~ii~~--~~~--~----~~~~-t' IBake~aUTUu · at Stake ;, Fiul ·co·test Next Week UY ANY: ~: ~ ~ UN· t ·IL? ... --you. have seen our announceme.nt, which will apptar iD ··· .: · :· tilis paper next week. . MeStjian Brother~ Inc. ·,' f :. ·l . .. . ~,.· ·.... : · ·.\~~~: . I 5I I MAIN ST. - WILMETTE . ~~~~~~~ii~~~ii~~ii~~;~~~~~;ii~~am~omhlp WJLMEnE 19·9 With the exception of ·the bas~etball squads winners in au · the Wilmette Playgr~und and Recreation. boar.d athletic leagues were determmed m ~he final games last week. · The · State Bank and Terminal A. C. team.; will play the final game in ~as ketball next week when the cham~10n ship will be decided. The Termmats have the edge thus far and are leading by ~me game but the Sta!e Bank ~a~ one of the strongest fives m the league and has defea~ed the Terminals ·Once 'during the season. . . The Wilmette Ice team, composed of August Wallowitz and Ursal ·Sutton defeated Tom Thursby and Jack Ry~rson of . the Pr~sbyteria!l team twice last Frtday evemng to chnch the "·,. . Tom Thursby defeated August Wallowitz for the championship ·'c:up in t~e Quoits singles tournament. ~ollm Simonds finished third in the smgles and the -~ others to Mace : were Ursal Sutton, fourth; Lowell Todd, fifth, and Jack Ryerson, sixth. The Baptist volleyball team, with 17 victories and two defeats, is the . undisputed claimant for the championship in ~hat divi&ion with . Wilme~te Ice coming a dose second w1th 16 vtctories and three losses. Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announced that cups and medals wiJI be given to the winnen and players at the annual spring athletic banouet to be held Friday evening, April 1.3, at the Central Cafeferia ·at 7 o'clock. · Mrs. Ralph Rice has returned to her home at 1007 Thirteenth street after undergoin~ a serious operation at the Evanston hospital. -o-Mrs. Frederic D'Aix and Miss Clarahelle Russ of Kenil~Qrth are at Aiken, ~ ~e Qu~h k~u~ An Unusual .:Phowing of . New ModeS s. c. A fast and furious farce comedy, entitled ,;Tons of Money" is to be the final offering of the North Shore Theater guild for the current season, in its regular tour from Lake Forest to Evanston. Few plays in recent years have bee.n more excruciati~gly funny than t~Js product of England's best f:'rce wn!ers Will Evans and Valentme. It 1s a ~eal "scoop" for the guild, since neither Chicago ·nor New York h~ve had the privilege of seeing the show. which ran two and one-half years at the Shaftesbury an~ Aldwych. thea~ers, LOndon. The plot 1s a most mgen1ous fabrication of mistaken identities and dilemma, and the lines are consistently and delightfully ridiculous. o-- Directa Rehearaala David Owen is now rehearsing the play with an excellent co~edy cast, including many local favontes. The decided difference between "Tons of Money" and the Guil~'s_ last pr?ducti~n of an Ibsen tragedy IS ID keepmg Wtth the Guild's policy of variety. This year's program has consisted of two comedies, one traF!'edy and a mystery play. Each type _of play h~s -c~lled for a different techmque of dtrechon, and in "Tons of Money" Mr. Owen ha3 a chance to demonstrate what he can do with a real "knock-down and dragout" comedy. According to present plans, "Tons of Monev" will open its run in Glencoe, at the Central school, on April 24. From thence it will go to Highland Park, then to Lake Forest, and back to Winnetka and Wilmette to continue south to Evanston. {" New selections have arrived in time for Easter presentation. Every pnnent is ~rrect in L .1-...I.... U · _.... ...1:._ .· lty.a, ~em '1:uaau.1 .. 'mpenor m'~ workmanship ... , . . ~ ..- ·· ~·> .v ~ llll&Citativdy ~ . SERVICE AND COURTESY co..u, eo... Elect Eluembla, . . , Lealller Go.la, Coneta, ~ Ne,lipea, ~oaery. 8 Per/U~J~a, Cot&rae ~~~.SiJ:k ., John W. Jaranowski ~unty Recorder J OHN W. )ARANOWSKI, is Mayor of Calumet City and also County Commissioner. He bas bad a wonderful record as a successful businesa man in the County of Cook and has arleen &om a hard working boy to a suCcessful EDGAR A. S'I'EVENS, Ine.. 1624 Orriap»a ·Aft. EVANSTON ~ busineaa man and public official. · Beca~ .o f his many real estate operations, be is particuJulvJ·miliar with the service and courtesy that ahoeifd go to the amaH h~e ~er. l ' '===i==========================~·,. . --"" ' - -·- ··· ~'R.Elect ~ ~ Him ~ Not~ember 6, 1928jf . · . _JrNQIRinate Him ,April 10, 192811. . . . . . .... . ._,._., . . . . -:or- "