Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 5

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Seorea of North 5Jaore Artiata Coatinaea Uatil April IZ . . Repreleated in Exhibit Which · B,. R. . L P. The saying, .,a prophet is without honor in his own country," does not hold true in Wilmette, if the prophets in this case are artists. For the Wilmette · Woman's club is exhibiting, until April 12, oil paintings, etchings, water colors, posters and handicraft by Wilmette residents, present · and fQnner. Color and beauty of line draw the eyes rapidly about the room, many canvases holding the attention for their merit. No "home talent" show is this, for established artists such as #\nita Willits -Burnham, William Watson, H. Campbell, James Cady Ewell and others exhibit. Yet, the new artist is not forgotten, and encouragement is particularly given school children. An outstanding example is the work of Mozelle Wright son, a 17 year old girl who has done some excellent work with ivorv soap. She has not only brought sense of harmony to the figures of her mermaid, a boy and the head of an aged woman, but she has the knack of making them full of life. The soap looks like ivory, and instantly appeals to the passer-by. Artists of the North Shore Art league, who viewed the sculptures, have given her a scholarship in the league, ·.so that next winter she may enjoy the priv·ilege of studying under a well known artist several evenings a week. If that were the only bit of real encouragement the club offered this year it would seem to have fulfilled its raison d'etre. But the club has also given cash prizes to Miss Helen Bower and Miss Helen Jone· s for their attractive posters on the club exhibit. Children of Wilmette schools competed, and all posters displayed are exceptionally ~ood. The schools also show cravon illustrations of stories. room designs. and soap models of Grecian art, and New Trier high school displays posters for the North Shore Art league exhibit. · A log cabin made by fifth grade children of the Howard school shows clever work in the making of paper furniture, rugs, and a large fireolace. Everything in the room. even to the small bowls on the table, is in the mode. Ope... with , Recep'tion The program opened on Friday with . a reception, and a program by Miss Edna Wilder, a Ravinia 'cellist. Among the still lifes, one notices the colorful and finished groups by the chairman of the art department, Mrs. Gordon Wibon. A ftQwer garden tempts one to pause and contemplate its blended tones, and one of the still lifes of a bowl of fruit and an old pitcher caused much happy comment. Mrs. Ashton Taylor displays two oil paintings of · boats in a Gloucester harbor, a flower arrangement and a garden scene. All have a distinctly profes- sion,l touth and .her . effect of sunJiaht is remarkable. · · Mrs. · Marie ~ Lusk has the outstanding portrait, one of herself. The texture of the face is remarkable, and glows wi~h her personality. George Lusk shows a striking modern cuf,istic !reatment of. a nude. Mrs. Burnham as present wath ~ gay scene ~r~m the Ghet!o, a portraat of Mrs. Wilham F. Englr.sh, and landscapes, all of them well thought out and gracefull~ executed. Carol ·Lou Burnham gaves a decorative panel and a majestic etching, "At Sunset," of a sh~p. William Watson has a lands~ape ·~· the dark mood, a~d H. S. Campbell s~ows several whach speak of nature 10 repose. Scalp~ ~· W·!- Colon. .Albert Ulrach s stunnang portraat of has daughter unfortunately was on view only the first day, but it i.s to be remembered with pleasure. . James Cady Ewell has two paeces of sculpture, full of vigor, and original Cartoons by Carey . Orr .mind of him. Among the water colors one finds the bird scenes for which William T. Schmedtgen is famous all of them being realistic studie· ~ly baa· died. Miss Susan Northam .also gives four lovely stuc;ties in this medium. Another young artist is James Gathercoal whose eight pencil sketches of architecture in Europe show outstanding talent. Among the etchings one finds several fresh studies by William Young. · There are many canvases worth' mentioning, such as Mrs. Ewell's softly tinted "Infanta"; Edith Cooper's portrait of a young girl, done in pastels; Mary Brokius' painting of the dunes; Margaret Molchen's desigtrs of mod.ern dress taken from historic costumes; Frederick Tellander's landscapes; Emily Bentley's still lifes, in subdued tones, and Alice Jackson's still life of flowers. Among the many mented upon were wor '1 Beat, lln. R. H. Greea, Dr. Kilton Barkt:r, Jane Johnson, W. T. Jon Beat.race ~e~dall, E. F. Le~le~, W. H: MatcbeiL. Tta~ exbil)at. ~ of wha~ .thtle ;Walmd.~e Womaas c can be JUS Y prou '* Wma· a~_--na--E-n_tel_tt_·_in_ 8m11 New Trier Maaic The annual party of the music cl of New Trier High school was h at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank · Stover, 1183 Tower road, Winnetka. on Monday :tight of this week. The members of the club were the gue of Mr. and Mrs. Stover and a delightful time was enjoyed by all. Among those returning from Princeton university for the Easter vacation are John Robert Murray of Kenilworth and Donald Wilbur and Ralph Whitsett of Wilmette. Equal to A . Wagoa Load ol Maaare Fafty pouads of Old G.rdeaer Fertilizer ia equal to a wagoa load of ltable ID8Idll'e, and at las thm half the COlt. Old Gacleaer giva abuaclaat Dlllriliaa to plat powtb.. It ia odorlaa and free from weed aeeds and inlect ,... Old G.rdeaer ia _ _, aad ill every way auperiolo. a FOR LAWNS draw more heavily on plant food In the aoll than any other crop. Every lawn. new or old, should have a top dressing of Old Gardener this aprlng. You will then have a luxuriant thick turf which will beautify your property. There Is nothing which will set off a home like a beautiful lawD-aDd Old Gar· dener makes beautiful lawns. FOR FLOW . ERS Old Gardener makes larger and more highly colored ftowera and prolongs the blooming period. Testa by foremost greenhouses show con· FOR VEGETABLES elusively that Old Gardener ftlla the wants of ftower growers. Every lover of flowers should uae Old Gardener. Old Gardener paya for Itself many tlmea In the quality and quantity of vegetables grown. It contalna in concentrated form. all the necessary elementa of plant food whlch/rofeaslonal gardeners uae. It baa a better balance of lime, potash, nitrogen. an phosphate than any animal fertUIaera. That·a why the United 8tatea Department of Agriculture now Ia urglnJr home gardeners to uae good chemical fertilisers like Old Gardener. Old Gardener Ia a better fertilizer than Bone :Meal because the latter Ia not a bat· anced fertiliser. The lack of potash ·· a aerloua drawback to Ita uae on lawu and gardena. Bone meal Ia alow acting and baa a decidedly unpleuant odor when used in damp weather. Sheep manure uaually contains around 5% actual plant food-thereat of the bulk Ia Inert ftller or what you might call "dead bulk.. and baa no value whatever u a plant food. In addition to "over three tlmea more plant food In Old Gardenw than In ahee· manure·· Old Gardener contains about 10% VIrginia Sweet Water Jlarl Lime, which Ia considered by aome authorities u superior to ground limestone. slacked. burned or hydrated lime. This lime dlaaolves readily and adda to the soil humus. Order a supply of Old Gardener today and atart your lawn and garden ..a.·u SIZES AND .PRICES 1 lb. can ·············· Sie 6 lb. bag .············· Me 10 lb. bag ············.·SGe 21 lb. b.g.............,. 60 lb. b&Jr··········· IUit 100 lb. bag. · · · · · · · · · · . . . Complete directions given on each package. 'l'wenty-ftve pounds will take care of 1,000 square feet of lawn or gar· den. Old Gardener baa abeolutely no cauatlc or harmful effects. BLACK DIRT Tea·l·l aad Ba.Uaw, WeD Rotted Jlaaue, Lake 8aat, Or&4llaw aad I'OU·I· WOLFF-GRIFFIS HARDWARE 1185. Wihnette Ave. Phone ·w llmette 183

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