Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 49

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.. All aaembly laat Tueada¥, Kr. )4vlll awarded the athletic letten to the boya who ha4 won them. The Glee clube ·nc tile Boward ~~ehool lOftS and then followed a senee of apeecbee by Dr. llarshall Dooae, SA '18, and · Albert ..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Davis, Zlbble, 8B, Clyde Warble, Kr. 1 A boy was walking down the street Stone. The boYs. on the team went out and happened to clance at a poster. When and broqht Kr. Glen, '"Hap" Gatherhe wa.lked nearer he found It to be a coal ln. We were au very much amused ctrcus poster for there was a picture of by Hap's speech. Mr. Davia then gave a man on a trapeae and a . clown, a another Uttle talk and thea Mr. Todd ladY doing tricks on a white hone and awarded the letten. . The prizes for the contest were given to Ellbabeth a cbarlot race. At once hl8 spirits rose. poster Fowler, Donald Pavellck and Osmond Wblle he waa looking at the poster be Field. We then returned to our claases. b-.rd tbe toot toot of horns and cheers -Lauretta Anderson, Howard SA and laughing. Looklq down the street be aaw a parade approachlns. Foremost were some gally dre88ed elephants with clowns .on tbelr backs, who were acting up. Next there was a band wagon which was followed by a wagon In which were One time I was walking home from clowns who were throWing out samples school, In the summer time and I saw of candy to the people. on somebody elses' property As be was walking home wishing he some . boys tulips and then throwing them had only twenty cents for the circus he picking away. I felt telling the lady but saw something shining on the sidewalk. because I dld like know her, I didn't, He picked It up and found much to his and they were not eating the petals. And joy that It was a quarter. then I saw some pulling branches and Wben he got home he told his mother flowers and throwing papers all around. all and asked if he could go to the I was taught when I had papers to clrcU& She consented, so when it was throw away, I should put them Into my Ume he left the bouse and went to see pocket and when I got home to put what he thought would be thrilling and them in the waste basket. I hope you funny things done by the clowns. will not throw papers around. When he got to the circus he thought -Jean Ann Moulding, SA Central he would buy something with his extra nickel. When be got inside a great many people were seated for the show was to Enjoys start soon. Almost as soon as he had seated himself comfortably a blank cartridge gun was ftred and a chariot March 31. we started for Atlanta, came dashing down the ring, followed by Georgia, intending to stay a while. several others. Then came the clowns When we got there, we only stayed a and cowboys and trick horses and lion day, then went on to Trion. We stayed tamers. Monkeys rode on small ponies for only a day there, too. We went to and took off their hats to the . people. Asheville. We stayed there only a day BOOM! CRASH! Thunder roared like at Atlanta and Trion, then we went viciously and rain pattered on the top of to Chattanooga and stayed at Signal the tent. The rain poured down faster, Mountain and liked It very much. We the thunder roared more loudly and tbe horseback and walked most of the sky flashed with lightening and the wind rode time. put in his part by blowing with enough -Martha Ann Hortf force as to blQw the tent down. All of a sudden the poles creaked, the ..\ND ONLY THBEE INNINGS people screamed as the main pole fell, InOn Monday, April 9, a team of girls juring many. The storm increased and from SA Stolp and a combined team of two more poles fell down, injuring more. the girls from SC and 8D Stolp played :Many were injured and some killed in a three-inning · baseball game. At the the mad rush to get out of the tent. Then end of the ftrst Inning the score was 5 the last pole fell, leaving nearly all the to 2 In SA's favor: at the end of the people wet and imprisoned under the second 10 to 4, still SA's favor, and at canvas. the end of the third it was 21 to f In Ken were selected who put up the main their favor. We hope that the rest of pole. The people went out of the tent the games we play will be as successleaving some men to carry out the injured. ful as that one game was. Luckily our llttle friend got out In safety -Emma Bickham, 8A Stolp and then he started toward home. He found It very hard walking because he RECEIVE CL'A88 PINS was walking against the wind but a kind The eighth grades of the Stolp school man In an automobile who saw his trouble took him home. When he got have got their class pins. They are home he told bla adventures to his shaped as a triangle with a gold border father and mother When he had finished and a maroon center in tf1e three corners respectively are the letters W G S meanhe was glad to go to bed. ing Wllinette Grammar schools. In gold . -Donald Rogers on the maroon center are the numbers '28. These pins are one dollar and a quarter and almost the entire school has them. -June Anderson, 8C Stolp PBOTBCT8 TRB 8RB11118 When walking to and from echool, one sees children pulling at ahrubL Tbls Ja done thoughtleBBiy. The buds · and pieces broken orr have taken several yean to grow. Let's all remember not to pull oft the buds or shoots of shrube when passing by! · iA Central Jean Ann Eaten Plea . A,ainat Careleuneu Martha Ann Her Tour in the Southland BOOK ILLUSTRATION The art lhlclmt ia tb~ coaatry asully lw ia' Yinr -..e type el Central SA Ball Team Loaea to Howard Nine .. The boys of SA Central school played the boys of 5B Howard school. It was an exciting game, the ftrst Inning left the Howard school ahead, 6 to 0. The second inning wu played well. The score wu 1% to 9, In Boward's favor. Central's captain Is Edward Mee. He is a ftne player. The players on the Central team are Edward Mee, Donald Toeppen, Jim Burrill, John Lampey, Donald Ford, Robert Reed, Howard Culver; Billy Boddie and Steven Woodhead. Howard school won D to 14. -Florence Read, 5A Central STOLP VEB.~US ST. FRANCIS 8B Stolp plays the 8th grade of St. Francis at the Stolp school this afternoon. The game will be a good one and exciting as both teams are fairly well matched. Everybody is Invited to see lt. -Bob Hess. 8B Stolp. SIGNS OF SPRING The flowers are coming out. The leaves on the shrubs are coming. I am quit& sure Spring . Is here. . -Florence Read, SA Central HOLD COURT OP REVIEW The regular monthly Boy Scout oourt of review was held Wednesday evenlnl', April 11 at Kr. Harper's oftlce. There was a very big crowd and It was hard moving around. There were many thiBgB reviewed such as First and Second claaa testa, and merit badges, such as Ftremanshlp and music. K~. Harper, Mr. Leach and Dr. Upson were present. It was over at 8 :30 o'clock. -Edward Soloman, 'lB Stolp B..uJu Blklae ~ab, nw......, ... ..0 ............., lllotl ..... OUA:RD lrA.TUBE'8 TBEA8UBE8 The Howard school people have agreed Ia· aaeq &le lalallCI Ia &na Ba7, to do their best to keeo the trees, lawns . .,... ... .,........ &Itt· ·· .... and shrubs J)rotflcted. The agreement was eeleleatl bll4lq ....... IIIMkl . . . made after Paul Stemer of 8B and John tne JanHI 1a ae wMt111. ll·ne ..a Demehl nve BDeeChes on the protection rtaa· .............. ..... ..... . for the sake of the school and people llvln~ around alao. w..Ceraft, _ . , · · · aac ....-V7 -Paul Stemer 8B Howard. an ··· of De aethltlel .r D11 -~ work that is typicaUy Americaa. Maay there are who ~e to Sdlool bert to become ach'trtisiag illutnton. Otbtn woald do laterior Decoration. Still otbtn woald become book illutraton. paiaten or claiptn. Bat mpnDea of their int aaabitiou. be tbq Yay _ laity or the paaiag faacia of the yoaag boy or aid. it il the aia ol oar School to teach tbtm what they waat to lara ia a practical. dina methocL aad ia doiag this to opea tbt pte-way to tbt whole woiW of artistic exprasioa. Padlaaa they .ay iad that their capacitMta eaable them to go mach farther thaa they oriainally bopecL At tbt time of .her earoUmeat the yoaaa lady who made tbt abon drawing wisbtc:l to do Fuhioa DIUJratiou sach u are aow __. ia cnry newspaper. She leaned how to .ae fasbioa dawiap bat lbt has teamed also maay other thiap. Ia oar Sdlool ixbibit. wllida will be bdcl from J.by ttb ·to aatb. we llaall tab pat pride ia Jbowiag to yoa btr oil paiatiap aa wtll as dw work· of a lluclrttl other Jtaclmts. ........... ...,..., ...... ....... ..... ···eDen. ·· Q1ARLES A. KINNEY, We.... a, 1D. Tel. W'u t·· 114 CAMP ·Onarga Por BOYS a·tl ~···tan lllaat .. lbiiW . . . . . ..,., Tone · · · ···· te r·uteea. SeYeatll - . Tnla.. te ~~ Weu .a,_..., Wl....lla ..,.. ............ tm· .... ~---Tutorlac for Incllvldual Boys THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ··r ........ wrtte to 0..,.. . ......,. ......, CAP"" C. H. LUDWICK o...... IlliHI·

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