Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 58

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· The troops are planning again this '~ · to· take part in Camp Checaa«au, obe of ' the splendid. units · ~f. the Owuppe Camps. . located near 'Whiten, Mich. As many of the troops as !Dossible will attend accom~nied b~ ~heir . Scoutmaster, Assistant Scout· -.uter or Troop Ccxnmitteemen. f The priee varies accordialg to these 1eleP~ent$: t-Will tne registrations be ia before Kay 15? (If so the rate will be lower). 2--Will the troop of at Jeut 8 boys be accompanied by an adult leader? ' (If so the rate wiU be tcxwer). A large number of North Shore troops plan to go the first period which begins June 25 and includes the big fireworks display on July 4. · The dates are as follows :-First period, June 25 to July 7; second period, July 9 to July 21 ; third period, July 25 to August 4; fourth period, August 6 to August 18 and . fifth period, August 3» to September 1. ·. The camp fee varies as to whether or not the registration is iR before May IS and also as to whether or not the Scout is accompanied by a Scoutmaster will be in the neighborhood of $15 for the two week period including transportation. For many years Chicago bas hoped to have an advanced camp for 1st class scouts, 15 years of age or over. This dream will come true this summer at the advanced camp at Hiawatha Beach. A . special program featuring merit badge advancement, waterfront activities, pioneering and nature projects, Sea-scouting, and Indian lore is being prep~red for this specialty or advanced ·tamp. The fee will be .approximately $20 providing the registration is made prior to May 15. Troop 9 of ' St.' Catllolic church of Wilmette came oat oa top again clurina the month of Fel;lruary, leading the other troops oJ the Council in effectiveness of programs. The programs are ·carefully planned in advance by adult and bpy lead~n : one bis feature is .ltressecl each m-th in ·ddition to a ·strong ·outdoor emph~sis which is carried on continuously. . Troop 9 has been growing steadily PATROL MEETINGS FEATURED both in new members added and in Twenty-two Scouts attended the retbe rank of. the .members of the troop. . cent meeting ·o f Troop· 52 of the DeerThis growth has been so steady that a ..field Presbyterian ~ chwarch. Patrol bqr feature of. ~!ae new troop, which "fliU be troop uam r meetings were the , 11 of Wilmette, will be formed within evening.-Louis Stryker, Scribe. · · · the next moath with llr. Peter Braan as Scoutmaster. · Kenneth Zimmerman is the newest recruit of Troop 55 of Glenview.Place Stroapst Emphuia Scribe Leroy Ruben. on Sunuaer Work for Scouts A stronger emphasis upon Scout work will be made during the spring and summer months than during the rest of the year.· Many Scouts will go to Camp Checaugau in Michigan for two weeks or more and 01any will attend the camp at the Cabin in the Woods at various times during th~ summer. :Many troops will hold "fun" meetings throughout the summer months. In case any troop finds it impossible to hold meetings throughout the summer, the boys from that troop who are at home will be invited to ioin the summer Sc:out club which wiD be a get-together from Scouts from various troops to take part in Scouting fun. The meetings of the summer Scout club will be held, of course, outside. . N. S. SCOUT TO LONDON It is ponible that a ·Scout from one of the North Shore troops may have the opportunity of attending. the I~ter national Scout Jamboree whtch wdt be held in London, in August, 1929. ~he plans for the program are now betng made. Troop 35 of Ravinia last Wednesday broke all of its former attendance records with 25 Scouts present. Mr. Bentley continued his first-aid instruction. The troop spent last week end with Mr. Bennett, Scoutmaster at the Cabin-in-the-Woods.-}unior Ass istant Scoutmaster Oscar Goepner. RAVINIA. PREPARES FOR CLASH T ALit ON POLITICS Hoyt King will address the Busint:s~ and Professional Women's club at tts meeting at the Congregational church on March 28 on the topic, "Current Cook County PolitiC's." SWIM AGAINST MICHIGAN Coach Tom Robinson's swimming team faces its strongest competition oi the sea'SOn so far in the undefeated Michigan aggregation at Northwestern pool, Saturday evening. MichigaD is given the edge in the contest. Leading swimmers of the Big Ten conference wiD be seen in the meet in Colbath, fancy diver; Hinch, backstroke artist, anu Lennox, sophomore breast stroke entry for the Purple,. and Michigan's star performer, Darnell. who swims the free style event's. Illinois public utilities produced 588~274.000 kilowatt-hours of electricity during January-five per cent more than in January, 1927-according ~o· the U. S. Geological Survey. HOLD JUMPING CONTESTS By way of variety at the last meeting of Troop . 24 of Sacred Heart church, Hubbard Woods, contests in high jumping and broad jumping were held.-Scribe E. Frankel. TROOP JZ ADDS NEW SCOUTS Eighteen Scouts were present at our last meeting. We voted 3 new Scouts ·into the troop. After the meeting we went for a swim.-Sc:ribe Alec W. Howard. TROOP 37 PLANS PLAY At the last meeting of Troop 37, STRONG FEBRUARY PROGRAM Scoutmaster Thomas discussed giving Glenview 55 held a Father and Son a play.-Scribe Edward CarrolL banquet, a clean-up day, made 2 trips to the Forest Preserve, and added 2 new Scouts, in addition to 5 Scouts SEE THESE NEW HOUSES BEFORE YOU BUY Som~thing ovtr one hundred new· hoUICI. scattered from Evanston nonb to Highlaad Park. await your insptction. Tbry otftr you every variety of claign.· construction. aizt. price. convenience and location. New lj room homes, S 1 1. 500 New 6 room homes, $11.700 New 7 room homes, S16,soo New 8 room homes, S26.soo to S24.ooo to $]2.500 to S4l.soo to S4l.ooo MOUAT &. FLAHERTY Incorporated WILMETTE-Opposite Village Hal~ ilm. CHICAG0--35 Nonb Dearborn----Ctat· . Lt.r us indicate to you what can be done to beautify your grounds. Wt can supply any quantity of choice Nursery Stock .·· beautiful Evtrgmn Sbadt Trm. Flowering Shrubs, Record Bearing Fruit TrffS, Everbloomin1 ROlfS, etc. Qulilfi G,.,.utnd . . · · . Modttllttly Ptittd FOR YOUR LAWN Cr~ping Bmt-Bl111 Graa--E111rgtHn 11nd ShtUlg Spot Jlixtutta alao., CrHping &nt Stolon· for V tgtt11ti111 Llwnmtllting Expen Advice and Individually Dtsig~td Landscape Plans FREE for Oar Customers TERMS ARRANGED CATALOGUE ON REQUEST "'""""""'"""""'"""""""""" --·--:---- .. , -~.-, ----- -~ ~> AMPLE FUNDS TO LOAN 5~%---{)o/0 CONSTRUCTION REFINANCING J RESIDENCES, STORES, APARTMENTS F. c. BRODERICK Ttl. WiJJn. 2235 . KUIIIII, DDiUI& KVBIII· 11 South La Sallt St~ Cbia1o--Ctatr~ Saf._...... ln·esba.t. 2990

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