·. .... Mrs. Theodore B. Sachs,. superinten- · dent of the· Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, announces the Early Diagnosis campaign, to be conducted in Chicagoj and Cook county under the auspices, of the Institute, which is the Christ-l mas seal organization for Cook coun-~ ty. Mrs. Sac·bs urgently requests the: co-operation of the public, among' whom the little seals have made so' many friends. A list of free materials wiD be furnished to any one asking it. Ex-patients and others who have had; experience with tuberculosis are especially requested to let others have the· benefit of that experience; their firsthand ·Jmowledge may be very helpful. Mally individuals and groups have of- posters, from Portland to Portland. fered their services and, judging by the . The preliminary symptoms listed to enthusiasm already aroused, the cam- round out the message are Too ~ paign promises to be a great success. Tirell, Lou of wa.ht. I..Upatioa, and The campaign is described as follows: Coaah Tlaat H-.a 0.. By them~ An undertaking probably destined to selves, these may or may become a landmark in the · field of pub- not mean a combination Miss Caroline Herr, ll9 Fifteenth street, after suffering severely with an attack of acute a_ppendici~is, went to the Highland Park hospital where she was operated upon, and·1las now returned. STATB ucf JACKIOJf-Cial~o ORRINGTON an4 CHURCH-BIMrilloa t I For Easter"' These 4-Piece ·. Juvenile Ensembles In Oru EUGnaton Shop TopcoAt, Shorts, Bloase 4R~ Tie R le'J G ······' A"~·· I --~- EALLY beautiful tweed .Topcoatll and Shorts in rich tans and soft grays, many striped or specked .~th glints of blue. creea and red. Blouses and Ties in uacommoa pattema. · They're certainly Spring'· llll8rtelt for Jittle fellows. And the best · lection we have ever bad. Sizes 3 to IOyean.