EASTER CANDIES_ :, At the April meeting of the Legion Auxiliary, held Tuesday evening, a report was given on the visit made to Easter candies for· that good little boy or girl at homeunit 16 North at Great Lakes, by Mrs. Morse, Mrs. Blunt, Mrs. Carl Renneckar, and M1ss Constance Jordan, on behalf of the local auxiliary. Mrs. Renneckar expressed the belief that the men were more pleased by the Chocolate Bunnies - Sugar Chicks personal visits and attention than by the gi~ts of candy, cigarets, and cards Also an aaortment · of Easter Novelties which the committee took to them. :Mrs. Hopp, rehabilitation chairman, will be glad to receive and place on the JOHNSTON'S AND WHITMAN'S CANDIES "Service Shelf," men's clothing, for which there is constant call. At the appropriately bosed for Easter present 'time there is need for a suit, size 42. ~rs. Stanley Peterson, chairman for· child welfare work, has been active in searching out thee best channel for . distribution of funds available for relief among· children. FollowinK her ~upestion the unit will spend $12 in Opposite St. School Phone Wilmette 316 sending two girls to a Fresh Air camp in 1une. Th(.V wiU also lOve. sPecial 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,il attention to the needs ·of the children I in a worthy local family. for .the Kiddies and Grownups· EASTER EGGS . . ~ PHARMACY JO!ePh EASTER BLOOMS .ARE READY The plant you want is here. Ready to be delivered the day you specify. Our selection includes only the choicest of blooming plants, grown in our own grml houses. Plant· that are destined to give joy for many days. Te!ephone W tlmette .J ~ ·c~· J1 Cunflliona TuliPI · R011a Sw.t Pta Spring Flow.ra Ctdmdul11 of all kinda We suggat an early phone call to .insure prompt delivtry and the choicest blooms. ~·POtted . Lilia. ~· .Plants CUt Flowers Hyaintha ·~·F«na . ' J1bip& Hf,ti.... . Azalta West End Florist . '· MATH. HOFFMAN, Prop. FIRST GREENHOUSE ON GLENVIEW ROAD, WEST OF RIDGE Phonr Wilmette 1943 Those desirin~ to. attend the lunch-. eon on April 19 at 12 :30 at the Hotel La Salle in honor of Mrs. Walbridge, the National president of the Auxili1 a'rY+ may make 'l'eservations with the local president, Mrs. Arthur Johnson, Wilmette 2506. Mrs. John Boddie and Mrs. Johnson were delegates at a recent meeting of representatives from the units of the ith district. After reports from the committees were heard, Mrs. Wahls. state rehabilitation chairman. addressed the club. &he·: eeotpliaaented .the society on -its &Piendid organization, as evidenced by the r~por-ts: she recommended too the· widespread 'interests and activities, as outlined in these reports. · Then : sht showed by the reminis-·. cences of her work among the soldiers and by letters· read, how -varied is the work carried on by Cen.t ral Council, and how essential is this office, main-. tained in Chicago. She emphasized the fact that more and more must the Auxiliary extend its care to the soldier's family; the apex of such serv-· ice has not yet been reached. After seeing · and hearing Mrs. Wahls. one ean understand whv her office is looked upon as a haven of refuge bv the ex-service man who is unemployed; or by him, who, not il1 enough to be hospitalized, is still unable to support his family. Hers is an office demandi!K( tolerance, sympathy, and understanding, tempered with restraint; and to her work Mrs. Wahls brings all these qualities. A youthful entertainer, Olive Chase, offered a zestful and enjoyable pro-. '"am of dances. for :which Mrs. B. F. McNaughton. furnf&bed the musical background. Miss Olive is the talented daughter of llrs. F.. H. Chase. a member of the unit. ' Refreshment service lwas capablY managed by Mrs. Russel Johnson and her assistants. Miss Mildred Burns, daughter of Mr. and Mr3. W. M. Burns of i2i Laurel avenue, is spending the spring vacation at hgme from Denison uni. versity, where she attends school ·. .CHARLES E. GEISSE 0sTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 11 ~o Wilmette Avenue P&Oae _ WiL 2052