Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 50

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ftftJ' Cleru- Oeorce.·:m.tes. On the.·~ oomiDlttee Youiiar ·Peopte·e Day for both the 8\md&J: men. The conference Ia .JD&de up of npre- an: Miss Esther Schq~elaer, Howard achool and chUJ:Cll. Jlr. and lin. ~ sentatlves of world-wide Jletbodlsm and QJeeer, 11188 . Rutla llelerhoff, ChrlstiDa Franklin. wlao are eoon .to 10 48 ~ · ' · ft· leWat 'laata,- After Ba...r · sloqarlea to Jajtaft, will ~ the speakent Is compcNied . of !'ln . !equal ·number of 1&7- Carlen and Herbert Wout 1 :a. L m . . . . . .. . ......... sua-.t ecbool men and ministers, maklnar elarht hun· for the SundaY !M"hool and Mr. Frankll~ · ·Ill'. Jotpeph .Johneon, 8uperbttendent - drecl ,teleptea In alL ·. __ · It was decided by thole preeent at the wiD conduct the momlnar church ·rvlce.: 11 L · m. . ... . : .. .. . . : . . . Komlng Worship As :Mr. and :Mrs. Fr&nklln are to be above meeting to have a reunion of all Sermon : ..'l'he OoocJ 8h,pherd" tho8e confirmed at a special aervlce on Special representatives of the Young PeoThe Me~·· Bible ci&as i»iaiii to· dlacuss t .. . ' o ur ·Sunday to Sunday the IBBUe&· before the evenin~ of Sunday, ){ay 6, at 7 :'45 ple's SocleUes of Chicago ~resbytery, · · Tbe · Sacrament of Holy BaptiBID will from General conference. This forum will o'clock. ·An effon··wtu be miule to have own young people are delighted to have be administered at the morning service the be Jed by Profe880r W. D. Schermerhorn. all who can possi.,ly attend present. · this opportunity of hearing them and 8~1 'April Z9. A number of new mem· becoming personally acquainted. · Our Women as well as men are cordially Mn Will ·aleo be received at that · time. lnylted young folks are by their presence Intendto attend these services which wiD . During . the co~lng week the SundaY 4D7 having Infants or chllclten .who be held each Sunday momlnar beginning Ing to give Mr. and Mrs. Sam Franklin, school rooms of the church as well as the llhould be baptised : should notify the at 9:45. young couple soon to go to Japan, the kitchen, men's coat. room, women's putor In advance. · assurance of their interest In their . . .. · rest room and rear hallway will be re- the work and their 1lppreclatlon or the prividecorated. For that reason the classes The pastor p~es over the radio :. ~Tbe Sunday achool attendaftce-18 hoid-· lege of having an opportunity of hea~ng next Sunday aftemoon at three o'clock. for children will be held ~ tb" church and I~ up well. With the comlnar of nicer The seeing them. proper. The choir will also meet In the sermon will be delivered under the weather It Is expected that all records auspices of the United Broadcasting church. . . Will be shattered. If there are children There will be a mid-week service ·as or· others In your home that do not at- studio of Chicago. usual, Wednesday at 8 o'clock. tend Sunday school, they will ftnd a The ~riendly circle will entertain their ready welcome here. We bave cla8aes for The Service Sunday morning at eleven The ordination and installation of ofall aces of Sunday achool pupil& The husbanda· and friends Tuesday evening, 1 -.a be 1 D F k ftcers recently elected, will take place kindergarten claa Ia ~ tbe school April twenty-fourth. An excellent pro- o·cock wall n charge of r. ran Sunday, Apr.ll 29, as a part of the regugram Ia beblg planned by Mrs. COchran Anderson. Dr. Anderson is well known In attendance. . and her committee. Hostesses, Mesdames to the members of the Church. lar morning church service. · The Luther a..aue bad a very lnterest- Lundbeq, Martin. WUUams. McClinton, The several spokes of the Woman's soThe Sunday School meets at 9 :30 lN meetlnc Jut Prlda.7 blaht. lOss Caro- M:cKibban, llatson. -Nylund and Osborne. will meet at the following homes o'clock. There are classes for all ages ciety l~ Buchhols ~sented the topic. In Next ThuracJay is as Dlvlaion The un d er grad e d 1ns t rueuon. The M en·s and next week: all will meet on Tuesday. the abaence of the regularly appointed Divisions -"11 meet ·ollows Day. . April with the exception of Spoke 6, ·· ..., Women's classes meet In the auditorium which 24, refreshment oommlttee, the pantry of the will meet Monday the 23rd, and Flrat-J P . . JI.-IIra. J. H. Dyon, 1310 at 9 :45 o'clock. pastor's wife 71elded a cauantlty of edible Spoke 9 which will meet Friday, April 27. lll&terlal which wu weD received by the Asbland Avenue. Hostess. · 1 : Mrs. A.. C. Bell and Mrs. E. Second-10 A. .:M.-Kra. Raymond KimThe regular mid-week meeting of the Spoke ~ben of the ._....e. Games were Balch, at the home of Mrs. Bell, 1216 be~ .4Z2 Forest Avenoe. Hostess. church will be held Wednesday night played and a ~ tame Jaad by all. Elmwood avenue. Tmnt-Kra. A. C. Christensen, 1210 at S o'clock lil the Guild room. Rev. R. Morphett Is conducting a series of prayer Spoke 2 : Mrs. George H. Burke, 611 ; The Young Ken of tile 8und8.y school Glendening Road, Kenilworth, aostess. Ninth street. Fouttb-10 :30 A. 11.-llra. L. W. Jones, meetings on the life of Elijah. tiave entered a llallt 1Q team In the InSpoke 3 : Mrs. W. I. Beam. 411 Sheridan door leaaue. We llaye mme eplendld ma- lOZO Central Avenue, Hwtess. road. Flftb-10:30 A. JI......_Mra. Frank Briggs, The Wednesday evening prayer meetterial for the tlluD all4 apect to put a ing will be preceded by a Pot-Luck Din- Spoke 4.: Mrs. Lester Lawrence, 1007 ,snnlng comNMU. . tD the fteld. Prac- lGJ Fifth Street. H~ Lake a venue. ner which will be held at 6 :30. ~ will be 1llel4 and atend~ Spoke 5: Mrs. R. C. Fyfe, 1326 Ashland ance upon . _ ~ of the church. The membership aDd attendance cam..: avenue. palpi In the Churcli echool has proChoir rehearsal will be held on Thurswill be requlre4 ot·.U JUtl.efpants. duced some IPiendld rMults. Responsl- day evening at 8 o'clock at . the· church. Spoke 6: Mrs. C. J. Kremer, 723 Laurel avenue, Monday, April 23. blllty · tor this pieceof work was distrib' · llr. Arthur 8tai'k ,... elected by . the The Young People wlll meet as usual Spoke 7: Mrs. E. G. Low, 1706 Forest council to be . . . . .te of this church uted among · the General chairman of avenue. at the Sprlq OoiiYeDtloa of the Chicago membership, department chairmen, and at 5 :30 In the Guild room. Spoke 8: Mrs. R. W. Moody and Mrs. CoDference of tile UDIW Lutheran class cbalrmen. The follow-up work was Campbell, 1235 Ashland avenue. The Boy Scouts will meet at headChureh In A.aleriCa. The convention will done by members of the class. Last Sunday's s.rtendance for the whole quarters at the Church at 7 :30 Thursda-y Spoke 9 : Mrs. C. J. Newburgh, 832 be held In tlae llelmont Park Lutheran Greenwood avenue. Friday. April 27. school was eighty-one per cent of the evening. ~urch AprU · and May 1. Spoke 10: . Mrs. Fackt, 111! Ashland aveenrollment. In the Hlarh School departnue. The Church ofllce is open dally from ' lit. William ~lbye. Sr.. Ia our. dele- ment there were three perfect classes, pte to the Illlllola &,-nod which will meet Mr. Cox's, Miss Burrows' and M:l88 9 to 1! and from 1 to 5 and on Satur- Spoke 11: Spoke 12 : Mrs. Roger E. Wllllams. 410 Humphries·. In the Junior department days from 9 to 12. Jn Murphysboro, :IU., May 15, 16, 17, 18. Forest avenue. there were four "rfect · classes, Mr. :( Rogera', Mla Kletslnar's. Miss Miller's, The Wilmette Baptist church Is located Next Sunday the C. E. plans to speak and Miss Devleon's. In the Primary de- at the comers . of Wilmette and Forest to the Intennedlate and Senior departpartment two clasaea wen perfect In at- avenues. ments of the Sunday school with the In: The lararest coqregatlon of the year. ·tendance, Kiss Jfacllorran·s and MlBB tention of gaining new members for the -'th the exception of Easter, greeted Baldwin'8. During the last ftve weeks organization. At the meeting Sunday the pastor of this church last Sunday twenty-one new members have been evening Paul Davidson wlll lead the dismomlnar. Two oluaes were received Into added to the Church School. Next Sunday, April Z2, will be the cussion of the topic of "The Danger of the felloWBblp of the church, one from The High School League Is having th~ second Sunday after Easter. There will Slang and Cheap Talk." · Following this the Junior department, and the other be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church from the Hlp . School croup. In addi- ftrst of a aeries of dlecussfons on "'Chris- Schools and Bible Classes at 9 :45, and meeting there will be a short social 'lour tion to these, others were received .by tian Adventures" Sunday evening In the Morning Prayer with address at 11 and a tea. letter. making a total of ftfty new mem- Young People's house. The meeting wlll The Junior church meets every Sunday a.ers during this present conference year be in charge of Marlon Baldwin, Jane o'clock. morning at 11 o'clock. Our theme for All High ~d one hundred and flfty In the last Wlllard, and Eldora Hopkins. Next Wednesday, April 25, Is the day this month Is "':Making the World Chris!.IChool students are invited to enjoy our ·hteen month& social hour at 5:30 and the discussion set apart by the· ·Universal church to tian."' Next Sunday each member Is to honor the memory of ·Saint Mark. There following. · · write a letter to a boy or girl In a Mis· : The Plana committee, on M.onday will be Holy Communion at St. Augus- sion school in some foreign or · home night, authorUed.. the architect to proMission fleld. Miss Lena Rapp has taken The - High School Department Is also tine's at 8 A. M. Qeed at once In the preparation of workover the musical part of the service. Ing plans and specifications for the new starting a new ~rles of Sunday morning Next Friday, April 27, the Associated church. H~ hopes · to have the plans worship programs at 9 :30. Each class Guilds wlll meet In the club house ·at MPs. E. L. Schulz and Mr. A. L. Miller ftadY to receive bids early In July, mak- wlll have an opportu~ity between now 10:30 for an aU-day meeting, with lunch- are In charare of the adult Bible classes Ing It ))osalble to be«in the actual· work and the close of school :tO' , give · a brief eon at noon. which meet every Sunday morning at 10 of construction not later than the flrst 'review of the yea.r'R work In . their clasil o'clock, following the worship service of . . of September! One of the Bnuiller build· and their re~ct.Qn to it. Nellt Sunday ·. April 22, the members the adult department. If you have ch11logs on the back of the lot has already The entire ·church· mourns the · recent of St. Augustine's church schools will dren who belong In another department, been 'W'fteked for the preparatlon of the send a large dP.Iegatlon, including the death of w. c. Shurtleff. He ' has. for Mr. R. H. Rice, General Supt., will be new . building, and plans are under way Girls' Vested choir, to the ..Rally" of glad to Introduce you to the superintend~ remodel' and ··move' the garage. ~ · a . great many yea~. be-:n not ·only a member of the rhurch but a loyal suP- the Episcopal church schools ·of the ent of the particular department In which north shore, to be held at St. Luke'~. you are Interested. 1The Y'011ng Woman's KlSBionary· society porter ot Its. work and a faitbftll .counsel-- Evanston, at 4 P. }f. At this .. Rally" the The funeral ~d Queen Esther Standard Bearers will lor In all its enterprises. . ~peat ·tb.B: "'Inte.mattonal ~ Revue!' ·Satur- will :~ ·~ld St(turday morning at ten Lenten savings of all the chlldren of ·the Scout meetings: . Girl Scouts, Tuef:lday at 3:45 P. M. uaY nlg}lt, at the Byron Stolp school at o'clock from the home, the pastor being ~burch schools will be announced. . . Roy ~coutR. M·.)nday at 7 :30 P. M. 8 :15. Tboee who .-attended the · ftnt per- ~ cnarge ·of th\) . se~~. 'Bov Rangers, Saturday at 10 A. M. ·rmance last Fr1day nll'ht were so enThis Saturday the boys will have a thualutilc over· lb -produCtion that there The Presbyterian church Ia located at hike and It has ~K-en requested that each were many requests for a repetition. ~ the - l'!.~rtb~st ~omer. of ..Greenleaf- avenue boy bring his lunch; · The Fellowship service next Wednesday Wll~ette .and Park· a~enues, Wilmette· and· .l"'llntb street. ·· The North Shore loc;al Herman W. Meyer. M. A., pastor · ancl express stops at Etghth and Tenth At the Wilmette Rally. April 14, four of ~ht will mark the end of these gatherTelephone 1396 stt;eeta Within .· e block of the church our Scouts were awarded honors. Hubert hlP for tbla. year. . In all, ~n . suppers 406 Prairie avenue Church telephone 3111 tiave been served to an average of well thus malting It convenient for tho~ Pelett ·w as made a flrst class Scout, and dver Qlle · h'JDdred J)ei'IIIOns, ·running as living at a 4111taBce. You will always given merit badgps for music and ftre._.ch on certain nights aB one hundred flrtd. a cordlat w;lcome. 'l'ltla. church :Is manship. Frank Eager and Bill Morris ilnd tblrty. The ch()Jr .will aJn·g a group known as the "friendly. church." Sunday ea.c h received their ftreman!!hlp badge. df familiar anthems at the close of the Bible ~huol at 9 :10 a. m. Jloinlng church Don Mlller recPived his In ftremanship . dlnner :Mst WedlltiClaJ' nlarht. servtoo. at tt a. m. ·CIII'IIttan ,Endeavor and public 'health. 9:45A.M'. at .6. :38 p. m. . J...8u~~6na are 8tlll belnc received 11:00 A. M'. ··'Following ts . the musical program ~pr the new building enterprise. The which the quartet will offer at the morowomerr ha._ c~sted· two special ftJnds. · _ i . ·~ lnJr :~~~~rvlce on Sund!iJ : 1 -: : Ia a "self-denial" fund. into which Onri\n Pl"elude. · ',, . '·' ' · · ·._; . 4ss0Ciate :Mfnlsler-Wm. . E. McCormack .. . . women are placln.- smaller sums se· · ..Festlval Tooeata~~ ; : . . . . . .. ~ .·: Fietclier' throuah the Joyous process of Anthem, "··:". ·.. : ··. · · · . ·. · L, ·· · , ; ·.. .. ·. ·This Is o'ne of the ftne Churches In ftoe. The other Ia the ..Five bu.-a-'··~ · Pral&e· :the, ·J..ord·' ·,,. .:;: ~ ....... Ra.ndegger ~l~ette. club. ma4e up of those who have ..Aathem···.. - · · 1 ··~- · .,.. ... · · · ~· · -~· ·· ~becrlbed u much as five hundred dol,_tln.i o'A~~:tJie ·~Air·~ r · · .~~ l·· ~· This · evening the Girl Scouts will meet Jin toward the bullcllng fund. One new Miss ·· ~ o.ertQJ'Y, <i_"; '~~ . :~.; - ·;~" ' .. LI . '." ~:t"·:" at the 'Church ·at 7 :15· o'clock. .,.. ..-lveG Jut week, · l'.ftd It · · · .. · ··· ·· ~ ~ '. ·.-.,(\»fetr , 41fe, )farta :,~t~ua.~..... . ._ Elizabeth N. Brown is Captain of the 1 lloplll '. ttaat 40tben -Win Jola before ~'!et;;, ;.P. ;- 1.f.i.J ·., .~ ·' '·1 ·:.-t·· ·.. : ·:' -.. ·' , .,. TrOop. 'LO'V . .u1vfne . . . . . . . . . ..... Stainer The eburcb School convenee ~· at .t :10 ~-~'lJ1-!!~~~.-~d ~~· ¥!}~~.~ :.. :.· o'cloc:k ! '1'be triDaDce co~ttee riieet .:. next on .sun.clay ·motning In Ita. vaJious nfPt to devise metlloda .aiid' -e""""'~· ~-: ~r: i!~ ,Weber departmen~ ~lasBes are provide(( for QDa'\i.fJtl ': ~ --~ <'] ' ' ) ··. ,. i!- , ,.~ ,,...·flnenctnc the new b~ldlnc enterboys a net RII'IR of .every .untfer excep! 1$ r· · . . '. ; ' ' Qathltlniii~'Bbslletwfe, ' IOJWanct: .H .·. . 1 ·. · · tional leade1'8hlp; : : · .. - . · ·. . Rose Lutbrer Gannon. contralto lea'tt'a-;ne weelt «rom· .Tohn B. Killer. tenor The JunlQr Cop~e..U~n lri.D meet at attead the General F:JMrQIU ·"0. JX!'I.,oh. .... '; . . "', 10:10 o'clock. 1 'Kr. 'Amert 'B. ·'l'Ucker will ~1181ta He t. one Erhi. E. 'Roun4ls, oraranfst anct director speak . ..:~~k..:aa~Y~ ~: .· poeed :of three hundred and . .. Wil111e11e BaiJiisl ..... ......,..Y - t · MstltotlMI Chureh St. A atusti·e's Charch : ·- · , ·. I St. John's Church ·Presb:vteria· Church ··t'y C ontretati~nal ·-~burch - b:'u · wftt . -:...... . · : . ... «'M ·ace "" NI~:d'"~"iift1H.. l'v'"h~f :Mtfr& ;. ~1ftit l1ChuJrda"ila ·~e84 ~ wr,. · ~

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