Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 62

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~ WILM~T-TE LIFE ·- April 20, 1928 Advertisements (Continued from ~age 61). Ill FOR 8ALE-RSERLD. GOODS FOR SALE-IVORY FULL SIZED BED, box mattreaa, chlfforobe dressing table and bench, nap, ma.h. dtnlng set, must be .-old at once, great sacrifice. Can be seen at Warble Storage Co., 621 Main St. Ph. Wilmette 3826. 100LTN30-1tp FOR . S ALE TWIN BEDS, CHIFFONIER and chairs, chaise longue, secretary, enameled day bed new, needle work bench, painted fire screens, lamps, kitchen and glass ware, ornaments, real bargains. Ph. Glencoe 1169. 100LTN30-1tc LARGE DINING TABLE $20, MAH. time clock $7, china cabinet $10, ml:.;c. dishes and kitchen utensils . $15, polychrome mirror, $15. 6915 Magnolia. Ph. Edgewater 1821 evenings. 100LT30-ltc FOR SALE-9 PC. OAK DINING RM. set $60, Ice box $.15, 3 pc. leather set $20, 1 brass bed $15, slldlng couch and mattress $10. 346 Greenleaf Ave. 100L30-ltc FOR SALE-'15 LB. ICE BOX ALMOST new and Reliable gas range, day bed, breakfast set, Simmons twin bed, lawn mower. Ph. Glencoe 405. 100LTN30-ltc ---------------GAS STOVE, ICE BOX, TABLES, Iron bed, fire box and screen, misc. articles. '13111th St. Ph. Wilmette 2908. 100LT30-1tp FOR SALE-GRAND PIANO, BRASS bed, cot, mah. dresser, Chippendale dining rm. set. Ph. Kenilworth 1889. 100LTN30-ltc WILCOX AND GIBBS ELECTRIC sewing machine-$25. Mahogany upright plano and seat $25. Tel. Wlnn. 1861. 100LTN30-ltp SEEGER ICE BOX, WHITE ENAMEL. ZOO lb. capacity. Perf. cond. Price $35. Tel. Wlnn. 804 or Wlnn. 1301. 100LTN30-ltc. LARGE ASSORTME~T FURNITURE sold at great reduction. Big bargain in rare antiques. PI\. Winnetka 192. 100LTN30-1 tc PORCH RUGS AND WILLOW FURNIture ; one baby bassinet. Tel. Wino. 1088. 100LTN30-ltc DINING ROOM TABLE WITH SEVEN chairs ; 2 rug8, 8x10 and 10x13. Tel. Wino. 2008. 100LTN30-ltc FOR SALE - CHEAP - DARK OAK dining room set, table, buffet, 6 chairs. Tel. Winn . . 2630. 100LTN30-ltc FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNItqre and window shades. 22 Prouty Annex. Tel. Wino. 2256. 100LTN30-ltc FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED, SPRING and mattress. Ph. Wilmette 3429 or call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 100L25-tfc PARLOR SUITE, DIN. RM. SET, TWO bedroom suites, kitchen table. Call at 112 Central Park Ave. 100L30-ltp ACORN GAS RANGE IN GOOD COND. $10. Ca11 Sat. or Sun. 329 Fairview Ave., Wlnn. 100LTN30-ltp ltl WTD. TO .8UT-B8BRLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND fumlture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev·naon, Dl. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc ttl FOB SALE-MISC. BALDWIN BABY GRAND-HERE JS an ·unusual opportunity to purchase a · ftne 11,200 plano In perfect condition for leu than half. Owner leaving city. II'. A. Rye, 1015 Chestnut Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wilmette 330. 102L30-ltc Ol.1TDOOR SUMMER HOUSE 10x12. Jl'loored and gcreened. . Can be moved eaally. 1 yr. old. Cost $120 and mov~ ln«. $Z5 or best ofter. Ph. Wilmette Z548. 102LTN30·1tc :J'OR SALB-SUKIIER AND EVENING 4Naea, attractive aport hats of colored felt. Z11 Warwick Rd. Ph. Kenilworth 1110. 10Z~0-1tc BmiNNBR'S - - . three quarters slse. VIOLIN. NOTES AND Wlnn. 2964. 102LTNSO-ltp 8AJDIOCK COUCH SWING $16, REED ,.......,. 11. 1'107 Walnut Ave·· Wll. · 102LT30-ltc eel· of land ·fn· ..rd orillnance speclftecl, In· the VIIIM8 of Wilmette, Cook Co-un , VILLAGE OF WILMETTE ty, DUnola, the or41D&Dce for the same BEAUTIFUL TAUPE CARPET RUGS, being on ftle In the ·oftloe of the VIllage 1!xl8 and 10x11, Oselte lining, library SPECIAL A8SESSIIENT NO. 117 Clerk and aald VIllage having applled of standard wood, ftne collection, 8 to the County Court of Cook County for sec. book cases. Pier mirror, half size NO'l'ICE is hereby gtven to all per- an asse88Jilent of the coats of said 1mviolin. Ph. Wilmette 1134. 102L30-ltc sons interestecl that the President and provements, according to benefits, and Board of Trustees of the VIllage of an aaaell8ftlent therefor having been GREY-BAR ELECTRIC IRONER. GOOD Wilmette, In the county of Cook and made and retumed to said Court, as new $'10, mah. library table $6. State of llllnols, having ordered that Docket No. 224, the ftnal hearing therethe roadway between the gutter flags on wlll be had on the 'lth day of May, 1635 Spencer Ave., Wllmette. 102LTN30-ltc of Fifteenth Street and .of intersecting A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the streets to the outer Une of Fifteenth business of the court will permit. All INSTANTANEOUS HOT WATER street excepting the Intersection . of 1 persons desiring may file objections In heater 1 yr. old. Cost 1100. Moving. Lake 'Avenue from the south line of said court before said day and may apSpencer Avenue to seven teet north of pear on the hearing and make their deMake offer. Ph. Wilmette 2546. 102LTN30-ltc the south line of the first alley north fense. of Elmwood A venue to the west of Said ordinance provides for the payth Street in 'the VIllage of wn- ment of said assessment In (ten) InFOR SALE-GIRLS' CLOTHES FOR Fift camp: bloomers, middles, etc. Size 10 met:.~ Cook county, Illlnols, shall be stallments, with annual Interest therepaved with sheet asphalt and otherwise on at the rate of six per cent per and 12. Reas. Ph. .Winnetka 243. 102LTN30-ltc Improved the Ordinance for the same annum. being on' file In the offtce of the Vlllage Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 19th FOR SALE-SIMPLEX IRONER, GOOD Clerk and said VUlage having applied day of April, A. D. 1928. condition, bargain. $35.00. .Ph. Wil- to the County Court of Cook County CHARLES N. EVANS, mette 1068. 102LTN30-ltc for an assessment of the costs of said Person appointed by the Preslimprovements, according to benefits, and dent of the Board of Local Im FOR SALE-GAS RANGE IN GOOD an assessment therefor having been provements of the Vi11age of condition. 140 Linden Ave., Glencoe. made and returned to said Court, Wilmette Cook County, Illinois Ph. Glencoe 1398. 102LTN30-ltc Docket No. 227, the final hearing thereon to make' said assessment. wlll be had on the 7th day of May, L30-2tc RADIOLA NO. 28 LIKE NEW, COM· A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the plete A. C. operation. Reasonable. business of the court wlll ~rmlt. All Ph. Kenilworth 2656. 102LT30-ltc persons desiring may tile objections In VILLAGE OF WILliETTE court before said day and may apFOR SALE- KIMBALL PLAYER said pear on the hearing and make their PROPOS.~LS plano, like new. 60 classical rolls. Ph. Wilmette 2948. 102LTN30-ltc defense. Said ordinance provides for the payFor constructing and insta11lng a main FOR SALE - TYPEWRITER VERY ment of said assessment in ten (10) In- water supply pipe and service pipes In stallments, with annual Interest thereon cheap. Ph. Glencoe 1148 evenings. Miami Road and other roads and streets 102LTN30-tfp at the rate of 9ix per cent per annum. In the Village of Wilmette, Cook CounDated, Wilmette, Illlnols, this 19th ty, Illinois, l ENAMELED BASINETTE, FULL day of April, A. D. 1928. (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 222) CHARLES N. EVANS, sized, good condition. Cheap. Ph. Wilmette, Illlnois, April 19th, 1928 Person appointed by the PresiGlencoe 1379. 102LTN30-ltp Sealed proposals for constructing and dent of the Board of Local Im- lnstalllng a main water supply pipe In provements of the Vtllage of Miami Road POOL TABLE COMPLETE, $50. PH. from Iroquois Road to a Wllmette, Cook County, Illlnois, point Sunday, Wilmette 1961. three hundred and fifty (350) feet 102LTN30-1tc to make said assessment. L30-2tc north and lnstalllng service pipes connected with said water mains when laid WANTED TO BUY-MISC. ttl and tnstalUng service pipes connected with the main water supply pipes now SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c laid In Seneca Road, Locust Road, Moper lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. hawk Road, Iroquois Road, Blackhawk 103LTN14-tfp VILLAGE OF WIL)IETTE Road, Seminole Road and Illlnois Road, In the VIllage of Wilmette, Copk CounSPECIAL ASSESSliEXT XO. !!· EXCHANGE 1M ty, Illinois, in accordance with the ordinance and specifications for said WANTED - CARPENTER WORK IN · NOTICE ·is hereby given to all per· Improvement will be received by the exchange for beautiful console model sons Interested that the President and Board of Local Improvements of said radio costing $450.00. Ph. Wilmette Board of Trustees of the Village of Vlllage of Wilmette until 7:30 o'clock 2546. 104LTN30-ltc Wilmette, In the county of Cook and P. M. on Tuesday the first day of May, State of Illinois, having ordered that A. D. 1928, at which time said proposals KI8CBLLANBOUS 115 the main water supply pipe now laid In wlJI be publicly opened, examined and Street from Greenwood Ave- declared by said Board of Local ImORDER YOUR SCREENS NOW. ES- Sixteenth to Ashland Avenue and In Green- provements In the Council Chamber In timates furnished. Phone Winn. 694 nue wood Avenue from Main Street to Glen- the Vtllage Hall. after 6 P. M. 105L'.BN30-2tc dening Road and In Glendening Road The specifications for said Improvefrom Greenwood Avenue to Ashland ments and blank proposals will be furAvenue shall be tapped with a threenished at the offtce of said Board of SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE quarter inch brass corporation st9p Local Improvements In said VlUage cock at the several points designated In Hall. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE said Ordinance and extending said Proposals must be made out on main water supply pipe as In said blanks furnished by said Board of LoSPECIAL ASSESSMENT NO. !tl ordinance provided, in the Vlllage of cal Improvements and must be adNOTICE is hereby given to all per- Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, the dressed to the Board of Local Improvesons interested that the President and Ordinance for the same being on file in ments of the VIllage of Wilmette, WilBoard of Trustees of the Vlllage of the office of the VIllage Clerk and said mette, IJllnols. and endorsed "Proposals Wilmette, in the County of Cook and Vlllage having applied to the County for constructing and Installing a main State of Illinois having ordered that Court of Cook County for an assess- \Vater supply ploe and service pipes In Sixteenth s ·t reet from the north line of ment of the costs of said improvements, 1\ Uaml Road and other streets", and all Lake Avenue to the south line of Ash· according to benefits, and an assessment proposals must be accompanied by cash, land Avenue, except across Forest Ave- therefor having been made and returned or a certified check payable to the ornue, Walnut Avenue and Elmwood Ave- to said Court, Docket No. 225, the final der of the President of the Board of nue, which are already paved ; also hearing thereon will be had on . the 7tb Local Improvements of the Vl11age of Greenwood A venue from the southwest day of May, A. D. 1928, or as. soon Wilmette, for a sum of not Jess than line of Main Street to the west limits thereafter as the business of the court ten (10) per centum of the aggregate of the Vfllage of Wilmette ; also Glen- wlll permit. All persons desiring may of the proposal and no proposal wlU be dening Road from the pavement to be file objections iR said court before said considered unless accompanied by such laid in Greenwood A venue to the north day and may appear on the hearing and check or cash. limits of the VIllage of Wilmette, and make their defense. The contractor wlll be paid In bonds Said ordinance provides for the pay- and vouchers payable solely out of the Ashland Avenue from the pavement to ment of said assessment In ten (10) Inbe laid in Glendening Road to the southassessment for said Improvement, when west line of Main Street, and the Inter- stallments, with annual Interest there- collected In accordance with the prosections of abutting streets and alleys on at the rate of six per cent per visions of the ordinance therefor, and back to the outer line or lines of said annum. In the manner prescribed by law, which Dated, Wilmette, IUlnols, this 19th bonds wlll bear .Jnterest at the rate of streets be Improved by grading, adjustIng manholes and catch basin covers, day of April, A. D. 1928. sJx· (G) per centum per annum. CHARLES N. EVANS, constructing catch basin Inlets and con·The contractor to whom the contract Person appointed by the Presi- may be awarded will be required to structing one new catch basin, paving dent of the Board of Local Im- furnish a bond to the satisfaction and with reinforced concrete pavement and provements of the VIllage - of approval ·of said Board of Local Imotherwise Improving said streets, In the Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, provements, In a sum equal to fifty (50) Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illito make said assessment. nois, the Ordinance for the same being per centum of the · contract price, conL30-2tc ditioned for the faithful performance of on ftle In the oftlee of the Village Clerk, and said VIllage having applied to the the contract. County Court of Cook County for an Proposals wiiJ be received for the SPECIAL .t\SSESSliENT NOTICE assesament of the costs of said Imconstruction of said lmnrovement as a. provements, according to benefits, and whole ; and said Board of Local lm· VILLAGE OF WILMETTE an assessment therefor having been nrovements rf'Aerves the right to remade and ret ... ned to said Court, ject any and an bids. SPECIAL ASSESSJIENT NO. !Sf Docket No. 226, the final hearing Board of Local Imnrovements of thereon will be had on the 7th day of the Vllla~e of Wilmette. May, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter NOTICE Is hereby given to all perBy Ernest C. Cazel, Secretary. as the business of the court will per- sons Interested that the President and L30-ltc mit. All persons desiring may file ob- Board of Trustees of the Vlllage of Wiljections In said court before said day mette, In the County of Cook and State and may appear on the hearing and of Illlnols, having ordered that bou~e VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PROPOSAL make their defense. drains of vitrified tile pipe of six Inch The Superintendent of Public Works Bald ordinance provides tor the pay- Internal diameter and five-eighths of an ment of said asseBBment In ten (10) In- inch thick shall be laid In Sixteenth will receive bids for one motor driven stallments, with annual Interest thereon Street between the north line of Green- pick up street sweeper complete also one at the rate of alx per cent per annum. wood Avenue and the south line of Ash- extra broom core and one motor drivea Dated, Wilmette, Illlnols, this 19th land Avenue and in Greenwood Avenue broom rack. Bids must be In the hand the Superintendent of Publfc Works day of April, A. D. 19!8. between the . west line of Main· Street of by '1 :30 P. M. Kay 1st, A. D. 1928, at the CHARLES N. EVANS, and the east line of Glendening Road VIllage Hall. 9ald Superintendent of Person appointed by the Presi- and In Glendening Road between the dent of the Board of Local Im- north line of Greenwood A venue and Public Works reserves the right to reject aBy and all bids. pro'Yementa of the Vlllage of the south line of Ashland Avenue from C. C. SCHULTZ, Wilmette, Cook County, Illlnols, and connecting with the public main Supt. Public Works, to make said assessment. sewer In each of said streets and op-1 Wilmette. L30-Ztc poslte the Jots, blocks, tracts and parL30-ttc SPECIAL .4.88E8SIENT lfOTlC,JC 'j

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