Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Apr 1928, p. 74

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w· t LIIE·TTE LJF PO& IALB-B01l8B8 .'· Ill PO. l.lLB-BBBBLD. 800D8 .. - mette . JtooYZ. 100LT18-ttc 6 RK. SUN PARLOR. H. W. HEAT, l-ear pr. Cape Cod Colonial, frame COMPLETE FURNISHIN(JS OF 8 RM. NEARLY NEW, Z FAJOLY HOUSE, . J yr. old. 1810 Elmwood Ave. Ph. houae. Barp.lnL 1016 Foreat Ave., near BChool and transportaUon, In exWilmette &a4. 'l'ILTNU-ltc Ph. Wilmette 2731. 100LTI8-1tp cellent neighborhood. a and f room apartments, each with bath, nicely dec- LEAVING THE VILLAGE, MUST SELL FOR SALE-PORCB BET ~ LEATHER my new home. 6 rma. and aunroom, real rockers. Ph. Glencoe 86f. orated, . 50 ft. lot. landscaped, Z-car fireplace, H. W . Heat, Z-car p.r. 100 · 100LTNZ8-ltc prace. paved alley. ,11,600, ,2,000 7t PO. S.U.E-CO·OP .APA·'tXElfT8 cash, balance 1110nthly. ft. frontace, newly landscaped, N. S. FOR SALE-DOUBLE BED, SPRING and N. W. Sta. and car line. Write and mattreBS. Ph. Wilmette 1419 or Wilmette Life B-836. 'l7LTNZ8-1tp call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 100L25-ttc ATTRACTIVE STUCCO HOUSE. HUB- FOR SALE FISCHER GRAND PIANO. ~~..a- 7 .. bed · baths 730 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette 115&. 11'l'l Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 273 bard W"""'"'" rma., .. rms., Q · 100LTN28-ltc 'l'lLZ8-1to aunporch, .._eated sleeping porch. 011 heat. Attached heated ga~ge. Lot ltl WTD. TO .81JT-B8BBLD. GDS. 60Xl8'l. ,!6,500. C. Lang, Wlnn. 1194. 'l'lLTNZS-ltc WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND NEW BUFF BRICK FRENCH CHALET, ... -F-n.. -E-H_O_U_S_E_A_T_N_O_R_TH-furniture and other household Kooda. 1 block from lake. 6 rooms, lav. and -6-R-OO...... ~ Highest prices lor same. Croat :Furnl· maid's room on tat floor. Tile baths brook; H W. neat, 1 bath, l-ear gature store, 1001-6 Emmerson St., Evand showers, 2-car garage attached and rage, lot 50xUO. $9,300, terms. Call anaton, 111. Ph. Unlv. 189. 101LTN5-tfc h~ated. Many Interior features. H. W. at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wll. . heat, on burner. electric refrigeration, .THIS ULTRA :MODERN APARTMENT 3774. 77LTNZ8-ttp 111 Kobler dish wa!J)ler, tile roof, copper home. Ideally located at the cormetal \VOrk. Stone plana. Owner must ner of Sheridan Road and WellFOB SALE-VACANT LADIES' AND MEN'S READY-TO· sell .~t . cost. Terms can be arranged. 78 inaton Avenue, with a permanent Wear Garments. Also complete houseWlll consider vacant as part payment. FOR SALE-DEERFIELD LOT 60x 136. view of the lake and Lincoln 3 blks. to trans. or will trade for hold fumlshlnn. Buy direct and save Park. Give up the upkeep worry of a used car or 4ome. Address Wllmette 20% on dollar. Call Wlnn. 2645 bebig bouse and live in this beautiful University 8080 ·e B-65.. 'lSLTN28-tfc tween 8 and 12 A. Jl. and 8 and 10 home with all the modem con,·enlences. 1108 Davis St. LI &' ... 1 P. K. Ask for Miss Sexauer. · 77L28-ltc 3000 Sheridan Road Ia being sold on the 100% co-operative plan to families FOR SALE-100 FT. ON 16TH ST. ) 102T5-ftc of eoclal and ftnanclal standing. Our south of Wilmette Ave. In Wilmette. repurchase agreement guarantees satisCall owner Wilmette 1432. APPROX. I CU·. YDS. DELIVERED ,., faction. If after three yean you are 78 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~L~T~N~2 ~8~-1 ~t~c North Shore Garden Service not entirely satlafted with your home, . A.CaEAGE a ESTATES Pb. Glenview 181-J-1 or 141-J we will repurchase It from you. This MOST ATTRAC'l"IVE 5 ROOM BUNGA· "I low. Large sunroom, H. W. heat, 1· · 10!LTN26-4tc Ia the Ideal place to live, having all 15 000 conveniences necessary to real home car garage, wooded lot. $ · · Rea· I THINK. MY ACRE IS BETTER THAN CLARK JEWEL EN a ,..EL STOVE, aonable terms. -.. life, only 15 minutes from the loop on cash, but I can use cash now. DeerLorraine reg. nearly new. Seeger reCbleago'a lovely North Side shore line. fleld Is growing fast and this Is somefrig., fum., etc. Bargains. 83t Elm Payments are made on the rental Purone's opportunity. $950 takes lt. Some St. Ph. Winnetka 1214. 10ZLTNZ8-ltc chaae plan from Income. Estate proteccash, bal. terms. Phone Wilmette 1650 tion plan of Insurance Ia given at our evenings. 79L28-ltc FOR SALE-CHEAP-WHITE ENAMINC. expeDBe. Here Ia a · partial list of the flO Linden Ave. Phone WU. f07-f08 el Ice-box; gray baby carriage, Engmany features to be found here. FOR · SALE-20 ACRES BETWEEN End of ··L" lish style. Glencoe 1131. Canvaaaed Walla Glenview and North Brook ln town of 7'lL28-ltc 102LTN28-ltc Tile Bathrooms Northfield. Very reas. Call Wilmette Frigidaire 1432. 79LTN28-ltc FOR SALE-GIRLS' BROWN SUEDE Stone Fireplaces spring coat, size 11-12. Good condiLarge light airy rooms 85 W .ANTED TO :BENT-BOO:M8 tion. Also girls' tricycle 5-10 yrs. Ph. Ample closet space Wilmette 879. 102LTN28-1tp Yacht harbor district KE~ILWORTH-IN THE VERY BEST RM. WANTED FOR CHAUFFEUR IN GI.mnaalum part of town, 12 room house, 5 master private family not too far from Green- BACK YARD SUMMER HOUSE 10x12, Putting Green and 2 maids' bedrooms, 3 baths, stucco, leaf and 8tb. Sts. Address Wilmette copper screen14 Instantaneous hot water Children's Playroom everything modern, Including hot water Life B-653. 85L28-tfc h~ater, gas sto~ all reas. Ph. WilA brokerage department specializing In heat with Bryant Heater (gas), 2-car mette 2546. 102LTN28-ltc trades and sales baa been lnstalleci tor garage with room and bath, lot 100x175 81 W A.lfTED TO BElfT-BOU8E8 your convenience. If you are Interested well wooded. Asking $67,500. .Will sell HALF OF OUR 8-GRAVE PLOT IN In a trade call or see Mr. Green of our at the market price and very reason- SMALL UNFURNISHED HOUSE OR the N. S. Cemetery. Ideal location. brokerage dept. able terms If sale can be made within bungalow. One or two year lease. $450. Write Wilmette Life B-660. 30 days. Write Wilmette Life B-666. Small family. Ph. Wilmette 929. 102LTN28-ltc 89L28-ltp 77L28-1tc Phone Lake VIew 3000 FQR SALE-PORCELAIN LINED ICE CHICAGO, ILL. ANTIQUES box, $8. Ph. Winnetka 1080. 74LTN28-ltc 102LTN28-ltc BRAND NEW BRICK ENGLISH COTtage on superb lot In choicest southh - ·- FOB SALE-ROUSES . _ _ __ BICYCLE, VERY GOOD COND. CALL west location among distinctive homes. BUY NOW· FOR YOUR HOME AND for Janitor. 794 Elm St. 102LTN28-ttp cottage. Walnut chests $15 to $30 un3 bedrooms; 2 colored tile- baths; brick finished. $35 to $45 ready to use. Side 111 garage. Gas hot water heating plant; WANTED TO BUY-JIISC. chairs, blanket chests. Set mahogany all walla and ceilings celotexed ; Empire dining room chairs, corner WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS, lOc weather stripped ; all closets cedar ; cupboards, odd tables, large, solid, SUBSTANTIAL 'l ROOM BUNGALOW range and Ice box Included. per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette. type residence located near center of cherry gateleg tables and chairs, solid, 103LTN14-tfp Village. 5 rooms and tile bath on 1st rnatch. 8 rooms full of rare old things floor. 2 rooms and bath on 2nd floor. 720 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 254 at remarkably low prices. · 'VTD.-BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION Hot water heat. Lot 50x185. Easy OPEN 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 77LTN28-ltc for 9 yr. old boy. Ph. Winnetka 66. AND SUNDAYS terms $12,500." . 103LTN28-1tp Atractlve 'l room home midway be808 Washington St. tween '"L" and steam. H. W. beat. 4 EVANSTON lti MISCELLANEOUS bedrooms. fine lot 50x200. Near Bl. S. of Main St. & 1% bls. E. of Ridge 99LTN28-2tc achOQls, church, etc. Many shrubs and HOOKED RUGS perennials. garage and drive. A real SOLID BRICK; 'l. BEDROOMS ; 3 Unusual assort. Reas. priced. Old glass, walnut chest. t.,!u ilted bridge favors. buy at $20,000. baths ; hot water heat: almost an acre AM SELLING :MY PRIVATE COLLECtion of rosewood and mahogany pieces. Pb. Glenview 203. Warren, Glenview of ground a stone's throw from lake. Bedroom set of Dutch marquetry. borders, Glenvae"'· 105LTN28-ltc Mahogany trim ; Immense trees ; pero o Rosewood bed and dresser. Duncan fect ravine. The house you have been Phyfe table. Other pieces. Also drapes. dreaming about. 340 Linden Ave, Phone Wilmette 68 Oriental rt\gs. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 321 VILLAGE OF WILXETTE PROPOSAL · 77L28-ltc Kedzie St., Evanston. Tel. Greenleaf The Superintendent of Public Works 4475. 99LTN28-4tc will receive bids tor one 2~ ton truck '120 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 254 equipped with 4 yard steel body and & 77LTN28-ltc CURLEY MAPLE, CHERRY, 1\IAHOG- Woods Hydraulic Hoist. Equipped with any, walnut and pine furniture. dishes, 10 ln. tires In the rear, 5 ln. tires in the IS OFFERED IN A BEAUTIFUL ENGcoverlets, hooked rugs, etc. Reason- front, and truck to be equipped with lish brick Colonial, 1 block to lake. 6 ably priced. Thelma V. Oberlin, 318 60 ln. cab. bedroom~ I baths, 4 sleeping porches, NEAR LAKE, 6 ROOM COLONIAL IN N. First St., lJeKalb, Ill. One Packard 21).z ton truck must be perfect condition inside and out. Well sun parlor and breakfast room. Tile 99LTN28-ttp accepted in exchange on the purchase of landscaped lot, H. W. heat. Living kitchen walla, IL W. heat, oil burner, room 26x26. Owner has left. Must a new truck. This truck may be seen billiard room, lau~dry and drying room sell.' Priced at $14,500 for quick sale. 1M FOB 8ALE-R8EBLD. GDS. at 829 Kaln Street. All bids to be In In buement. )(any exterior features Small cash payment. the hands of the Supt. of Public Works In extra aoocl condition. 3-car garage. COMPLETE FURNISHINGS. ROYAL by 7:30 P. M. April 17th at the VIllage Lot bavlnc 80 toot frontage. A real & Saruk rug, 9xl2.6. half price. Eureka Hall The Supt: of Public Works rebuy. Owner will consider apt. bulldlnc Phone Wil. 698 vacuum, new '$35.00. Flne bedroom ser\"es the right to reject any and all In Evanston In trade. Price exception- 418 Linden Ave. 77L28-1tc furniture, chllrorobe, art chairs, day bids. ally low. Act quick. bed, etc. Ph. Glencoe 1169. C. C. SCHULTZ, · GLENCOE BARGAIN Supt. Public Works, Wilmette. 100LTN28-1tc Hubbard Woods section. Close to transLZ8-1tc 1108 Davia St. University 8080 portation and school& 6 spacious FOR SALE-PULLMAN DAY BED, $ 7 0 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 77L28-ltc rooms, 1 bath. H. W. heat. Garage. qu'-Uty, complete with 11 lb. mattress, VILLAGE OF WIJ.JIETTE PBOP08AL Wooded lot. Priced to sell $17,000. coli springs ; also walnut finish dinette Bids will be received by the Supt. of Only small amount of cash required. set complete· with pad and four chairs. Public Works for the furnishing of InAvailable May 1. Both like new. Ph. Wilmette 2893. candescent Mazda Lamps for street llghtA CBAIUUNG COLONIAL HOllE. SITCROSBY&: McKENDRY 100L28-1tc lng purposes, for a one year·a supply. uated on & beautiful landscaped lot 666 Center St. Winnetka 2032 .., auoo a,..YV' D. INING ROO.., . SET- Bids must be In the hands of the Supt. 14Sx150. The ftrat floor contains llv'l'lLTN28-1tc . - ~, .& -. of Public Works by 7 :30 P. K. April lq room, sun parlor, dlnlnc room, table, nine chairs, and buffet. 234 Cen- 17th A. D. 1928 at the VIllage Hall. Said JJ&Iltl'y, ldtehen. Second floor baa 4 tral Ave., Hlghl_ and Park. Phone High- Superintendent of Public Works reserves bed·rooma. two baths, extra lavatory, land Park !%06. 100LTN5-ltp the right to rejeet any and all bids. aleeplaa polda. Third floor, maid's rm. NEW 6 JUl. BRICK AND STUCCO C. C. SCHULTZ. aa4 bath. two storage rooms. Hot house, Z baths, toilet and lav. on lBt KAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO AND Supt. Public Works, Wilmette. ww.ter heat. Newport magaslne feed floor. Open porch, Z-car ga.race. bench In good cond. and a bargain. LZS-ttc IMIQer. Oarap to match house. This ·1·,600. Write Wilmette Ute B-864. Write Wilmette Lite B-eet. 'l'lLTN18-1tc 100LTN28-1tc I WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR 1a -·""' now at ttz.ooo. ":t~~~rntracted by anyone other FOR SALE-SCREENED CANVABSED FOR SALZ-GAS STOVE IN OOOD house lOxlJ ft. with floor. Ph. WilPark Ave. Glencoe TOZ condlUon. .'l.OO. Ph. Wilmette 2146. .John B. .Toln~ mette TTl for appt. TTLTN28·1tc ' nLTJIZI-ltc 100LTNI8-1tc · Ltt-ltc AdVertisements St<a>]p) GREAT BARGAIN WALNtJT DINING SBT, 'l'APBSTBY eeaU. pracUca1ly new. Rea& Pb. Wil- MolUlatt 1£ '1Fllallnelf1ty WELL ..CONSTRUCTED La>ck ll~mveaitllgatte ~«D«D«D Sllueriicdlam1 ~cdlo -------------------------FINEST BLACK DIRT E. E. Stults Realty Co. IE:cdkdliilm!tt(O)Im & Allllem1 3000 Sheridan Sales Co. $5,000 Less Than Cost . SPECIAL ANTIQUE SALE Wiillmmetttte SJPXe<Ciiall HEINSEN REALTY CO. A $55,000 House in Highland Park for Possibly $40,000 ~0 MI JJ (Q)llnlmlit(Q)lm & (C(Q) HEINSEN REALTY CO. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE OWNER HAS lfOVED . PAUL SCHROEDER CO. E. E. Stults Realty Co. South East Glencoe Highland Park Bargain \) Walter P. Smith & Co. r:fn I J

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