March 23, 1928 American Legio11 Boys .(and Girls) Enjoy St. fatrick ·Frolic Se··· AJ.aal ExhiWtion to Btt H-. at Clah; Eatnnta;· P._ E...ta w-·· 1· (Contributed) The seventh annual exhibition oi North Shore artists will be opened at the Woman's Club of Evanston Tuesday, March 27, at 10. At 11 Mrs. Percival Truman will conduct a tour of the exhibit for club members. Members, their friends, exhibiting artists and their families are invited to the afternoon reception beginning at 2 :30. In the evening the public will be admitted, and, a·.s usual, many of the artists and their friends will be there. Frank Dudley and Mrs. Dudley, the well-known Chicago artists, will be guests of Mrs. Robert Elliott that evening and will be with her at .the clubhouse. 1· Artiata to Exhihit Approximately 100 artists will be represented and the work exhibited will include painting, sculpture, miniaFriday, April Thirteenth, all will be well repaid by keeping open tures, drawings and other examples o£ Hold Services nursday That International Revue the date, Friday, April 13. the graphic art3. Among exhibitors for Lt.tde DaYJ·d Comfort will be such artists as Mrs. Mary H. Buehr, Rudolph lngerle and Lenore Funeral s~rvices for David B. ComThe Young Women's Missionary so- ROUTINE BUSINESS AT BOARD Routine business was the order at S~tith Jerrens who have.. r.eceived fort, 12 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. ciety of the Wilmette Parish Methopnzes at the current exhtbtbon by joseph C Comfort 812 Prairie avenue dist church is raising a large budget the Village board meeting Tuesday artis~s o! Chicago and vicinity at the - were Thursd~y afternoon, March to be used in connection with a nom- evening of this week, owing to the Art mst·!ut~; Among t~e etchers are 22, at 2:30 o'clock, at St. Augustine's ber of charities, which the group absence from the village of Village Attorney Charles H. Jackson. The Alan Phdbrtck and Ebzabeth Engle- Episcopal church. Dr. Hubert Carle- sponsors. reading of the minutes and brief comhard.t whose .~orks are a par.t o~ the ton, rector of St. Augustine's officiated. etchmgs e~h.t~lt at the Art mstttute. Burial was at Memorial Park. MemIn this conn~tion extensive prepara- mittee reports constituted the business Others exhlbltmg are Mrs. Kate Bacon hers of Wilmette Troop 4, Boy Scouts tions are being made for an elaborate of the evening. Bond, Karl Buehr, Carol Lou Burn- of America David's own troop served andI spectac!llar1entertainment, entitled ham, Pauline Craf Davrs, Percy B. as Honor Guard at the service~. an nt~rna~lona Reyue. W. G. Colvin of Wilmette just has Eckhart, Elizabeth B. Millard, Eliza. The tleta1ls are bemg kept secret, but returned from Davenport, Fla., where beth Peyraud Antonio Sterba and David passed, away Tuesday after- from the rather sparce advance in- he enjoyed the southern climate for a 0000· at 1 :30 ? clock 3:t t~e Evanston j formation one is inclined-, to agree that few weeks. Edith Boynto~. N ~ J hosprt~ followmga bnef illn~L ~~~~~~~-·~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ · amea Art UI'J He is' mourned by a host of children .Th~ JUry to p~ss on the works of art at the Howard school and in St. Au· wdl mclude M1ss Anna Helga Hong, gustine's parish. He was president of &W & W£ Earl Reed, Jr., and ~art Sche~fter. his class in the Seventh grade, a ..._.. ...,... Y ...._, ...._, Members of t~e hangmg ~omm1!tee member of the Glee club and otherwise are Mrs. Damel Boone, M1ss Ehza- prominent in school activitie'3. He was bet~ Truman, ~· G: Dre'!, Robert L. an enthusiastic member of the Boys' Every piece of merchaacliae will ·be REDUCED IN Elhott and BenJamm Sm1th. choir at St. Augustine's church. PRICE. \ye wiD JDOYe May lat to oar aew home, T~c:r~ is every expecta!ion that the Pavid is survived by his parents, a 808-811 Grove St. exh1b1t1on, unde~ the efficient !D!lnage- brother, Edwin, and a sister, Josephine. ment of the chatrman, Mrs. Wtlham E. SAVE 011 ALL PLOOB COVBBDIGS IIOW Lamb, will be even more representGIVES FORMAL LUNCHEON ative than before of the best art proMrs. Edward S. Challinnor, 933 Elmduced along the North Shore. :Mrs. 514 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5712 Lamb is being assisted by a committee wood avenue, entertained at a formal Mrs. Frank St. Patrick's day luncheon at her home whose members are McElwain, Mrs. Harry Jenkins, Mrs. last Saturday. The affair was given O·-·-·-·-a-11_11_11_~----------U. S. Grant, Mrs. Stephen V. Balder- a ·spring touch with its color schem~ lllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIItllftll,_ ston. Mrs. R. W. Bartholomew, Mrs. of green which was carried out from Barry Gilbert, Mrs. Chancellor Jenks, the napery to the table decoration, in Mrs. 0. G. Long, Mrs. James Lyman, celebration of the day. Following the Mrs. Holman D. Pettibone, Mrs. luncheon the hostess gave a talk on Charles 0. Rundell, Mrs. Percival Tru- "Color Harmony," after which the Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wilmette, Ill. R"Uests played bridge. man and Mrs. John A. Wheeler. Green caps, crowning the heads of happy dancers, splashes of emerald doing honor to the name of St. Patrick, were framed in the picture at the Byron Stolp school last Saturday evening when Wilmette Post No. f6 of the American Legion held Its annual dance. Three hundred gay Legionnaires and their ladies were present. They arrived at the Stolp school at eight o'clock and danced until midnight. And It was a gay dance. Strangers were not permitted to be strangers for the LegionnaJres danced with everybody to the dulcet strains of Joe Schneider's orchestra. Among those present was Earl Orner, wearing a green cap. ---------·tI B.& DDY'S DD..OV 8 I First Church of Christ, Scientist SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 11 A. M. Wrclanclay Tntimoaial MHtiag-8 P. M. Suacby School Exercise 9 =· .5 A. M. .. iY AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN 5~%-6% CONSTRUCTION REFINANCING RESIDENCES. STORES, APARTMENTS I i ~ I I March 25, 192~ubject: 1'Reality" RHIIing · Room--1 16 J \Vihwtte A&1er~M HOURS: Daily (txcrpt Wtdaaday aad Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.: Wectaaday 9 A.M. to 7:·5 P.M.: Saturday 9 'A.M. to 9 P.M. KU-8, DIIIUI 6 KUIQII II . , _ . . . . . . . . . .Ia lcMacb La Salle lunt, Cbia10 CtatnJ 2990 L F. &..._, · .,.., ··· MM. la7 Liacola Aft., H. P. 1l6o i I =· Tl. Bibl1 tmd W orb of JlllrfJ Balttr Eddy 111Jd all oth« t1Uthori%etl · Chriatitm Scimct Littrature mtlfJ be l'ftld. borroUJfd or purchattl. THI! PUBLIC · CORDIALLY JNVnED 10 AnBND nil ClruaCH SEI.VICEI AND Vllrr THil RBADING 1.0011 .i ~ I