Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 54

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··J~!rr.'1'1Mft~~~1a;jNiiftlr·tJIII·'C llltlr 1·cr: fillfl; .., enae and Kiss Alma Hurst of 6.11 ..~e~ ·. .·misceUan·ous , ~ ·l howu 1Ur. 1iigbt.. r: Llliss Regina ~lllllh" d · _b · · s Weinman who has recently annouaced ings of the Kenilworth Union church ~er en~ement ~ _ W. ~ .!lr~n. .. ·· 1'1¥ he1cl i8 Ule·.Keoilworth club las~ · -o· Wednesday evemng. Mrs. Harry Har· Kn. Rajmoad .A. Wheelock· .(){ 89 rison .waS c::hai~ of the comm~ee Jb)bsart tOad; I(enihtorth etttertained ~n arrangemen~ and from ~very 11~e ~r club last Friday -at luticbeon the repor_t or .comment has be~ 10 and ·· . . . · highest praise not only of the dinner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ k~Hb~ ~~e ~~me~ of ~e entire evening's program. Reports frOm fhe various clepartments of the church were read, including reports from the Sunday School, the Guild, and the Young People's society and VALLEY VJ,EW PAUI-Wat Lake Ave., · the work of the church itself. Dr. \Villett presided One hu~dred and r Wn. . Roaci-GLE~W twenty-five guests were served. · ._alee ., GIVJU ~·~~~~~ WIJ o,, t....,....,·...,.. 'l'lte Kenlhrotth ·etu1r h~tf lti' atlhual dramatic entertainment ·last Fr~day e\·ening· at the · club with a real surprise for everybody. Cards had· be~n sent out announcing "Two :P~t:Jcets of Blood," printed on blood-red · cards, · ~na· excitement. 'these· entertainments are always so popular in · Kenilworth, where people like to enjoy their native talent that only two tickets were at' f 'I d h · k t lowed each am1 y an t e.se t1c e s were in great demand. . At the heading of the program. it read "Two Buckets of Blood, w·th which subject, if you must know the truth this program has little or nothing to d~ " and then it proce~ded to announc~ some of the following celebrities: ."Two Biack Crows," "Paul White,: man" "The DoJly Sisters," "AI }olson and 'numerous others. It would take a volume to print the extravagant praise one heard on all sides n~t only after the entertainment was over but for the many days following. All of the numbers were so well done. Some one said that the "Varsity Drag" was even better than in the present show in one of the Chicago theaters, and that Steve Kenyon was perfect as "AI }olson." The Fraser Sisters are always a joy to Kenilworth and had encore after: encore as the "Dolly Sisters" The "Two Black Crows," taken by Harold Tideman and AI Wiltberger, opened the evening, a .very difficult place on any program but done with perfect skill. "Quin R_yan's" a!l· nouncing over the ·mprovtsed rad1o was a "scream" and especially the "Weekly Bridge Lesson." The local announcers were Paul Bradly and Paul ·Soule. Three New Trier girls, Helene Mahan, Ruth Wenter, ~d Mary- Parker, ftl.Ve a skit representing Marion Harti1. Sophie T.ucker and Trixie Fri~anza :tnd ~he poise of manner and harmony of their singing will long be remembered. . The Flo ··zieglieid act, "The Naughty Nin-ties," · broug'-t six of the most beautiful of the 'younger girls of Kenilworth into prowinence in a very clever act. These were Miss Eleanor Berger, Miss Loretta White, Miss :Mary Lent, Miss Ethel»elle Harlan, Miss Charlotte Hamilton, ·aad ¥iss Shirley Ross. It was one of the 'very best entertainment' that Jhe club has offered and those in charge of it deserve praise and thanks. The directors were Louis D. }9nes, and Wend tr Claik. This Friday ~v~nina. the club is giving a dinner dance. ·~Critic ~ ~d~~cr~~~~~~~k~~duy Building HOME GARDENS Comtruction of PARKS . ·PLAYGROUNI)S TENNis COui:TS GoLF COURSES .FLAGSTONE SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS, ETC. l,_;.ltg: Ttlep~;: BIGcl Soil S7.00 truckloll4 delioered. GLENVIEW 181F-t aud 141-J Robert Kenyon left for Kenyon college Sunday· after spending his spring vacation at the home of his parents, Mr. and M'ts. Robert E. Kenyon of 1011 Greenwood avenue. -oMiss Mary Maud Bermingham of 718 Laurel avenue, Wilmette and Miss Helen Tuells of Winnetka, are leaving today to spend the week-end at Rockf~r~. ~ollege. EVERY NIGHT at the Road milts north of Glenview Waukeg~n 10 ~ l Exceptionally good mruic Carel's Orchestra tmd;bil entertainer· DINNER Chicke~ Steak and ChineR Dinnefs . .. . ' ~-· · Every Fri4ay Nite ·is 8oh Prentiss. who spent the spring vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mn. James Pr,.ntiss, . Cumberland road, ICenilworth," ltft ·on' Sunday for college. )~~b is . fC~i r Jt t~e :University of M1ch1gan and 1s planmng to go ·to Europe t¥ · f ·es his examinations ana · 'in June. ·~ Frater ri it y · NJ t e " Come out a·nd en~y your $C~ol . ~ongs. Mrs. Paul L. Roche, 801 Central avenue, accompanied by Mrs. Carol W. ·Johnson of Evanston, formerly Yirginia Suy~am 9f Chi,cago, are sailmg from New York ·this week on a · thre_ e -months' frip .abroad. ... ... :. ~ . . · PHONE ·'I. . utBNVIBW ·Jl6 · POl' biBRVATibN · · Dimtioas-:How to to Waabjia · roaci. fta Mr. and Mts> J · .W-ilson McAllister. their infant son; John Wilson, Jr., anti Mrs. Edwin Prury have moved from the apartment they occupied in the Linden Crest to their new home in the Indian Hill section. -o·. 0. · M; Ber~aw ·. ~and his. son aa4 ~bter,. WcC~. and. Nancy, of l-4 Eighth . street, fare ·'leaving today · spend the week-end with Mr. R.-.~....,.,.

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