Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 25

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ore . · Kn. 'May EnnJtoq .14CJ1&18 liilill lleDI 3IIDIIII.r, Sunday, April·- 22.· .delegates from forty-five state leagues of women voters will be wending their way to Chicq-o for the eighth convention of the National League of Women Voters. PoliticaUy-minded women, · who are concerned with the political education of women, the establishment of efficient government, measures for peaceful settlem"!nt of international dUHculties, and with the several phases of public welfare in government, will gather in the Palmer House on April 23 for a week of absorbing discussions. Between 500 and 600 delegates are expected. In selecting Chicago for its eighth national convention, the league will return to the scene of its first convention. Eight years ago the league had its first congress in conjunction with the fifty-first and final convention of the National American Women Suffrage association. The challenge of 1920 will be reflected in all program discussions of the 1928 convention. · Coaimittee Coafereacee . , The first two days of the conventien week will be limited to committee conferences, which are often times designated as "the little convention." Experts on many subjects will participate, including Professor John H. Latane of Johns Hopkins university, Raymond Leslie Buell of the Foreign Policy association, Dr. E. W. Morehouse of Northwestern university, Mrs. Mabel Walker Willebrandt, assistant U. S. Attorney General, Miss Jane Addams, Miss Mary Winslow of the U. S. Women's Bureau; Samuel Ferguson, president of .the Hartford Electric Light company; John ·Bauer of New York City, director of the American Public Utilities bureau; Raymond A. Beardslee, of Springfield, Vt.; R. S. Cooley, director of the Milwaukee Vocational · scl10ol; Prof. Leonard D~ White of the University of Chicago, Prof. A. R. Hatton, of Northwestern university, and Walter ]. Millard, secretary of the Proportional Representation league. Hear Proaaiaeat lrMIIIIaa Three evening meetings appear particularly interesting. The Tuesday evening of the convention week will be devoted to an address by Miss Sherwin, national president. The only mass meeting of the week is scheduled for Wednesday night, with Count Carlo Sforza, former Italian Minister of State, Arthur Bullard, a writer of note, Edward C. Lindeman of New York City, and Miss Jane Addams as speakers. One important feature of the Thursday night session is the presentation of "A Day at the Polls" under the direction of Judge Edmund K. . ] arecki of Chicago. PlaD ·Political Actm~" A specia.l committee is now engaged in mapping out a suggested "political activity" calendar for the League in this presidential year. The committee's report will be acted upon by the delegate body. In addition, the committee must suggest candidates· for director in each of the seven regions. The present directors are: Mrs. James E. Cheesman, of Providence, R. I. ; Mrs. Caspar Whitney, of New York City; Mrs. Mary 0. Cowper, of Durham, N. C.; Mrs. William G. Hibbard, of Winnetka; Miss Marguerite M. Wells, of Minneapolis ; Mrs. Roscoe Anderson, of St. Louis; Mrs. Ernest}. Mott, of San Francisco. Local ....... Aaailt North shore· women leaders who · have important work in connection with ·preliminary arrangements for the convention are: · Mrs. Martha Kent Northam, lN.l - man .avenue, Evanston, kha~ Citizenship Training committee, IUinols league;, Mrs. CatheriDe Waugh lfcCulloch, 2236 Orrington avenue, Evanstoil; Mrs. E. W. Morehouse, 555 Provident ·avenue, Winnetka, chainnan Women in Industry cOIDIQittee, Illinois league; Mrs. A. M. Ferry, Winnetka, president Winnetka league: Mrs. John N. V.andetVries, 968 Pine street, Winnetka; Mrs. Walter L. Benson, 671· Lincoln avenue, . Winnetka, treasurer Illinois league; Mrs. William G. Hibbard, 840 Willow road, Winnetka, fourth regional director of. National League of Women Voters; Mrs. M. H. Lieber, 468 Ridge avenue, · Winnetka;. Mrs. Frank P. Hixon, Lake Forest, .treasurer National league; Mrs. Shelby M. Singleton, 1104 Forest avenue, Wilmette, president Wilmette league; Mrs. Mark Cresap, Kenilworth, president Kenilworth league ; Mrs. Bruce Macl~ish,. Glencoe; Mrs. Merle Snyder, Wiln.c:tte; Mr5. Edwin Brown, Winnetka. To Rent a New Apartment HoD,le~ In the &uita---LiviNG I.OOMS 14x20 Pr· . . DINING Roo,..s FT. IOxll FT. KITCHENS Ot,_ Pdiiia --o~ 8~x9 BEDROOMS Maia Diahal Rooms Drawina Room Libraq · Gmt LiYin1 Writial Rooms BaDroom 12x21 Pr. MANY LARGE AND CLOSETS R·pa BATHROOMS AS MANY As You R.of Gaftlea and WANT I Children'a Play Rooa ~- ' 0 e Tbia . · aapnb iDStrumqc .' co...,U.iaa the Orthopboaic Victrola and the A. C. Elcccric Racliola ao" oaly_, _' ····· _ __ Co,. in now. C01111enient Pqmmll. · 1 Ntvtr 10ld before for lea tbaa S375.oo. Only a few of that instr-.· m~u are available at this low price. Your old Victrola ·will be takaa as part P,a.,.ent, if daincl. major im~rtaace. Ycour moaey caa buy aizt as well as all the other advaataga at The Georgian. HeaJ each apartment home .. .-ally latser · per room than the average. You ~ave space' to add to your comfort and convmimce. Spacious rooms and larae closets, (more closets than the aver- ' ! age) -and baidn. the elid omfort of an ideal home; fftrytbiftg furnished, complete relief from all bousekeepiag rf111011sibilida, 2.f--boar ··rvice, ad the fall fadlitiq of a luurious ·manlion. All this you can buy for the price 1011 eow pay. . · , Yoa a . · Rooms! Cgmpare the lize ~f. yo'r rooms, the area of each aad all, aot just the munbet of rooms! Size Of rooms ia your pa~ e is of vaar might liM 1o Tbtt Gtor,im ,.,;,btl ,.,a, Co.

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