Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 3

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· · ' . The Wilmette Voters' ~dYiiOI')' committee announced this week that they .had carefullY (9Diider.~ .the rectords oJ ~clidates for: notninatioa at the primary to be held Tue~y, April 10. While. ~hete are excellent· candidates, or, on the DemQ· especially for C'..cwern. crati~ ticket, the committee makes no r«omendationi because there .is no substantial opposit~. " . . . The committee's ~ecOmmendations · f~ nomination on . ·the Repu~lican tacket at the Primary are as follOws: For U. S. Senator, Otis F. Glenn. For Governor, Louis L. Emmerson. For Lieutenant Governor, Theodore D. Smith. · For State Treasurer, Outer W. Custer. For Attorney General, Oscar F. Carlstrom. V~L Secretary of ~tate, Charles W. ' - . So· of K.~mil·orth · · : .·vulats Preliils·t ;,·Ailto AceUle·t Ha.,.Y Eugene Kelly, former president of the Uniott League ~lub, Chicago, will address the Wilmette 'Forum for 100" .Voting at a dinner meeting in the Men's club rooms of the First Congregational . church Monday evening, March 19, at 7 o'clock. His sub· ject will be "The Present D~ Patriot.-" M!. Kelly has been pubtic _ prosecu!or 10 Denver, ~lo., and ~s attC?rney an a recent electaon contest 10 Chacago that diaciQse~ sross election frauds. He, is welt equipped to tell ..what is the matter with Cook County and what you cap do about it at the Primary_on Apr~l 10." The address of the evening wiD follow what is characterized as an ..unusual informal program." ' Th~ Wilmette · Forum for 100" Voting was organized·a few years ago and comprises in· 'its membership men and women in the various churches clubs and ciYic groups in the village: It is strictly non-partisan in character and has as its purp'Ose the encoungement of tGOY, voting in the village at aU elections. In Wilmette, as sho'wn ·in · 'th~:: companying tables, the tax rat~ ' year is 6.01 ptrcetit; 'based on ' &1 · v.aluation of $12,648,0M. In lt26, · nate was 6.17 perceqt ·oo. a like ....IHl., tion of $11,240,380, · deereue" io · tW; rate of .16 and a valuation increas.e· of $l ,ow,,694· · . .. The valuation in Kenia..h th" l~~r is $.1,167,OZZ, an , i11criue · ~1J)7Z over 19a\ ~ in which YiJo. lage there is allo an Qr.eue in rate from S.fJ/ in l9aS to 6.04, 08 t~e levy wal made . for . tliis. year'.; taxes. . Ia 'Wiua... ' ... ·· ., ·., } · -' Winnetka enjoys both ·a io*r .... and higher valuation. . Th, ~pew ratt; is 6.04, as against 6.f1/ io 19Z6 and total nluation for this year · . AIVf An automobile accident-the first of any consequence since . ~he crash on. January 30 in which Ce~rge . B. Friend, looP merchant, met his death -occurred last Wednesday evening at about · 5:30 ~'clock when an automobile driven by . S. Hawxhurlt, 16; sqn son .of Kenilworth Village pre$ident, Ralph· R. Hauhurst, and another car driven by the shc~~n year old son of r rt 0 f lZ/ Se. t th E · R · · Mon.o For State Auditor, Oscar Nelson. ven een · · For Congressman-at-Large, He~ry street, collided ~head-'on" at the inR. Rathbone. · tersection of . forest avenue · and ~ o-.... Twelftb street. . . . . · For Sanitary Trustees: John H. William St. Claire. 17 yean ·old, a Glenn, Howard W. Elmore, Eclwin · R. passenger in the Hawxhurst; car and Wright. residing at 935 Oakwood avenue, was . For Sanitary Trustee to fill the most seriously injuted, sustainvacancy, W. S. FaDer. ing a det..., gash over Jlis left ~ye. For State's Attomey, Hon. John A. Young Hawxhurst r~eaved a· sl1glat Swanson. cut on one. ~he~k, whale Monfort sufFor Sherrift, George H. Weidling. fe.-ed no anJu~es Qther than severe For Clerk, Circuit Court, Thomas 0. shock. AU three were attended by Wallace. . Dr. Lest~r: E. Mee. . For Coroner, Hugo C. Fisher. Accordi~ to the r~port of the Wal-·- For County Recorder, Joseph ·B. mette pol1ce the accadent ~curred as Haas. .· · Hawxhurst driving north along the For Board of Assessors, A. W. Sui- left side of Twelfth street and Monlivan. fort proceeding in the opposite direc. For Board of Review, Edward R. tion, swerveck their cars to pps eadl Litsinger. Other and met in the ce·ter of the For Clerk, Superior Court, Herbert road. Neither were drivina fast. Both D. Juul. . 1uachines were badly clamaaed and had to be towed in for repairs. .......tatn. ...,. The Advisory committee is made up Two other accidents of a minor naup of members appointed by various ture occurred during the past week. On Sunday Mrs. Edwin Levi of 730 churches, clubs and civic organizations Forrest avenue was driving her car in Wilmette, so as to get a representa- east on Central avenue and attempted t~ve group of the entire commUnity. to turn north into Wilmette avenue. The members of this committee are : As she made the turn, h~wever, her Frederick }. N~wey, Lloyd Hollister machine was struck by another car Irene Strickler, C. Miles McDonald' driven by Catherine Evans of 3M3 Mrs. Willard H. T-hayer, Dr. N. P. Col~ Washington avenue. Li~tle. ~mage well, Mrs. I. E. Colvin, Ralph H. Rice, was done to either car, at as saad. Mrs. T. Earl Almdale, Mrs. C. P. The other- accident occurred last Evans, Thomas F. Cook, Mrs. Allen Tuesday evening at the Chicago and Rossman, Thos. S. S. Hardwick, Fred- North Western right-of-way when a .eric B. Crossley, Hoyt King, Harry C. car driven by Esther Crabb, GreenKinne, Milton H. Reid, William Tay- leaf avenue, and S. R. Bonnem, Witlor, Georg~ Turner. mette tailor, collided as the former was pulling out into Wilmette avenue. sole r~!ns; ~ =i=es$\~1=~ were computed. . Reservations for the dinner are to be ~de with Rev. William E. MeCormack, 1055 Wilmette avenue. Robert Stoclclard is chairman of the Forum. · . The rate this year in Glencoe 6.44 as agailllt 6.32~ ia 1926, and total useued ._tuatioa this JeAr $i,916,400 u coaapared wlth 'fl$12lfll. ~he previous year. Ia Gl··:·· :·: Chief Orden "T·ta" for Lillatleu The days of courtesy tags fOr . violations of the parking ordinances are now over, according to Chief Charles W. Legett of the Wilmette Police department. Orders have been issued to all patrolmen to issue an arrest slip wherever a car rs found parked with· out lights or on the parking. This ac· tion. Chief Leggett states, has become necessary because of the large number of cars being· left on the streets after night without lights. Cars parked · in this manner are a menace to· the safety of other motorists, the chief declares, and the practice must be stopped. .p.., · ·· Terron of Tu-paJia8 Flit With ~ , I Bishop Huahea to Preach .-----~----.t"o.l" Elliott Addreues at Joint Lenten SeitW NOTICE TO y.a..vpAYERSI Stucleata at Berea Collep copal church, who . is a resident of Wilmette, wiD preach the sermon at the Lenten services to be held jointly by the Kenilworth Union church and the Church of the Holy Comforter Wednesday evening, March 21. The service will be held in the Kenilworth Union church and the hour is 8 o'clock. Terrors attendant upon the ana tax-paying se.ason are to be but v. . . memories of the dimming past, aceol1ling to plans worked out by the WI-. . mette State bank which are desigaef Jo .-ke tax-paying an easy if ·..,. actually pleasallt obligation. . Simple as can be. All one need do · lay by in the bank each week .-. month a definite amount that wll insure one, when another annum hal rolled around, that there will be a neat Httle sum accumulated quite sufficient to satisfy the demands of the ubiquitous collector. It works just like a Christmas Savings plan. And that· . that. · c~~~': ~!t!f ~h~t :C':~st0~~~ c~~e~t!:'&~~::a~;few':i~;P h~: ftA all the New Trier Personal Property tax biDs in the mail by Saturday, March 17. It is urged by him that all possible speed be exercised .in returning payments as he :s severely handicapped this year by the fact that the bills go out from his office marked due and payable ~larch 10. As no certain time is allowed for him to make what colBaptiat to Gift lections he can, it is absolutely . t o ge t payment s V·per Muaicale Much ZS necessary for ham The next Vesper Musicale at the by return mail. He also respectfuDy Wilmette Baptist church wiD be held asks the taxpayer to enclose a selfSunday afternoon, March 25, at 4 a!tdressed s~amped envelope for the o'clock. Soloists will be B. Fred Wase. return of the receipt, and as far as tenor, and WDiiam deVemy, ~tone. possible to save time and :ct'ngestion William H. Dames, organist of the in the tax oftice to pay by check. . . __ _~"!""'!"'..........----.---~ del!~s. ~burch, will live a recital program. Church Rev. A. J. "Dad" Elliott, 824 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, has just returned from a week's visit at Berea college, Berea, Ky., where he con·· ducted a series of evangelistic meetings for students .a~·· the invitation Qf the president of the coUege. Kr. Elliott was acc:OJqpanied by lin. Elliott and their daughter, Eleanor, who is a ,enior in Oberlin college. Two meetings were held daily and the large auditoriUOl of the . school ·seatilllf · ftnft ' 2~ studen~·· was fill ed to capacaty at ·each servace. Mr. Elliott has been an outstanding leader in Y. Jd. C. A. work for manv ""\ years, devoting his time anc;l. talents largel,v to work among college It~- Realty Boarcl to Meet . at MUCia · · The next ~tar meeti· of North Shore Real Estate bOard be held Monday evenina, Karch I at the <;lenpbt-:s Tea Room in coe. Da~er will be served at 6· o'clock. lfany important questions are to presented for .discussion, questions ~ which, accordinc to Pres· Lewts T. Doods, atfect eve~ memlltea': of the to board. One outstandina sition be considered ia that PIQIMM' ina all revenue from a~ .,...., a permanent ~tom-. for the Nortla Real Eatat- board. 'T . Reserntions for 'dinner be . ·cle with Robert H. 1177 Wilmette avenue. WiiQa~~~.~:~;.:~a)l,

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