Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 4

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LIFI h h S cia ·· er~ e ure un Y evemng, Aprit 8, at 8 o'clock. The cho. ir has been augmented by special talent. . Hortense L_eehter:--who will appear · the rot f 1 · t, h be f tn e o so OIS as en o ten WHT studio which is located in the Wrigle.I building, Chicago, also WMAU the Daily News station, as weD u WEBS at Evanston. Mrs. ¥c~ler is also acti!ely engaged in llngJng at teas and tn concert work. The choir of the Wilmette English Lutheran ~burch. regards. itself as very !ortunate· tn havmg obtamed the servtees .of Mrs. Lechler for this Sunday eyenuag program. The public is inVltecl. · "Olivet to Ca1,ar," it Celll,.tii·LIIflrll P. T. ~. . .itia Lat~aena CiaO~ a.....,. Sale.Toaionow · Pt.-ted ·aere Thunclay . Gf-of,f, 'io Ht~·r Talk . :A madeat program will be given in Economy Shop, 1147 Greenleaf ave- The choir and quartet of the First b N ~-~ A 1· C ·..,. the . ebape1 of tlicf Wibnette English nuc:. operated under auspices ·of the COoirega . "'i'ional church sang Maunder's y o·'81.. · · r rl IC ., tilth · There will · be a meeting of the Cen"Olivet · to Calvary" Thursday · eve- trai-Laurel Parent-Teacher associaning. A . large audience greeted them tion Tuesday ·evening, April 17 at 8 and heard with pleasure the soloists o'clock in the ~nasiu~ of t~e ByrC?n and the choir. · The solo quartet was · Stolp school. ThlSa.meetlmt 'Y·Il be m . · 1charge ·of the .School Beautiful comcomposed of Mtda Anderson, soprano, mittee and the Public School Art May Wall, contralto; ;Robert Taylor, league. Mrs. John F. Weedon, . chairtenor, and Lester Smtth, basso. man of the School Beautiful committee Amy I.eslie Toskey, who came to has charge of the program. She has the l~al churc~ last . Fall from the secured Miss Lena McCauley, art Austin Methodtlit Epascopal ch~tch. critic for the Chicago Evening Post where she directed the music for a as the speaker. number of years, has had unusual sueAt this time the Art league will precess 'w.ith the choirs of the Congrega- sent a picture to the Wilmette schools tional church this year. as a memorial to Miss Viola Caswell, Miss Isabel Thompson, daughter of . Annie May Hayes Bivona, the organ- who W!'S for many years a teacher in Mr. and Mrs. Hope . Thomps.on of 1219 ist came to Wilmette from Charlotte, the Wilmette schools. · Ashland avenue, has returned from the N~rth Carolina, and has ·been heard The School Beautifu~ committee has Frances Shimer school for Easter. here with delight. done much to beautify the school Phalanthropy department of the , Woman's Club of Wilmette, announces a Rumnage sale to be held Saturday, April 7, throughout the day. Proceeds from Economy Shop go into . charity channels · · PRE-SCHOOL CIRCLE MEETING The . Logan-Howard Pre-School Mothers' circle will meet Wedne~day evening, ·April 11, at 8 o'clock, in the Howard school. Miss Mary L. Morse of the Chicago Teachers' college will lead in the discussion of "How to Tell Stories." .: . ~Shop I~._ ~=:e~v!f :t:~a1~~ t~eh~~di!::e~gof seed garden this year and the shrubi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oo~LM~Wudooh~arr~~da bery and .plants that have been put in "Eleoen Year· in Wilmette" 6Z7 Mala Sta-eet Pboae Wllalette 1870 . ITY MARKET CO. WBOLBSALB ~ MEA" T S -RBT AIL will soon be adding much to the beaU_!Y of the school grounds. Unopposed Candidates Elected in Town Ballot With only one ticket in the field and with only two officials to be elected, the annual Township election last Tuesday proved a very quiet affair, as far as the numbe.r of votes polled, is concerned. James A. Williams, appointed highway commissioner a short time ago to fill the unexpired term of H. H. Sherer, resigned, was re-elected, and the other office to be filled was that of school trustee, for which ] . Edward Afaas was unopposed. There were only about 20 votes polled in each of the Wilmette precincts, but in Winnetka and Glencoe, in each of which towns the annual village elections were held on that day, from 60 to 70 votes were recorded in the several precincts in the township election. The ballot will be officially canvassed during the week end, by Supervisor Mrs. Gertrude M. Thurston; Assessor George R. Harbaugh and Township Clerk Mrs. Margaret S. Pierson. BIG ·EASTER SALE I'BIDA.Y Aim SA.'I'UBDAY, APRIL 6·7 laYitiq oar ....,., .....,. old u weD . u aew frieada to make a peraoaal Eater call. Attractiftt prices. &aeat qaalit,.. B ·1L B8eGDSwiftPremium~6172C Armour Star · 1L BlftS Swift Premium 61~ 72( .. Hall or Wlaole Ham Armour Star . . Hall or Whole Slab Pau Goal in Methodist Building Fund Campaign The $250,000 building fund campaign launched three weeks ago in the parish of the Wilmette Parish Methodist church has been successful beyond the most sanguine expectation, according to a report made this week in which it was stated that the goal of the drive has been surpassed by $25,000. The Building committee for the new $400,000 church edifice is to meet' Wednesday, April 11, to take steps looking toward actual fruition of the buildin~ program. Very Best Quality Fancy Native White rk Loins Cut front Young Pip Strictly Fresh-Every One Guaranteed 22e JI 0 Professor WbiteseU Will Preach Easter Semlon Here Prof. F. D. \Vhitesell will preach the Easter sermon at the Wilmette Baptist church this Sunday at the 11 o'clock services. His subject will be, "If There Had Been No Resurrection." An Easter pageant will feature the regular Sundav school hour at the Baptist church- this Sunday. WILL PURCHASE NEW TRUCK At the meeting of the Wilmette Village board last Tuesday evening Superintendent of Public Works C. C. Schultz was authorized to advertise for bids oti a two and one-half ton Routi111 truck with steel cab and dump body with hoist, to replace one of the trucks Native at Attractive now in use which was pttrchased e.ht years ago. The· old truck, it was explained, is beginning to give considerable trouble and will be traded. in on ·~······lllil·lllilllllll!l···.-···························" the new one. . ·.' Faaq Milk Fed Heas-Soft Yo11111 Beef Cuts Clickens-Choice Prime .Low Prices

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