Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 48

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· R ·L Publithttl WHI&Iv bv the ehool chrl4mJ ol Wil1111tte - . ·JII'If}iiion ol . W~lmtlte PltlfJgrountl tmd ~tion Botlrd. . E Toltlb · _ the hJ.;is VOL I. NO. 14 WILMEfTE, ILLINOIS, ,APRIL 20, 1928 KBPOKTEB (Stolp School) Question: What Is your favorite sport and why? Answers: Bob :Miles, 8B-Baaeba11. I like lt because you ¥"et something to do after sehool and It Is a 1004 sport. Palyma Lee Burpee, 8B-I like basketball best because It is fun. Bud Howard, 8B course. I am no sluy. Football, of ENQVJ~& Tile 8eCODd &llllual BoUer Skating meet will be behl Saturda7, .prll 1?. It Is ldven by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board. This meet will be held at the same place as last year, Third street and Laurel avenue. It Is sure to be an attraction for both boys and girls ud the four cluees are. as follows: Class A Boys and Girls under 8 years of age Clus B Boys and Girls under 10 years of ace Clau C Boys and Girls under 12 years of ace Clue D Bo" &Dd Girls under 14 yean o t The e·eata will begin at t o'clock. In the tUrerent clasaea every boy and drl ID Wilmette 11Dder fourteen J'earB ~.:r to enter the Roller DC ....., tllouch It Is doubtfUl whether many will enter the three-legged race as the U'Dhalt Is not very eoft 'Wilen you come lD contact with It other t11aD on ,our feet. Bat If you must enter tld8 thne-leared race, you are advleed to ~ befOrehand In order to avoid illrtou aecldents. 'llae 8l'llt prtse Is a blue ribbon, the sec0114, reel, third, white and· there will be a tnt. aecond, and third ribbon awarded 18 each of the twenty-two events. Lut year the winner of the Roller a.Uq meet was "Kelly" Welter, who later went to the Lincoln Park Skatlq naea and won In two events at that .-et. Tbls does not look hopeful for U)" ldrL twelve years or over, who Is plaunlq .to win ftrst place in the event · Is to enter. -Eieanor Culver, SA Stolp. M11ks PlaiU for Roller Skating Meet 011 A/lr;l 27 _ Junia White, BB-I like swimming best of all sports. Paul WUUams, BB-Basketball, becaWJe I am In the beat room and have the best guys to play with. -Robert HeBB, 8B Stolp .. ........ sa.. ~uu~ .L. latricatiea of a Tele-L--.Exchange :.......- Travelope Ouh Sees . New York in Pictures ·tw~s~ted" On Kareb 19, the Travelogue club New York with the help of 8H4es from the Chicago Public library. Jln. Orovea talked about New York. In ...Utlon to the 8114es some members of tllie club gave talb about New York on Jlarcb 16. The people who gave talks are as follGIWII: Walter Harmann, Jimmy Dewar, J'ohn Hellmuth, Lester Kouaw, Claude llalne, John Low, Paul Sterner, Muriel )(eyer, Bruce :Meaker, Dick Huck, Arthur Kramer. Some of them gave talks on the history of New York, the docks and shipping centers, transportatiOn, railway stations, population, real Mtate value, skyscrapers, etc. The talks were very euoce·tuL -Betty Paddock and Muriel Meyer, 7A Howard Last Tuesday, March JO, our teacher took aa ·to the Bell Telephone oftlce. We aeparate4 Into two groups, one going upstairs ftnt and one 8taylng on the ftnt floor. Upstall'8 we aaw about six operators In one room. Each operator had one board to take care of. She eat quietly with her hands folded until a little reel, white or green light on her board flashed on. In front of her were many cords with metal polnten at orie end. She plugged It Into a small bole next to the light and gave the connectlon. It was yery Interesting to watch ·what goea on In the telephone oftlce when aome one plclal up thelr receiver. In the next room you see three operators. Oa at the "trouble desk... If you should call a number that was not In Wilmette, the operator would connect you with the ··trouble desk" and the "'trouble operator" would tell you your mistake. The other two operators were connecting the long distance calls with EvantJton. Wilmette handles no long distance calls. Downstairs you come Into a room of wires that connect telephones. The room seemed full of wire. In the basement )"OU see bow they make their own electricity. It ls a small room called the battery room and the air makes you cough. We saw a large gas machine where the power wlll go on In case of storm when the other power wlll not work. How Interesting to see things going on ! I'm sure otben would enjoy a vlslt just as we enjoyed ours. -Allee E. Dernebl, Grade 6A, Howard 'Qle annual style show of the eighth grade aewlq classes was held last 'filesday at the monthly meeting of the Lonn· Howard· P. T. A. This exhibit Is beld every year under the supervision of 111811 Kernle II. Woodley, Domestic Artll Instructor. · Girls appeared In the performance with many cllfrerent and attractive styles of dresses. The dresses were all made of cotton material as JrllBB Woodley thoucht sllk or wool to dlfllcult for amateurs to work on. ~on Tubbs and Jla.rle Skog mention for the making _ · besides their drease& tlon e nit waa of gray wool tweed and Marie's ot pink flannel. Both were ~xcellently made. Afterwards, llr. Leble took a picture of six of ua In the social hall showing the dUferent styles of dresses. Dorothy Kunaer, Allee Edmonds, Karle Skog, Marion Tubbs, Harriet Redfern and Lauretta Anderson were featured ln the picture which will apPear In the Wn.KII'l'TB LD'II eometlme soon. The new stage scenery set off the girls' costumes to an advantage and every one received applause. . -Lauretta Anderson, SA Howard. P. ·T. A. Wit11esses An11ual Style Show at H owartl School THE IlfQVIJdKG UPOB'l'EB (:d:oward School) Question: How did you spend your Easter vacation? · 1 went out to my grandmothers and fished and played with my cousin. -Tbom Edwards, &B I stayed at home and played most of the time. -.John Dernehl, 8B I spent most of my · vacation at spring camp at the Cabln-in-theWoocl8. -Paul Sterner, 8B_ Most of my vacation was spent reading, eating and sleeping. . -Lauretta Anderson, SA All I did on my vacation was to play around. The weather was too bad for sports such a.s baseball or football. I went to the show to paBB the time away. -James Kraft, 7B I worked most of the time. Gee! It's nice to get back to school 'cause I had to work all the time at home. . -Bllly Sorsen, 'lA Pupila Give Splendid . _ · ·at G,...naaium A recltat by the pupils of :Mrs. Edith Mann VIvian was held on Tuesday, April ·10, at the Central school gymnasIum. About 35 pupils played, some played four for five pieces. They were just pupils from Central and Laurel schools as Howard and Logan bad theirs on April 11, at the Howard gymnasium. Children from the age of five to thirteen played pieces they have been practicing for several weeks ln preparation for the recital. Some have had five months of Instruction, some ten and some two years or more. This Is the second recital Mrs. Vivian bas bad tbls year, the other one was just before Christmas. Although this Is Mrs. VIvian's first year In Wilmette, she bas started some fine classes. -Emma Bickham, SA Stolp I played until Wednesday. and left Wednesday g,fternoon for WIBCOnsln where our summer cottage Is. I bunted and played and helped the farmers. -John Osborne, 7A Takes Two Easter Ett Hunts to Get Etts for Everyone was held near the VIllage Green for the children of the primary grades of the Wilmette schools. This bunt consisted of two separate sections, the first section for the second, third. and fourth grades and the second for the pre-school, kindergarten, and ftrst grades. The number of children who participated In the fun of the second section was estimated at about four hundred. Due to a misunderstanding two of the grades were detained and thus did not have a fair chance to obtain as many eggs as the children who bad previously hunted bad naturally found most of them. A great number of children were thus disappointed, however this situation was soon changed when announcement was made that another bunt planned especiallY for tboAe of the second ot" smaller children's section who did not receive eggs. This bunt was hf>ld Friday mornIng at Howard and 'l'bursday morDlng at Logan. It proved to be more of a success than the other bf>cause the little ones were all well sunplied with eggs. -Elizabeth Fowler, 8B Howard. 11, at 2 :30 o'clock an Easter Egg bunt On the afternoon of Wednesday, April Gum ,Chewing Gums Up BaD Game for SA's - Our ftrst baseball game ...,;.. with SA Blolp. ..Our" means SA Bowar.... The u eaptaln of our team Is Lawrence McHale aad the fltcher I· Hank Specht. The eaptaln 0 the other team Is Robert Hess be was the pitcher, too. 8A had "In" tbe ftrat lnnlq. 8A made one run. Tile ftrst Inning on 8A Stolp was two rtiDB. Hank made a home run In the tldrcl Inning. The game was a tight one, tJae 8COre was tO to 11 In Howard's favor. that was the first victory for Howard -~rew:..::~. to get many more before -Rou Skelton, SA Howard. Howard Baseball Nine w-ma Over Stolo Team Mr. Renneckar Presents Goldfish for Fountain · Mr. Carl Renneckar, owner of the Ridge A venue Drug store, bestowed a gift of ninety-five goldfish for the fountaln of Howard school. We now have over tOO flab In the fountain. Mr. Renneckar bad been having a sale of Nydenta tooth paste and to every one who bought a tu be h e gave two goldfish and a bowl. Mr. Gatbercoal brought the ftsb down last Thursday and Monday wt en we came to school were surprised to see what a large family we had acoulred. I am sure we all appreciate Mr. Renneckar's klndneBS very much. -Lauretta Anderson, Howard SA BEADY FOR BU8INE88 The Wilmette school pupils bad a vacation from Mat"cb . 30 to April 9. School convened again at the regular time April 9. The pupils enjoyed their vacJV tlon (for the first two days unless they were out of town) Immensely. The' others who were In town an the Ume did not have such a good time the rest of the week. But as a whole the pupils -came back- ready for bu8lness. -Chester Hanson, 7B Stolp VICTIJI8 OJ' XUJIP8 SA Howard Is sorry to announce . that two more gfrls have come down with the mumps, namely Janet McConnaugbey and Isabel Jtasklns. Erwin Foslund ancl Edna Stiles of SA have both bad them this year as well. Prom Dr. Moore's reports mumps have been the predominating disease In Wilmette this year. -Lawr..tta Aa4enoa, SA Howard ::t TAJrB .nTliiOB LIPE PICTURES 'the Thursday during RPrlng vacation. almost all of the Junior Life staff showed to have their picture taken. Mr. Lehle took ft. The articles which we had written In vacation and our articles about t Easter E~g coloring In the mornlnsr re banded ln. The press pups, 11Lefty" d "Lindy" are fn the center of photoafaph. The ph·ture ..,.. later published Ia WJLKJ:ITD LJII'C. -'-Lauretta Anderson, SA Howard. TOU KAY BE lfEXT! Jf you put 110metblng good In the W'ILKII'ftll .Jumoa Lira, you caa wiD a et admlttiJW two people to t1ae NortlaeatM- · all)r Satunlay after.-on. Jean Ann Jlouldlng, Carol Stifter . . . ID_eanor Wllllamll bave alreadf won ~ TI9EB8 Will' 11 TO I Tile Tlgen ba4 a tame a«afllllt the returned Cubs, Monday, April ttb. Tbe 1100re wu: ,-..e~~ C!~~ rlJillill!t:i,.:'lf4!!1fHt"1MII~"t.A <!tabid . 1 e.riMG~ te Cefttra1 -Belen Born, SA Central Clevel&Dcl . ... ..... ·. e. Ill tpent a Last night 6B played 6A baseball. Every boy tn 5A bad gum. It gave most of them bad luck. 5B was up first. They made 16 points. When they were put oat 5A was up they made 14 points and were put out. 5B made 8 more points and was put out and then 5A was up. They made 9 more · points when John La.nkey was up be made an out and so 5B won by one point. Once when Robert Reed was up every girl around there was picking up stones which they called good luck etoneB. Robert Reed bad two stones and Steven Woodhead put some 8B Stolp and 8A Howard started the In bls pocket just as be was ready to Grammar school baseball league by bit and be bit and ran two bases. playing a game at Howard Tuesday. A -Mary Jean Lewis, 6A Central coin was flipped and Howard won the MUSIC CLUB MEETS toss up. They took "outs." The pitching on The Music club held Its third meeting at the home of Palyma Lee Burpee, SB's part was a little wlld toward the · Tuesday afternoon from 3 :30 to 6 end. The game was supposed to be o'clock. Palyma Lee, who was also seven innings but at the end of the chairman of the program committee bad sevP.ntb the score was 10 to 10. This a tittle dlftlculty In securing enouJrb Inning was ended by AI MacLean catchmembers to perform and when one did Ing a fty. Another Inning was played. volunteer they would back out at the SB was uv first. Two outs were made. last moment so Instead of the regular George Quinlan bit a t.,vo bagger and 8 numbers there were only three but another out was made. The score was these three were splendid. Two of the still 10 to to with SA another ..ups." members who bad Instruments passed Hank Specht "socked" a homer and the them around and explained their differ- game was ended. · The score, 8A Howent parts. After the buslneBS meeting ard-11 ; SB Stolp, 10. . refreshments were served. -Bob Hess, 8B Stolp -Mazie B. Mouat, 8B Stolp · AJIBITIOU8 FOB WORK EXHIBIT CRILDBE1f'8 ART The Byron Stolp pupils are back at At the Art Exhibition at the Wom- work again after a week of vacation. an'8 club great Interest Is shown In the Everybody had a good time during vawot"k of the grammar school pupils. Go cation, rm sure, although the weather and see how fine your drawlnp look, was wet. It Is good to get back to work hung up wttb the other artists. 'l'be ex- again although we all llke vacatloil. We hibition wDl be there every afternoon are tl7lq to make tbese Jut w,.U of this week and Is free to all. school better than aay befo~ -Jerry Wilson -Roee llalte · Otllh, IC ·stotp PLEWTY OP SCORING t('UCBEB BitT1l'D8 ·.· -. Ml· Brel'D'· 1'00111 aacl Jlla Berry's too1n playett baseball ,-e*tm!ay, April Mt· ros came 1Jad .AP&Itl antn. tJ. The 1100re was D to Jf In fa·or of 9. Wl are ... tolla·ew Howard Trims 'Sl9lp in Close Bueball Contest -------- ..._'BenT-~~. ~~ . . : - ~ · ·= . .. . · Wlablrlr~ .ac ·c entral )

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