Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 44

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Mrs, James Duii:D. . . elcl, :ICIIMMII of S.peech Proaa Mo., who has reee~~t1Y' ret~mecl from visiting her son, Dr~ Everett Dalia, ill Four huadred youag people attended New York, spent two weeb at th~ the Northwestern university school of apeech prom at the Evanston Woman"· home of Mr. -nd Mn. C. L. Keith, of d~b last Friday evening. The ball 222 Ninth street. Mrs. Dulin is the was very attractive with a great ·many mother of Lieut. James Harvey Dulin, ftri-colored lights playing .on the a former resident of Wilmette who arched dome. Th~ prom was led by now resides in Paris. . Naomi Merlien and KatJJerine Hfelcs, _ _ _ _ ___,;,..._ _ - -. - - - -_ ___._.... whose partners wer~, · respectively, Dean .and Mrs. Ralph Dennis, Dean Theodore Ross and Robert Howlett. and Mts. ] ames Armstrong, Prof. and The Cope Harvey orchestra from the Mrs. C. D. Hardy, Prof. and Mrs. Lew Stevens hotel furnished the music. Sarret, Prof. and Mrs. K. L. Lardner,. Th e chaperons f or t he evenang were and Prof. and Mr:s. L. G. Kranz. at ...Edward J. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, Wilmette, is one of fifty-five seniors elected to membership in the Cornell university chapter of Phi Beta Kappa at the annual election held recently. In addition to the undergra~uates ele~ted, two members of the faculty and one graduate student were chosen. Prof. Thomas Ftederick Tout, of the University of Manchester, the Messenger Lecturer at Cornell ·for 1928, was elected to honorary membership ·"n the chapter. W·"lmer Cor- ICUIG Phi Beta JC.,.. Girla Camp Fire CenJDODial w· at -------------------~~~-----~I~UD~~rt~&rrhoo~~~~a Bmge,· mh~~ a~~~~ ~kh The Ahi Ca~np ,ire held a Ceremonial meeting last Saturday evening at the W. I. Deam residence, 411 Sheridan road. Dorothy Neal was hoste~s. Trenna Scott, Katherine Thompson, Beth Mcllraith, and Dorothy Neal took the rank of woodgatherer. Miss Estelle Farley of the Chicago Camp Fire council was in charge of the Ceremonial. Mothers of the . .nembers were .special guests. Th 1 1 t. f th Ah" . e was ast regu mg o e · group. held ar at mee the home of Alison ... · : . . .&-die : MOMOILE lV~R.YTHING . NEVER. CLOSED ' SPRING INSPECTION Gas System \ 1. 'Clean Vacuum Tank Screen. great-grandson of Ezra Corneft, the founder of the university, is one of the time Camp Fire council songs were seniors who was elected to member- rehearsed. · ship. Gene Clarendon of 221 Nintf\ street, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bagby of the formerly of the·~ Evanston Stock comLinden Crest apartments left last Sat- pany, is now with. the W ~oden· Kimona urday for Europe, where they will company which ·. js playing at '. the spend ·about 'two months returning in Majestic theatre i~ Milwaukee this time to attend the graduation of their week, and which \\rill be playing in daughter, Anne, from New Trier High New York next week.. school. -o-oMiss Louise McCoy has returned to Milton Emerich, fo~erly of Wil- Vas·5ar c.ollege after spending the mette, has been elected president of spring vacation at her home, 730 Ash:.. the sophomo~e c1ass at Dartmouth. .land avenue. :· 2. Clean Carburetor Screen. "' 3. Blo\v .. out .all gas lines with coin pressed air. Say, Mister-why didn't you read the Want Ads and find a GOOD Used Car? /The Largest Motor Repair Shop · IQ 4. Inspect 'rank for dirt, water, and loose baffle plates. 5. ~rake carburetor apart ... Inspect and Clean~ .WilmeHe 6. Adjust carburetor for warm weather. I ·H ..... · 7. Clean out vacuutn tank and inspect for leaky float. ~ VEN'T .: ou often heard someone say, I wouldn t have a used car if you gave it to me. It's too easy to get 'stung' on them." Tlais will insure the car against trouble .from the gaa ·~tem at. a coat of from $2.00 to $3.00. · It depends on where you buy it. The authorized motor car dealers of the north shore cannot afford to sell you a used car that isn't just what they say it is. Their reputations depend on the kind of cars they sell, · whether new or used. You'll find thei~ Used Car · ads tn the Classified Columns of this paper. · If you want a good Uled car ·" .: ata4 not a'n a~ q~r . ) . I I ~ .·. ':

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