t::t~tl..o·l -·The IlARDI GRAS -sAtuaDAY N" ........ '.,"',-' ~.,,. v; Mardi Gru at New Trier High · .A Dlitlry i1 IO school wiD be held ia the Kess hall ·at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, llareh HtlfJB B811 S/JritJI 24. The hall will be brilliaDtly and Eleven members of the Mary Crane Nursery school auxiliary visited. HuB House Monday, Karch 12, to obse"e the day's program of the Nursery school. The Nursery school occupithe third ftoor of tbe Kary Crane building: The rooms have all been made most attractive and thoroughly adapted to the school's needs by the National Kindernrten and E1emen· E.-y piece e1 - - . , . ... wll .. REDUCED IN tary college, which has for the past PRICE. We will ....... Ma7 lat to _. aew .._, three years had this large share in .... IIC.....SL meeting the needs of parents and chUdren in the Hull House district. IAYB PLOOB ROW It is the .Purpose of the auxiliary to assist the coUege in supporting this school and the need for many gar514 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 57U ments has already been met and plans are being made for further assistance. On Mondays, alternating with work ........_._.,..._____._................._.,..._ _~--.................. . meetings, groups from the auxiliary plan to visit the Nursery school until aU members feel acquainted with the work done there. Recent!y a motion picture was taken showing a day's activities at Mary Crane, ·from the moment the children enter the school with their mothers or older brothers and sisters early in the morning, till the end of the busy day. This was filme~ for showing at the Better Homes exhibit held at the Hotel La Salle recently. and will be brought to Harrison hall, National coll~e. March 28, to be shown to the · colle~e students, facultv. and members of the auxiliarv ami their friends. At that time :Uis·s Nina Kenagy, director of the Nursery schoo1. will be hostess to the auxiliary and their friends for tea after th~ showing of the film. The next regular meeting of the auxiliary wi11 be held at the home of ~20 MICHIGAN AVENUE liO&TH the chairman, Mrs. Georl!'e M. Groves. COWNS · w·APB · MILLI11E..'I' 415 Davis street, Evanston, Monday, Anril 2. Two benefit bridge parties will be held Friday, April 13, and Saturdav April 14, at the home of Mrs. Groves: under the auspices of the auxiHarv, the proceeds to be given to the -Mary Crane Nursery school fund. Mrs. George M. Groves is general chairman .fOur of arrangements for the event. cbalnliaa of the aftait, 'aae BJU'riU is chairman of the decoradon committee, Nellie W eil chairman of the refrah· .meats, Jane Wilson of the eatertaipmeat committee, and Prank Watt and e&ectively decOrated. Favors Will be Carl Carlson are ticket managers. given to each guest, and refreshments Costumes m~y be worn if the guests will be served. Margaret Whitsett is so deaire. ......................................_._...._ ................_.........._ . . . New Creation· "PERSONALIT BABRY' BBIIOYAL &ALB ·soB" · o· ALL COYBRIRGS Maison .W ortb Oppotit1 TMirO 81 Lllt/o ·9 16 Spanish Ct. Phone Wilmette· 2950 Custom Made Coats measure a selec- .Supe,./,ly tailoncl to North Shore Girls Win Phi Beta Kappa Honors Six women and {our men at Northwestern university, an except two of whom live in Chicago or on the north shore, have been elected to Phi Beta Kappa, honorary scholastic fraternity. Professor Clyde Murley, president of the Northwestern chapter, announced this week. Those who have just won the coveted key are : Mary Gillett, 533 Roslyn road, Kenilworth ; Leon Emerson :McDonald, Orrington hotel, Evanston ; Eleanor Elaine Ewald, 4129 Kenmore avenue, Chicago; Ksenia Duchich. Gary, Indiana; Lemuel Bourne .Hussey, DeKalb, Illinois; Leonard Cotterell Virgil, 222 Burnham place, Evanston ; Madelaine :Marion Smith, 1923 Orrington avenue. Evanston; Edith Wilma Dillon, 814 Prospect avenue, Winnetka; Bertha Evelyn Frank, 2020 Sherman avenue, Evanston ; William G. McColley, 911 Sherman avenue, Evanston. · Miss Gillett and Miss Dillon are members of the Alpha Phi sorority. Miss Duchich is a member of Delta Delta Delta· sorority. Last semester the eJection of four men and seven women to Phi Beta Kap~ was announced, making a total of eight men and thirteen women who have won the key at Northwestern university this year. · Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone, wife of Congressman Rathbone, has left Washington for a brief stay in Palm Beach. She will join friends there and take a cruise to the West Indies.. Of new FrencL coatings or from tion of tLe finest domestic materi- als. These are exact ·replil"a& of spring models from tLe late French Openings. '145 An unusually large .WOrtment from wLicL. to ael~...