Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 36

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BY EUZABE'nl NEIDLINGER James Cady Ewell, president of the North Shore Art league, was a delightful master of ceremonies at the ual banquet held Apn1 13, at the Onington hoteL He himself gave a short talk, telling of the tolerance and broad vision of th;3 organizat~n that _ encourages all kinds of art, "good and bad." He expressed his appreciation for the help given him during the past ~by Mrs. J . W. F. Davies, Mr. and )Irs, Albert Ullrich, Mrs. Felix Boldtn~eck, and Mrs. Marguerite Calkins Taylor. Miss Lena Macauley was thl! first speaker introduced by Mr. Ewell She told of a southern trip - on which, e v e r y w h e r e she went, she found sketchers and painters and poets at work, which indicated to her that we ate seeking the spiritual and the beautiful, not just the material things of life. When we indulge in .art, we are, she said, seeking to escape from \"'JI.I _ tmUD IIB1i'ZIL stem reality. The of Kiss - Wiaifted Followi~g Miss Ma~uley,s talk, · Metzel, ~iaUahter o~ Mr. and Krs. E. Mrs.. DaVIes made a mot1on that Ru- B.. Met~~. of Kenilworth· to Ballard Mr. ;and 'Mrs. dolph Ingerle be made an .honorary H·gbee, ..IOD of Mr·.~d Mrs. J ·· W. H. Jr ·· f .·Winnetka · member of the league for bfe. The Higbee .o f 810 Lake avenue wtll take .· · ·· -~ of their engagement ..~as to Sturtet-aot motion was passed en~husiastically by place J~e Z. The _ aU the members, and, IJ! a few ~o~ds, announced several months ago. ·::.;.· · Mrs.' George Wheeler also of Mr. lngerle expressed h1s appr~c1atton. i; .:··. : . . -~~ _,·Winnetka. Miss Webster is ~ttending Jlrs. James L. ~rd~er, pr~s1dent of 1 · ·t v .. -~. · Connecticut college, New L() n do~. the Evanston Umversaty guild, under fJ. n.egno..e_ ..Y! · . Conn. Mr. Hinman graduated front whose ausp!ces the pictures are hung K ~~Chro.X... ·Wedd.UJg the University of Wisconsin in 1~5 at the· Orrangton, told of the great Th .... ';·: 0 f M .d Mrs Charles and from Northwestern Law school In honor the g1lild feels bas been cone ., ~.. r. an · 1927 · · .,. . ferred upon it by having the North A. Koepke at 414 Washington avenue, Shore league exhibit with it. Wilmett·~~- was decorated with a pro- · · J ur Dudley Crafts Watson, introduced by fusion of spring ftowers for the wed- Elizabeth , . "', ter Mr. Ewell as "a miracle. ~an," em- ding of .. their daughter, Louise, to M aha Debut at T H DIIIXI phasized the great responssbllaty of the G A. dr Cb · f Kr f h · · members of the league and spoke at e3rti ~n ~ Wit" A debutante 0 t e ear1y sprang some length of the Chicago World's an r~=-- n ew · ron!s Th- seaso~ was Miss Elizabeth Jane WebFair to be held five years hence. At mette, .aast Saturday even!ng. e ster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' T~wner thiS · 'time be said the north shore win Rev. H. ~- Lambr~ht. of Chicago ~d K. Webster, Jr., of Winnetka, who was ' b b'· f b 1 d the marnage servtce before the 1mS d be one of t e c le s ow ~ ace'.$, an mediate families at 7 o'clock. At in- introduced to society last atur ay aD the n~rt!t shore ~~pie w1U be hosts tervals . during the evening George during a tea dance given by her father to the malbons of ~ttors. Hacker played violin selections, accom- and mother, and her uncle and aunt, Percy Eckhart, Ltonel Robertson a!id panied at the piano by Miss Meta Mr. and Mrs. W alter Strong, at the. Frank Peyraud all ga!e very bra«!f Kaden. Both musicians are from Chi- Strongs' home in Hubbard Woods. · talks before Mr. Ewell antr~uced the cago. Immediately after the ceremony, Assisting in receiving at the tea main speaker, S. ]. Duncan-Clark, of a dinner was served to twenty-two per- dance were Mrs. Henry Kitchell WebWilmette. In an amusing but impres- sons. · ster, Mrs. Laird Bell, Mrs. Ernest sive manner, he discussed the mysteries The bride wore a sand colored chif- Ballard, Mrs. Raymond Durham, Mrs. of artists. Artists, he pointe4 out, fon gown with real lace inserts. She Et1skine Wilder, Mrs. Harold Wllder, have a different conception than a carried a bouquet of orchids, sweet Mrs. Buckingham Chandler, Mrs. Roblayman of the meaning of such words peas, and lilies of the valley. ert Biddle, Mrs. Alvin Bastien, !ln. as "values," "patterns," and "centers Her only attendant was her sister, William D. Dean, Mrs. Robert E. of interest." Then, too, he said, he Marie Koepke, who wore a rose-beige James, Mrs. Bruce Macl~ish, and Miss has found an artist has an extraordin- ffeorgette frock and carried spring Alite Haugen. ary sensitivity, he "feels his way to ft A 11 d" th W b t truth and beauty." After noticing the owers. · sma mner party at e e s er "d d Frank W. Teegarden of Wilmette, home followed the tea. Friendi of mysteries b of artists, ld Mr. Cia r k dect "tb e a fraternity brother of t he groom, was M1 "ss Webster attended · th*' affa1"r, al·'l d b to enter t . e at artpainting wor ' ~n eganThen, WI though many of them had returned to an attempt a tree. best man. he said, he realized how many \»ranches Mr. Chronis and his bride left Sun- college. · a tree has, and how desirable it is to day for Kansas CitY, Mo., where they ------eliminate unessential details. wiD be guests of a cousin of the bride's To Be Spoke Hosteu Kr. Clark told of his awakening to mother. Upon their return on May 1· Mrs. Roger E. Williams, 410 Forcolor and hi$ subsequent awareness of they will be at honie in Chicago, ·where est avenue, will entertain Spoke XII its presence everywhere. Then he they have taken an apartment in Lo- of the Presbyterian church at her home penetrated another mystery of art-he _ga __ ns_q~u-ar_e_.- - - - - - - - - - at an all-day meeting Tuesday, April "felt a line!" 24. The morning will be ·spent in sewThe study of art, he found, made the dous work for the happiness of men ing for char~ty and the afternoon prowork of artists more interesting and and women everywhere." gram will be in charge of Mrs. Charles more beautiful to him, and he was able Mr. Ewell finished ·the meeting by \Veils. to analyze his reasons for liking ;a making a few announcements. On thing. He discovered a new point of May 10, at Community House, the Mrs. William E. Suits and her from which to regard a picture- league is to give a delightful play that daughter, Helen, 718 Forest avenue, the artist's purpose in the picture. "To has to do with artists and is called "In will sail from New York in June to h&Ye a clear aim in what you a,Le trying the Beginning." There will be a short spend several months traveling in Euto do, that is the great thing," said Mr. business meeting that evening, "as a rQPe. Helen will be graduated from Oark. "!Yery a.rtist knows he can· sideline." Northwestern an June and she and her DOt reproduce nature ; he must attempt AD th~ pictures in the OrriDRton mother plan to leave immediately aftertO interpret it." exhibit must be called for on Satur- wards for the East. Jir Clark concluded his talk by day, April 28. it was announcecl. The tiag 011t that "An organization exhibit wilt be open until that time, Pauline McCoy, daughter of :Ur. and u the North Shore Art league, and wiD be especially open for mem- Mrs. Charles McCoy, 730 Ashland 11 be1piq ~le to and help- bers and their friends on Sunday, avenue, entertained a group of friends people "10"-fftl; fl' doinlr -a tremeu- · /qJrit !2. at· tea last Sunday evening. · ..,...ge Photo by Glbeon Casebeer MRS. WILLARD D. CUNNINGHAM ra::"ent s·Imp'; When Mr. and Mrs. Willard D. Cunningham return ~rom t~eir wedding trip to French L·ck Sprmgs, they will make their home in Evanston. Before their marriage on April 2, the bride wa$ Miss Madeline T r u i t t, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Theodore W. Truitt of Wilmette. Alpha Phi Benefit at E 61 · A:' &otb' Saturday, Aprll Z1, is the day, and the EvansJon Country club the p)Jce, of the benefit bridge party the Alumnae chapter of the ~lpha. Phi_ sor~r_ity of Northwestern umvers1ty 1s gtvang at z o'clock, for the purpose of swelli~g its house fund. One of the attractive features of the affair will be a display of the newest in spring apparel A H d from the N. . anna an company shop by members of the active chapter of Alpha Phi. Mrs Louis E. Tilden of Evanston and Miss Elizabeth Cutler of Wilmette are co-chairmen for the affair. The day and the place are particull.lrly emphasized as it is announce4 that some misunderstanding bas been current as to both. Saturday, April 21, is the time, the Evanston Country club, the locale. ------....n..With its dance tomorrow evening the ways and means committee of the Woman's club of Wilmette brings to a close the series of eight such affairs iPvan during this past season to add to the funds for the addition to the club building. Mrs. Earl P. Lyon is chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements for the event, which will be given in . the clubhouse on the comer of Tenth street and Greenleaf avenu ~ at 8:30 o'clock. omston on prl A ·1 1 z Club D,,._,. 011 Saturday Give DtUJCe for Daughter Dr. and Mrs. John H. Cadmus entertained at a dance in honor of their daughter, Edwina, last Saturday evening at their home in Winnetka. About sixty guests were present. A midnight supper was served following the dancing. Mrs. H. 0. Weishaar, 1331 Chestnat avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge last Friday at her home in honor of Mrs. Otto G. Beicb of Evanston, who is leaving to make her home in Bloomington, Ill Wednesday evening Kn. Weishaar also entertained her dinner and bridge club. *" see,

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