Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 63

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Wl.LVETTE ·LIFE : Judg~ ..Alletrelli · tQ Be Speaker at .·Father-Son Dinner Local ~ool Teachen to The annual 'father and son banquet at New Trier High school will be held next · Thursday evening in the mess hall of school at 6:30 o'clock it was announced this week. . ' . The P.rincipal speaker of the evemng wdl be ] udge Allegretti of the Juvenile court of the City of Chicago Judge .Allegretti will relate some of hi~ experiences in connection with juvenile delinquents. An elaborate program has been arranged for- the banquet which it is anticipated will be attended by more than 500 boys and fathers. Every New Trier boy will be present and will bring his dai:l or a substitute · in case his ?'Yn father is unable to attend. In addttton to the musical program which will consist of numbers by th~ Boys' Glee club, violin solos by Edward Fowler and piano solos by Norman Hess, the principal toasts of the evening will be given by Elmer Rich "What I Think of My Father" and ~ response by his father, Elmer 'A. Rich of Wilmette. A dancing act will also be featured. mg of the board of education by which a total of $6,000 was added to th budget for salary increases The average increase is about $100 p~r Y _ e and the average salar in th e~r, mette schools will be 'te. Wdplained Th . ,850 ff' · ts ex· e mcrease a ects only gra d e sc1 1001 teachers, not taking into account the superintendent of schools nor the Playground director it is pointed out ' Th · . . e tentative budget for next year, rcvte~ed by the board at its recent meetmf?, totals $208,250. This year's ~xpendttures .totalled $213,500. Income rom ta~es wdl be $226,173.60. The de~rease m budget for next year is it~C:::ght {bout_by the f~c~ that several repatr, addtho~- .of new .s 0 equapment and work on b~tldmgs and g~llunds were necessa~y thts Yt:ar that \\t ,not have. to be mcluded m next year s expendttures. ~ordance with action taken at a meet- New Trier Debilte ReceiVe Salary lncreuea · r eam p reparetJ for . Each member of Wilmette~s staff of SIXt~-five p~blic sch<?ol teachers will Extensive. .. Schedule rcceave an mcrease an ~alary in acU /J APPROVE BOND _ T_ h e Board of':Trustees of the North, Shore Mosquito Abatement district formally approved the . bond of $15,000 . Ch n~er MtheL supervtsaon of . . Coach submitted by the treasurer. Paul A. · 'b tes er ~c ean, the New Traer de- Hoffman . of Wihnette, at the meeting ~tersAarh ready to face their oppon- of the board last Wednesday night. e~vy sche~ule has been aren s. banged,Thhach pr~mtses to keep them OF THE OWBBB8BIP, "usy. e questton to be .debated is:_ STATEMENT AG BilEliT, CIBCULA.TIOB, JITC.,. Rf e~h _ olved, that the essen~tal features IIAN REQUESTED BT THE ACT o· ~OK· o t e McNary-Haugen bdl should be . GRESS OF AUGUST 14, ltU. enacted into federal law " Of the Wtlmette Llfe published weekly R · ·· at Wilmette, Ill., for Airll 1, 1928. ffi epre~entt!lg New T~ter . on the 9TATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF COOK SS. a( rm~hv)e stde are : Rolltn Stmmonds Before me, a Notary Public In and for captam ; Robert Forester Duncan the State and county aforesaid. personalClarke, Fred Fielding, and Jeanne ly appeared Lloyd Hollister, who h&YIDc Baumgard (alternate) while on · the been duly sworn according to law, denegative side are: Frank Gilchrist poses and say'J that he Is the Bualne88 Manager of Wilmette Life and that the (captain); David Schmid, Park Cham- following is to the best of his knowlecJse berlain, Peggy Galagher, and Alfred and belief. a true statement of the ownRomig (alternate). ership, management (and If a dally the circulation), etc., of the aforeCoach MacLean is confident of suc- paper, sal~ publication for the date shown In the cess from this selected group. A above caption, required by the Act of tentative schedule of meets is pre- August 24, 1912, embodied in section 441, Laws and Regulations, printed on· sented herewith: Urbana, Ill., April Postal the· reverse of this form, to wlt: _ 20; Austin, Ill., May II ; South Bend, 1. That the names and addreasea of Ind., May 17· Cleveland Ohio May the publisher, editor, managing editor, ts.· ' ' ' and business managers are : The team plans to present its case before a group of farmers at Union Grove, Wis., some time this spring. It appeared before the Wilmette Rotary club Wednesday of this week. Publisher, Lloyd Holllster Inc. (A Corporation). 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. ; Editor, Erwin W. Weber, 500 6th St., Wilmette. Illinois ; Business Manacer, Lloyd Hollister, 1129 Cherry St., Wln· · netka. 2. That the owners are : (Gtve names and addresses of Individual owners, or U a corporation, give Its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) Lloyd Hollister Inc. (A Corporation), · 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, m · Lloyd Hollister, 1129 Cherry St., Winnetka, Ill. ; E. R. Ladd, 2404 Harrlaon Ave., Evanston, Ill.; Robt. D. Rodenber&', 635 N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, IlL; David Nelson S21 Elmwood Ave., Wll· mette, Ill. ; F. I .. Bateman, '135 Michigan Ave., Wilmette, Ill.; Gustaf Nelson, 849 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. ; E. C. Welsaen· berg, 965 Elm St., Winnetka., Ill. ; lL D. Hill, 801 Walden Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; ~..rank A. Wllson, 1118 Central Ave., Wll· mette, Illlnols, ; Harry Lynn_ 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth, Ill.; Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka, IlJ. : Elmer E. Adams, 8'13 Oak St.~ Wmnetka, Ill.; Earl L. Weinstock, 1323 As~ bury Ave., Winnetka, Ill. ; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. ; A. C. Woltr, 801 Park Ave., Wilmette, Ill.; R. H. Schell, 800 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. : A. M. Levy, 6 North. Mlchlgan Ave., Chicago, Ill.: Thos. J. Lynch, 564 Ll~coln Ave., Winnetka, Ill.: B. W. Blow, lOCH Elm St., Winnetka, Ill. : A. K. M:estjian, 511 Main St., Wilmette, Ill. : S. D. Rodenberg, 635 N. T~kwood Ave., Chicago, Ill. ; E. C. Rodenberg, 635 N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.: N. G. Hotze, '149-lfth St., Wilmette, Ill.; C. H. Sherer, Glenview Road. Wilmette, Ill. : Wm. Lan~e. 4736 N. St. Lc:iuls Ave., Chicago, Ill.: E. W. Weber, 500--5th St., Wllmette. Ill.: P. B. Kohlsaat, Orrington Hotel, Evanston, Ill. : Edward Zipf, 24, 3 Warwick Rd., Kenilworth, Ill. ; M. A. Sorenson, 9'1! Allh St., Winnetka, Ill. ; E. A. Fitch, 1033 Elmwood, Wllmette, Ill. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owntn~ or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds. mortages. or other securities are : (If there are none, _ so state)--None. · 4 That the two paragl'aphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stockholders. and security holders. If any, contain not only the list of stockholders and ~ecurlty holders as they appear upon the books of the comoanv but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trm~tee and In anv other fiduciary relation, the name of the -person or corporation for whom such trustee Is acting, Is given: also tl:tat the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing afllant'A fu11 knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of t'-e company as trustees, hold &took and aecurltles In a capacity other than that of a bona flda owner; and this aftlant bas no reason to believe that any other person, association, or corporation has any interest direct or Indirect In the said Atock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. 5. That the average number of copies ,.,., each ISBUe of this uubllcatlon sold or rll~rlbuted, through the malls or .otherwise, to paid nbscrlbers during the six months preceding the date shown above fq.-(Tbls lnfonnatlon Is required from daily publications only.) LLOYD HOLLISTBR. (Signature of editor, publisher, buslnees man..-er. or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of April, tiJ8. (Seal). ' C. B. ROTZII, My commiBSlon expires March 14, tnt.) Mestjian Bros. Conduct 20th Anniversary Sale The twentieth anniversary of the opening of a rug sales and cleaning establishment for the north shore is being celebrated by Mestjian Bros. this week in a special sale of all types of Oriental. Chinese, and domestic rugs at 511 Main street. Singularly enough, the anniversary marks also the expansion of the salesroom to exactly double the former capacity and the increase. of the facili!ies fo~ the handling of the constantly mcre!}smg volume of trade. It also marks the addition of even a still larger stock of rugs of all types than has been carried in the ·past. M. K. and A. K. Mestjian first established a business in Evanston twenty years ago. Since that time they have ~teadily built up their trade until they now not only have one of the finest rug establishments on the north shore but also operate one of the largest rug cleanin!! plants in this vicinity. Budget items which will be increased next year are : S<'hool board office from $6,000 to $6,250 ; janitors' salaries $15 000 to $16,000; and bonds, $11 000 to' $16 000 Ite,ms which will be . decr~ased over 'this Year s figures are : repairs, replacements, and insurance_ from $11 000 to $6 000 building and grounds, from $12 ooo to $8,000 ; and new equipment fro-..{ $5 500 to $3,000. ' ' Budget items which are the same in both estimates are : superintendent's salary, $6,000; health office, $5,000 ; text books and supplies, $8,000 ; fuel water and light, $12,000 ; and interest, ' $12,000. The above figures are approximate It is explained. · ' High School P. T. A. to ·Elect Officers at Meeting May 15 The Executive committee of the New Trier High school Parent-Teacher association held a meeting on Tuesday evening of last. week for the purpose of making nominations for the various offices of the association, the election of which will take place at the final me· e ting of the year on May 15. The nominations of the executive committee are as follows: president. S. J. Duncan-Clark of Wilmette ; vicepresident, Mrs. Clementine McAllen of GJencoe ; Senior chairman, Mrs. Gilbert Kelley of Kenilworth : Junior chairQlan, Mrs. ]. D. Enrich of Glencoe ; and Sophomore chairman, Sidney Bartlett of Winnetka. The chairman of the freshman group is not appointed until after the opening of school in the fall and is selected by the executive committee elected the previous May. Plans for the May 15 meeting .were also discussed and Supt. Frederick E. Clerk was asked to be · the principal speaker of the meeting. His address will be on the subject, "The Intellectual, Moral and Physical Character of High School Students." A resolution was passed by the executive committee providing for the alignment of the association with the National Parent-Teacher association. Mrs. James M. Sheldon of Glencoe was also appointed as delegate to the meeting held in connection with the sessions of the Lake Shore division C'f the Illinois State Teachers' association at Waukegan last Monday. The members of the present executive committee. who will retire following the elections on May 15, are : presi-. dent. Mrs. A. E. Philbrick; vice-president. Mrs. T. E. Lannon; Senior chairman, Mrs. ]. M. Sheldon; Junior chairman, Mrs. B. Crowe; Sophomore chairman, Mrs. L. H. Roach; secretary and Freshman chairman, Mrs. F. G. Kane. Mosquito Abatement Board Authorizes Truck Purchase Trustees of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement district authorized the purchase of four International trucks, equipped with 300 gallon air p~essure ~anks for spraying, at a spectal meetmg of the board at the Wil~ette Village hall last Wednesday mght. The trucks will be delivered in about two weeks and will be utilized in spraying the catch basins in each of the villages of the district once every ten days. They will also be used in spraying stagnant pools and ditches throughout the area and will be started out as soon as weather conditions permit. A report by William Edwards, district superintendent, was received in which he called attention to the poor drainage conditions · of ditches and streams throughout the district. Mr. Edwards stated also that the outlets under many of the bridges are too small to allow the water to drain properly. The trustees will make a tour of the district with Mr. Edwards next Sunday morning in order to have definite data upon which to base their actions. + Snider-Cazel Co. Makes Extensive Alterations Patrons who stepped into the Snider and Cazel Drug store at 1167 Wilmette avenue this week were immediately aware of the marked change that has been wrought in the appearance of the interior. Particularly true was · this whe.n the visit happened to be made in the evening. A careful observance of the various features of the changes which have been made disclosed that a complete new system of lighting fixtures had been· installed and that the south side of ·the room had been equipped with a new set of modern display cases. These cases are of particular interest because of the lighting system which has been built into them. The lights are placed in the upper front of the case and reflect a soft glow of light down upon the contents. A new line of toilet articles has been placed on display in one of the cases while a complete line of sport articles grace another. A perfume display is contained in a third case. North Tenth Street Improvement is Made The unpaved section of Tenth street between Chestnut street and Sheridan road has been temporarily conditioned for travel by the ~ddition of a coating of gr~vel. The work was done by Township Highway Commissioner ]. A. Williams. who announces he will continue to maintain it in a passable condition until permanent improvement is order,ed. ELECT SCHOOL OFFICIALS Twenty votes were cast in the Wilmette school election, held last Saturday. Enoch Steen was re-elected as presidedt of the school board to succeed himself and Henry C. Cutler and Ralph Durham were elected board members. In the Kenilworth election, a white ballot was cast for Arthur T. Mcintosh as board · president and Harry Weese ~~d ~iss Barbara Erwin as board members. MRS. ELLEN NELSON DIES Funeral services for Mrs. Ellen Nelson, who passed away on April 13, were held last Monday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Gauger, at 229 Linden avenue, Wilmette. In addition to her daughter, Mrs. Nelson i1 survived by · a brother, Olaf Jack100. and a sister, . Mrs. Sadie. Johnatone~ · ORDERS SIGNS REMOVED A resolution was passed by the Kenilworth Village board at its meeting on Thursday of last week providing for the sending of notices to an owners of bill-boards of more than 12 square feet in area within the Village limits that unless the boards had been removed within ten days they would be talcen down by the Village.

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