Telephone Your Orders University 1024 Wilmette 3700 · i · Notious Cortittlli Spool S.U. 100 yudt. ...., wbitt: lie a IPOOI· a doaln. Sbitl .... ...... Ia · . Ea·lta "--o · . . ......., 11, peir: 17.)5 a - . . : aize ), 1Jc a pair. II · dolla. Yli,..., Fatlflfn. ·lack · ·... .W. f101a 4/0 10 1-IOc a cud: 11 a dun. Lille a-N. wllite or 1/1 iach wicltb: Sl w.c· .... daaa .be._ ,r , .... Bri·rol a-· Pi·. ball yan~a. 10c po~~ad t.osn. 4Sc 10 75c a Lotla--Norione--Finr Fla« Printed Broadcloths and Percales /or Play Suits and Dresses . ' For the wee kindergartener, nothing could look more crispy clean and fresh than a dainty dress of printed broadcloth or percale. The broadcloth has wpite backgrounds with clustered stripes in bright and contrasting fast colors. The percales are in cunning patterns, tiny buds in floral design · and then. whole toylands with bears and everything all over a white back· ground. Some have wooden soldiers in Jed on parade, too. All Fast Colors! 59c yard. Batiste and Dimities, 38c yd. Clusters of roStbUds--spring bouquets--imprnsionistic ftowen--d01e. small allover patterns--widely-spaced dnigns in which the background massn are merely punctuated by occasional buds and blooJU--Squara and triangles of color--conventional patterns-Plenty of cboice--whethu you're buying for children's dresses. porch drtSSH or kitchen ~urtains. The littlt girl's dms (Vogue Pattern No. 27 :z 8) would be cuaing in the- "toyland" · ~[Ca(t, With COllars, CUJ'S, and pocket b~ds of, white · or plaia ' grmf or blue. Or quite dainty in floweml percale. t ( Sport Dresses of Mingtoy Crepe Tub Easily Heavy Mingtoy crepe. which launders so beautifully, makes up into smart sport dresses. 40 inches wide, $2.50 yard. This new Vogue Pattern No. 9 3 2 7 which is sleeveless has a vestee open in the front, V in the back, with tiny tucks on each shoulder in front and in back. Lovely in any of the following Mingtoy shades. (5o tn all!) White Poudre Copen Lichen Grltn Scarlet Marron Glace French Pink Corona Rose Nile Turquoise This boy·s oae-picce suit (Vogue Pattern No. 2486) , in striped broacftloth with I plain collars .and cult's maka a aice play suit. Or.; be might pmfer the w60dm soldiaa with white collars and cuff,. Jaunty Suits of Homespun and Flannel Even the little girl bas her en· Stmble this spring. She will be .smart in a combinatioo of beatbtrgl'ftll-and-wbite homespun suit with a blouse aad jacket lining of Mingtoy crepe to match. Lovely and soft, the · homespun is 5-t inches wide. $-J.50 yard. VOCiUE P/1TTERN · I 2794 Or one might make it in plain flan· nel. 54 inches wide, $3.50 yard. In these rich new shades: Wood tan, Rosewo~. Burgundy, ·Palmetto Green, Brittany Blue, Black and Navy. Lord's--Firat Floor Sbe might prtfer her ensemble in plain, soft flallllel with a Mingtoy blouae and jacket lining of Ming· toy CftP( ia con"trasting color. or to match. Her jKket has taUom:l set in pockets ad lapel collar. Or perhaps a blou· an~ jacket liaing of a printccl crepe de chine--40 inches wide, at $2.95 a yanl.