Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 60

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... " · · <GaJrcdleimfum! · IWBftCB BUUA.V CLAB&IF.IED ADVERTIBBJIBNTB · · Briggs Employm~nt . Agency .SPRING IS HERE AND THE TIME baa come to make the cbaDCU In your lawn and Carden that you have been thlnklnc about duriDC the wln~er. Call u· and we will gladly .talk over with you your plana and advlae you how to WllfDOW 8BA.DB8 get the beat reaultll. We are prepared II to do any lancl8eaplng work that you --~--------~--may wl·h done. Garden & Beach Umbrellaa frG .!OL ..J1 Drapery Hardware ~ Can~pleB Rented AND PERSONAL SERVICE CAN J'URnlah help of all natlonalltlea. We furnish the beat of help only. Couples, maldB. butlers. chauffeurs, laundreaaes. govemeBBes, and nune11. Reliable help only. Call Douglas 1600. 44LTNJ9-4tp .U&.lfJ J<O)lf<Waml !016 Central St. Phone Greenleaf 2930 !OLTN30-ltc Awnings & Window Shades EVANSTON HarclldlN olffilll\llUliiCC(O)o !6 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1116 Waukegan Oftlce 302 s. Genease SL Waukegan !08'1 il MATT CARETTA LANDSCAPE GARDENING, . BLAQK dirt for sale. Driveways, concrete floors, walks. General hauling service. Tel. Glen. 491. 20LTN30-1tp FOB SALE-AUTOS FOR 8ALE-AUTOS IN8TBUCTION Take Golf Lessons at the 61LTN29-tfc WINDOW WASHING A USED Here They Are CARS THAT ARE RIGHTLY PRICED, reconditioned and ready for Inspection. Late Chrysler Sedan, 6 cyl. A very ftne car for the family .............. $550 914 Chicago Avenue 18 THE NEXT Nash Advanced Six 4 door Sedan. This EVANSTON GREATEST VALUE car owned and driven by careful drivPhone Greenleaf 4815 TO A NEW BUICK er. Originally cost $2,200. Our price 1121 Muter Six Buick Sedan, Gold Seal for quick sale, only .............. $625 Guaran-.ee ...·...............·.·· $1.1?6 Nash 1924 Coupe ........·.......... $125 192'1 Standard Country Club Coupe, Oakland 1923 Coupe ................. $15 rumble seat, Gold Seal Guarantee Save time- and money by buying your Open Evenings ........ ........ .......... .. ...... $1,075 ust>d <'ar from 25L30-ltc 1927 Standard Buick Sedan, new car appearance, Gold Seal Guarantee .. $850 Phone Wino. 2707, 1_7 ___ Ilf_T_E_B_I_O_R_D_E_c_o_BA __ T_Ilf_& _ __ 19!6 Buick 7-passenger Sedan, big bar- 547 Lincoln Ave. gain, hu 4 new General cord tires 4LTN30-ltc ···········.············ ; ···.······ $926 1927 Dodge Sedan ........ . ......... . $650 LIBERAL TEIUfS · . FOR SALE- USED CHEVROLET 4 door sedan, $450. 1 yr. old In exc. ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY cond. Call W. D. Sidley, 180 Linden TO HAIUIONIZE WITH Y0 U R GOLD SEAl.. GUARANTEE St. Tel. Wlnn. 2661. 4LTN30-ltc draperies or decorative scheme. Our TERMS AND TRADES! creatl.v e artists achieve perfect reW .....n.lL ~ 1L OAKLAND TOURING CAR IN GOOD suits: vases wired. Jl '\I{O)IrUJlli ~l[ll(Q)lf<e cond. $20. Need the space. Tel. Wlnn. ALAN-GOODRICH STUDIO 2848. 4LTN30-ltc 632 Church St. Carlson Bldg. 0 .. 27LTN30-ltc lffilUliick TERRY McGOVERN GOLF SCHOOL THE VANDER SERVICE, EXPERT window washing, ..one-day" housecleaning. Unlfonned white workmen. Furnishing all materials. Standard rates. A-1 references. Unlv. 7905. Wilmette 666. 52L25-tfc LOST AND FOUND RE\VARD FOR RETURN OF BOY'S tan Elgin bicycle lost at Skokie play field Sunday. Winn. 645-W. 55LTN30-ltp LOST-RED FAIRY TRICYCLE BEtween Wilmette Ave. and Central St., Evanston, west of tracks. Reward. Ph. Wilmette 2506. 55L30-ltc LOST-FEMALE BOSTON BULL .PUP, black spots on white neck and brown body. Ph. Wilmette 413. 55L30-ltp HELP WA~TED-FEMALE il --------------YOUNG, WHITE GIRL OVER 18, some second work and assist with 2 children. Ph. Winnetka 1133. 56LTN30-1tc CARE Refer- NOW Is the Time to Have Your Golf Clubs Gone Over SUBURBAN NASH CO. PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER FOR SALE-STUDEBAKER PRESI- 11 t 030 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 6961 dent Sedan, 27 model, practically new. OPEN EVENINGS Ph. Wilmette 3577. . 4LTN30-ltc AND SUNDAYS 4LTN30-ltc OLD FORD ROADSTER, CHEAP; ALSO girl's bicycle. Tel. Wlnn. 2589. 4LTN30-ltp JlK (C e W ]ffi1111RAO ~ ~ \WJ1Wlll"(9.WW~ ltt\tfi'li\ffi 11'\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;===============.I WANTED-EXf·. 'VHITE GIRL. of children and second work. Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages ences. 545 Main St., Wilmette INSURANCE LOA.lfS Ph. Kenilworth 1514. 56LTN30-ltc Lake Shore's PRESENT PRICES 11 BUILDING A CONTRACTING TeL 65 WANTED-EXPERIENCED COOK AND 2nd maid, white, ref. req. Ph. Glencoe 154. 56LTN30-1 tc WANTED-YOUNG COOK AND 2ND maid, German or Swedish preferred. Ph. Wilmette 176. 56LTN30-ltc WANTED-WHITE GIRL FOR GENeral housework or to assist. Ph. Wilmette 14 72. 56LTN30-ltc GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. AND COOKing ·, best wages and carfare. Ref. req. Tel. Winn. 429. a6LTN30-ltc COMP. WHITE MAID, MIDDLE-AGED, for gen. hswk. 2 in fam.; good wages: refs. Tel. Wlnn. 2343. 56LTN30-ltc MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family, good wages. Ph. Winnetka 192. 56LTN30-ltp WANTED-WHI'rE MAID FOR GENeral housework and cooking for 2 weeks only. Ph. Winnetka 1623. 56L30-ltc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK.; 3 in family : prlv. rm. and bath. Tel. Winn. 2064. 56LTN30-ltc GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. ; GOOD COOK; white; ref.; go home nights. Tel. Winn. 2766. 56LTN30-ltc -·~ ___ H_E_L_P_W_A_N_T_E_D__ ._A_L_E _ __ REPRESENT BY FAR THE 30L17-ttc BEST USED CAR VALUES NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH IN EVANSTON TODAY! '27 Wblppet Coach .................. $350 '26 Oakland Coach ................. $3~5 '25 Essex Coach .................... $175 ON FIRST OR SECURED MORTGQs '!7 Pontiac Coach ................... $600 RALPH wATTS, Mgr. at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, conftdentlal service. '26 Chevrolet Coach ................. $275 2047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO '27 Pontiac 4 Door ... ... . ...... . .... $575 Between Clark and Ridge C · '25 Olds. Coupe ..................... $295 EVANSTON CHICAGO '25 Hudson Coach ................... $385 l..~ NIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Unlv. 8383 '26 Oakland 4-Door Sedan .......... $585 11LTN23-tfc ·· 30LTNU-8tp '26 Pontiac Coach ................... $450 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO ALL THESE CARS ARE RECONDICARPENTER AND GENERAL loan. First and second mortgage11. 1'IONED AND NEWLY . PAINTED. CONTRACTOR Reasonable rate. Quick service. 801 Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf 1592. 30LTNU-tfc 1043 CHICAGO A VENUE 4LTN30-ltc 18 PAINTING & DECOBATIB'Q Sc··een~Storm Sash Garages-Porches--Additions Cabinet Work. Dodge Senior Sedan- .............. $1,100 1752 Highland Ave., Expert Wll. Ph. Wll. 1176 PAPER HANGING, WOOD FINISHING, Dodge Coupe , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 floor scraping and _ general remodeling. 11LTN2f-Uc Buick Roadster . ." .................... $450 C. FRANKEL Dodge Coupe ..... ................ ! . . 450 Phone Wilmette 3104 DRESSMAKING Convenient Tt'rms 17 38LTN24-tfc Your present car accepted In . partial - - - - - - - - - - - - - - payment. PLAIN SEWING AND CHILDREN'S f! RADIOS clothes. $4 a day. Miss Seaberg. 1088 - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oakwood ave., Wilmette. Tel. 753-R. Dodge Motor Cars ~~~~~~~~~~1~7L~2~9-~tt~c 1019 Davis St. = A. C. SETS C.A.~ ONLY BE ADJUSTED GARDENING Evanston by competent men, and this should Phone Wilmette or University 224 apply to all Hadlos. Our work Is 4LTN30-ltc t;Upervised by a Radio Engineer of experlence. A portable unit gives a laboratory test in your own home. We deal only In Radios, and guarantee our 1927 Hupmobl1e Demo. Sedan .... $1,050 Landacape gardening service at a reasonable cost. 1927 Hupmobile Demo. Sedan .... 1,860 Cut flowers and gladiolus bulb.1 for sale. RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION Jerry Kucer~050 Oak streefinnetka 32!1 426 J..lnden Ave. Wilmette 4117 Sparton,' Zenith Crosley Dealer GRAHAM-PAIGE DEALER 20LTN26-tfc 41L3G-ltc WINNETKA ------------4L_T_N_3_0-_1_tc Rock garde!~c!n!!~!~S ftsh ponds, NEW RADIOLA NO. 28, BARGAIN. PH. HUDSON COUPE IN GOOD RUNNING Bil"d Bass etc. All kinds of oriental Wilmette 3651· ULT30-ttc cond. must be sacrlftced to make quick and domestic trees and shrubbery. .fiA BA.DIA.TOB COVB·· ~alt.>. $100. Nelsons Garage, opp. Main Greenhill Nursery Supply .Co., Phone . !-'t. L. a::tatlon. Evanston. 4LTN30-ltc Highland Park 1103. 20LTN30-tt~ RADIATOR COVERS. CABINETS AND shields, reasonably priced. High grade .~ · ~ workmanship & ftniah; time payment ~oaa"If desired. Mr. Wetsel, Ph. Wilmette 2816. 4!A.-LTN25-tfc This Office will accept classified advertising to be run tl UPA.IBDI'Q & UP11;08~G IIARRIS BROTHERS "Cellu-Seal" Lined Garages COTTAGES-HOMES MONEY TO LOAN M KENDRY REALTY co Lake Shore Auto Sales UNUSUAL VALUES Painting - Decorating . ALD C. M. MeDON 1 Responsible Radio Service REAL VALUES Winnetka-PerennialGarden H.A.NSON MOTOR CO. WTD.-MAN TO HANDLE USED CAR f!Rles. Must be high clasll and willing to work. Good pro))061tion to right man. Gould C. Davis & Co., Hupmobile Dealers, Ph. Winnetka 3090. 5'lLTN30-ltc WANTED-YOUNG J4AN TO WORK IN A. & P. store. Bring .ref. 402 West Railroad Ave.· Kenilworth. 57LT30-ltc II a.. Waat Ad Ia BYautoll, too SITUATIOlf WTD.-FBKALE EX P E R I EN C ED LADY'S 'MAID wishes position . by the day. Best city references. Martha Witt, 3149 Southport Avenue, Chicago. Well. 8681. 60LTN30-ltp WHITE WOMAN DESIRES DAY work, washing, cleaning and Ironing. Call evenings 9.t 6. Ph. Wilmette 2198. 60LT3G-ltp in THE EVANSTON REVIEW. reaching 16,ooo families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m: on Tuesdays. I ~. PEOPLE ~ Telephone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 ~ . . WANTED-BY COMPETENT WH;ITE woman housework by the clay or hour, PIUDCIATE EXPBRT CRAFTSchildren cared for. caterlnc. done, ref. JIAN8BIP, SlDN1) "HIJiak I'UlUfifum. Ph. Wllm . ette. 2919. IOLTNI0-1tp ·TURJD TO US TO BB IUDPAIRBD =.;...~ ~\ 0~: SITUATION WANTED BY DAY, Bl'l'Y 8100· ~a· -J&-t·c cleaning and laundry. Col. J>non 6-8 .. u.u.-. &· · P. II. Drexel T08t. . IOL'l'NI0-1tc KNOW WH 0 AND AP-

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