Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Apr 1928, p. 11

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· "Goo·· "\lftMJ!~ IO't! · !. .\ :· Next . week Tharaidayr and . FridAy -~Nity- nex-t ... fall-~re- receatly ~D·· · b · · - ~ · ·v · p , ··1e· . tertaiDecl b7 the Hanan~ UniYersaty ey~~.DIP na· .'!le.· ,·,~Unl . eqp I club of Cbacaao. fbe troup is cOal· ~~~~ of the -~ .~~~~ _.e~lt. Prilecl of Prank Gilthritt, GiOrp Pa~ Episcopal church, Hazel and · ·Green.i tison, Fraak Watt, ·Dean Vail. Rollin leaf .·ayeiaues · Glencoe, the PoPular. Simmonds, Earl Poroato. and Stocl. ' ·b·· · ,. : · · dard Small aeor.e Pattison, Fnnk comedy, "The Goose Hangs ntgh, by. Watt, Rol&n Simmonds Dean VaiL Beach. This -play pleased Chicago and . S toddard ar~ members of audiences · several years ago, when, it T. N. T., and George Pattison, Fnnk will be remembered, · the· fanious Mrs. Gilchrist, Dean Vail. Rollin Simmonds, Whiffen appeared to such advantage an~ Stod~d Small made; the ~onor · · soaety, while Frank Watt IS presadent · an the ·part of the grandmoth~"· Mrs. of the Senior class. All of the boys Harold C. Case will take · this role have additional honors. ·· next week. Several of the favorite actors of the St. Luke'a Olaleh ' ! ! society are appearing in "The Goose · .......,...., Hangs High," ·actors who haYe proven Pi~ ia their metal in "It Pays to AdYertise," !piphany Group Thtee of St. Luke's· "Nothing but the Truth," and "The church is giving a pivot bridge in th' Family Upstairs," plays the society has ballroom of the Georgian .hotel Tuespresel}ted during the past two yean. day, Kay 8, at 2 o'tlock. The commitMrs. Florence. Fox Below, who did tee for the atfair is composed of Mrs. excellent work as a society matron in H. A. Thompson, Mn. IL F. Hauter, "Nothing But the Truth," will have; the Mri. George H. ·Hardy, Mrs. C. .H. role of Eunice, the unselfish mother of Marlowe, Mrs ·C. H. Rey_n~lds. . Kn. three .children. Fred Bray, who has C. A. Wanner, Mrs. A..]. Seymout', been re iving acclaim · for his acting Mrs. I. C. Bruce, Mrs. Frank Watkins, in the society's and the Threshold Mrs. W. T. Watkins. · )Irs. A. W. Players' productions, will have the part Wells, Mrs George L Parkhurst, :Un. of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Willard E. A. Westerhold, Mn. A. L. Eberhart, Wheeler are to play the twins, Lois Mrs. Fred Morgan, Mrs. Irving Roband Bradley, two impulsive college erts Mrs. J. M. :MacCabe. Mrs. Oscar students, and example of the younger McNabe, Mrs. Edpr N. Richards.. Mrs. generation of today. The other son George Ma~ning, Mrs. Fred Kemp, will be taken by Martin P. Below, and Miss Marie Schilly. whose work was much liked in "Nothing But the Truth." Miss Willa E. RECOVER STOLEN CAR Hamm, who has acted in nearly all of A ear stolen from Martin A. Johnthe society's plays, will have the part son, 6.13 ElmwOod avenue, Wilmette, of an older woman, Aunt Julia ; and on March ~ was reeo.ered by a squad John R. Pretzel is to have the role of of Chicago pOllee under Sergeant P. her son, Ronald. Newcomers in the B. O'Haire of the 625 South Clark society complete the cast. W. King- street station last Monday. sley Abernethy will be Leo; J. C. Leo Holland, colored, who - was Whitaker, Noel; Miss Clara George, driving the machine, was taken . · Rhoda; and Miss Helen D e ni I i n g, custody~ He is said t() have· asserted Dagm~r Carroll. . that ·he had a biD of sal~ .for ~e car Those who have not already secured which the police claim. is . bogus. . tickets from members of the Young People's society may ·get .them at the K~. -Norma~ C. Deoo of 229 Laurel door Thursday and Friday evenings. avenue entertained her neigltborhood The performance begins at 8 :20 bridre club at her home yesterday o'clock. fternoon. Luncheon w,as ~t;4. Glewcoe·.The·tnau m M · J, wllo ·· ~eontemPT4{i- enfi~iiiiit-r.liiimntw·~ s.an PlaaS Jlridae Mar ..................... Quiet.ecoilomical oper_ation · , . . . litis helped tD ~: T H 1. · : ):o .a I 1: Y .. - F RI ·GI·D A l ·RE: ._:· c .'a ·o I C 8 · .c) I ·T B I . II A ;_,. quiedy, autom~tically,·... without attentio~ ·' Jt ·u · remarkably low in price, and surprisingly economical in the use of current. Learn how a few dollars dowa and easy monthly paJIDenU pat any model io your .. bOJae. Come in toclar. Prigi~~i. .-e ope~ea GIIIIJ..-:&18 .I.SS Root Be111 .1-49 Eatra Pale Drp, pia. ...._ ........._ IUICB ~~·· ..... . .......,_ .. . .J ,:=:..c:;..~·c:: :.~·1~~~.:=:.~'........ Palt--8teYer Co., Ce·bal AYe., B18la.... ._.. Ill BYallde.....atoYer .'!= · -r ...................··"' ............. pt. woM· ....- ...._.. c-.. Ale, fib. atue Rtbtion, ~ pt. .sse · ~· J6 ,1,. ~ . . . . · qt. .a c.., 1a1 .811·..._ hMie 8en1ee Ce. el ··iiJatla·~'t . . t1111r - - A~e.. &nellllaf...:..~~ata Ca·l·· ... :.:.... :. ·-·sa§ 'isi(ldt4 . . ., s:· PaODUCT . o . · GINiaAJ. · MOTO&I

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