---------------lfiiJack · Iv Hints f om . .. 1me · ~ ,y I E -.lery Departlllent ---- · Athletic Department Bastball timt is just aroaad tbt comu. W f baadlt of&rial Spalding goods. Evuy type caa bt obtaiaecl ia tL:- sto·e. uu ·· ·ce Su ' pplies Offl of office sapplia Baseball Bats Baseball Mitts 8 IO¥.. G ·~ Indoor tl Outdoor B b Jl ale a S ' We baadle oaly the bat quality mercbaaclile at low prictS. Steel Files 8 Filing Equipmmt Oaks aad Chairs Typtwrittn and Sapplin Dak Lamps Ltdgtr Outfits Dak Blotter Pads Waste Paper ltasktts Pencil Sbarpentrs the American 'Shakespeare Foundation fund will be given by the junior company of the Jack and Jill theater, 94J Rush street, Chicago, in the Gold. room at the Drake hotel Saturday at J P. M., March 24. The junior company is made up of children from four to fourteen years old and astonishing as it may seem to those who are unacquainted with the innate dramatic ability of children, this child cast handles Shakespeare's metered lines with complete naturalneis · and comprehension. The child audiences which have seen the play in .the Jack and Jill theater have taken the greatest delight in Petrucchio's high-handed methods with his disagreeable bride. After all, the basic story of "The Taming of the Shrew" is merely that of a badtempered person being liberally dosed with his own medicine, and everyone knows how children adore seeing the wicked given their come-uppance. Groups from several of the suburban ·.;chools have been active in the 'plans for this benefit and are making up. parties of school children to see the performance Saturday. uad JiB Theatre ia Hofll' 1t1· SW.peue FuDd Beae&t ·o,. E ' Litht A special performance of "The TamI ing of the Shrew" for the benefit of 11 em bY B/11. J . s s Work may start on Evanston's propOsed $1,750,000 city-wide fighting system by Sept. 1, according to the !at- est estimates. At the meeting of the city council March 13, the project was turned over to the board of local improvements by the council's lighting committee, which had mulled it over for almo.;t two years. The routes and circuits and general building plans have been worked out by the engineers, and now it is up to the board and the art commission to select the type of posts and lamps and decide on other features of physical appearance. The council ha·3 indicated by resolution that it favors 20-foot lamp posts around Fountain square, 18-foot ones along the principal business streets and boulevards and 15-foot ones elsewhere. the Fountain square posts to carry two lamps and the others one. "New Attitude Toward Sex"-Tooic · a t Forum uour New Attitudes Toward SexPromise or Menace?" will be the .subject for discussion at the meeting of the Uptown Forum Sunday e\"ening. March 25. The speakers will be Prof. Arthur J. Todd of Northwestern university and Dr. Edward N. Schoolman, a physician and psychologist. Both speakers have made important studies of the sex problem. The u3ual discussion period will follow the tw() addresses. This will be the final meeting of the season for the Uptown Forum. which meets in the Peoples' church at 941 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, at 8 P.M. Six Italians Carry Out Vow to Become Citizens A group of six friends came to Glencoe from Italy soon after the war' to make their homes on the north shore and with the avowed purpose of becoming American citizem. On March 13. Fred· Sacco, the last of the group to obtain citizenship, was given Oreste Amici was his final papers. the first to become a citizen, getting his papers last fall. Since then Narcissus Ferraro, John Sacco, Joe Marchioretto, and Pete Marchioretto have obtained their naturalization credentials. ..,. I Newest Books Crusade btl Dorm IJVme Mr. Hoclgt 8 Mr. Hazard·btl Blin« Wv& Ltavt Me With ·a Smile btl B. \V. BJ~rintt Firtflies bv R. r.,., Disratli bfl Antln Jlmroi. Strangt Interlude 6g Eugme O'Nftll Gift Shop Items Oar gift shop on tbt first floor ofers tbt following mantions for your Stltc· tion. Desk Sets Candy Jan . Decorativt Pitchers Playing Cards Bridgt Prizts 8 Tallin Grttting Cards for tvery occasion. Stationery Supplies A fall lint of stationery and oflice sapplin can bt bought at tbt store or aa be orderecl apecially. STA110NI!RY FOR HOME: . STATIONERY POR THE OFFICE: TO GIVE NOVEL PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Lea J. Orr of 1002 Greenleaf avenue will entertain at a novel hard times. party tomorrow evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis Page of 1012 Linden avenue who are to make their home in Madi~ son, Wis. As the furniture will be removed from the Page home Mr. and Mrs. Orr will entertain there in a setting ideal for the affair they are Mrs. Merle C. Nutt of Moline, Ill.· planning. who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small of 411 Maple aveMr. and Mrs. P. ]. McMahon have nue. was the guest of honor at a returned to their home on Washing- bridge luncheon Thursday of last ton avenue after spending six weeks week given by Mrs. W. A. Nelson of in Florida, with their son and daugh- Evanston. Mrs. Nutt and Mrs. Nelter. Robert and Mary. son were in college together. GIVE DANCES S e v e r a 1 dances will attract the younger set of the north shore this week-end. Pi Beta Phi t3 giving a subscription dance at the Orrington hotel March 23. Kappa Sigma Tau is giving its subscription dance that same evening at the North Shore hotel, and Phi Nu Beta has selected Saturday evening, March 24, for a formal dinner dance at the Sovereign hotel. P·acl Papen . . _ . , Bosn Gift Bosn with py liai·a· Not.e Papm Corrnpoaclrace Carcls Typewritiaa Paper Sttaopapben' Notebooks ·Notebook Sapplin Card Fila Yellow sad Sheers AI.T DEP'T. Frtt iasrn~ioas aivea ia aewnt Spriaa clecoratioas for tbt home. Parcbmeat Sbadn Scmas Lacquered Noveltin Miscellaneous TOY DEP'T. A complete liae of toys oa )rd loor. Coaster Waaoa· Udal Tricyda Kiclclie Can Gaaea of all ldacll Text Boob tmd School Supplies FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON UNJV. 123 630 DAVIS ST. Chan ler's