnetka, is completed. -oCall Hlchland Park 181 and our Eatlmator will eall at ~ur convenMr. and Mrs. C. L- Keith of 222 Ience. Ninth street spent the week-end of April 21 visiting Mr. Keith's aunt, Rea. Phone g 97 Mrs. J. H. Hume, at her home in '------------~ Champaign, Ill. FULSANG I ROTH I. RI:D.LB A.- for ALLIED VAN LINES Lo.a Diataaee MOYen SH~ MONEY North Shore Garden Service VALLEY VIEW FAU&-Wat Lake Ave., near Waukqan Road-GLENVIEW STOBAGB UlliftnitJ' . . ='·Lie S N. Haw tuD4a to loan oa cbolce liDNorth Bhon Baburllul nepropert.J' at ~~ ~ IDtenat. Bee ua on renewal& E. G. . . . . . . . Co. St. M· 1251 LAST WEEK OF BARRY'S REMOVAL SALE After May I st. we will move to our new store. 806-810 Grove Street. Building and Conattuction of HOME GARDENS PARKS PLAYGROUNDS TENNIS COURTS GOLF COURSES FLAGSTONE 'SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS. ETC. S,_;.llfl: BUY FLOOR COVERING NOW This is a real removal sale, where QUALITY and PRICE mean much to the buyer. BlfiCk Soil 11.00 truckload deliuered. TtltphonH: GLENVIEW 181J-1 and 141-J DAVID G. BARBY · Cleaning and Rrepairing . 514 DAVIS STREET UNIVERSITY 5712 AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN 572"-6" CONSTRUCTION interest for loans on homes REFINANCING RESIDENCES. STORES. APARTMENTS IOJDS, DIIZUS 6 KUDI . , . . . . . . . ..........ta I I Soatb La Salle 8tnet. Cb~tnJ 2990 B.,_, P·i ....._ R. F. Kab-. l:aj Liacola Aw.. H. P. 1l'o