LINGERIE .ENDEARJ:D. TO THE MODE FOR, THE MORE ' f.EMIN~INE' " . ... 1 The Pt~jama tHSemblc at the right is designed of red crt/It de chine in cotnbinalioll with a highl3· lt~.slroru gold material, $16.95. Soft marabot~ trinu this c r e /1 e satiJJ IJtgligee while intricate shirring snwrte11s ils cliffs, $22.50. Tlac lovely Gossard Complete at left u a splnaditl· .svpple, supporting ga~ mmt of satan tricot, showing wide elastic inserts and two lacing adjusttnents. $15. a goum of ;rfPe de bordered with net lac. e aJJd tied with satin ribbon, $14.95. Abo~e, 'crep~ de chine Below, crepe de chine step- ifiS diagoMily r.ut and lace tri·mcd, $3.95. ··" ellged, $5.95. bloomers with georgeile petiJl rvflles picot · A brassiere of crepe de chine in combinatioK will' French lace, Chemise of ~rep~ de ch!"e elaborate"d walk lace trrmmings, ·tmy· tucks tJPJd a rosette, $5.95 . Pajanitl.s with picot edginiJ arid floral embrotdery on jatkef, $8.9~. $2.00. LINGERIE- WEST ROOMSECOND FLOOR JUNIOR APP.\REL SECOND FLOOR M ISS J UNIOI( MAJOitS IN CHIC ' Beige is the smart color;, this one-strap slipper of youthftd simplicity, 1 The juKior· hat of sa!'~' .: visctJ is omtJmmted ~th pedaline and ·bm.uJed· 'Willa grosgrai11, 11:.50. ._ j $6.50 At the eztreme left, a navy georgette frock with draped cape effect at front, $39.75. The sPorts outfit consists of a mriegated striped sli/1-owr m~tater, $8.95; in combination 'lllith plaid ·skirt, $6.95. The French tam, $1.95. ~OSE· N . B E~G· '· S DAVIS STRffT- fiVA~STO