Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 50

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St. John'& Lutheran ·IIIIJ!idll¥. ...,_1-I:U ~ m.: J'OiaDilon, IIUPL ·CJnbl&' wonhlp.-11 L m. CJIVJtCB B'O'I'. 8enD.oa-..Jetnl8 l'eeda the Multitude." 1114week lledltatlon (Wednesday) 7 :45 p. m. "Je8WS the Judce." De Lwtller ...._ wiD meet ton1·1tt (l'rlday) In the church baaement. The teacue Is an actlve young people'· orpulsation which baa the welfare of tb" ehureh at heart. Julrt Jut week they purchased and presented to the church a new addreQOCraph which will help coll8iderably In espldlttng our maUing of Uterature. ftey also plan to have a building fund ot their own, which will be augme.,!lted In a novel way. Wilmette and Park avenue·, Wilmette Herman W. Jleyer, M. A., pastor 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1398 Church telephone 3111 8enleel Fourth Sunda)' In !Ant: 9 :30 A. Jl. Sunday school and Bible C4\88e8. 11 :00 A. ll. Second service and sermon. Sermon: "The Christian andHis Baptism." 9 :45 A. ll. Fli'Bt service and sermon. . This church co-operates with the Sunday Evening club which ~ts In Its ·eetlas· auditorium at 7 :30. Dr. Glenn Frank, Dr. C· .P. Wllel of Plllladeltlla, Pa., )(onday and Friday at 4 : Classes for president of the Ulllverslty of Wlsoon8ln Will address the Chicago Conference Sunthe Christian education of chUdren. and a most brllliant s~aker, will give day School lnatltu~ which wilt be held Monday and Friday at 5: Classes tor the address. l.PricJa)' night and Sunday afternoon aad children at Winnetka. ewen... The subJect of the FridaY eveMonday at 'l :4$: Junior Girls' choir. The Men's club of this church will be IIIDC address which will be aiven In llonday at 8 :30: Senior Mixed choir. hosts to the "'Forum fQr One Hundred Atonement Lutheran church, 7oth and Per Cent Voting" ln Its club rooms at Laftln streetll, Is ..The Place of the SunThe Lutheran Publicity association of 7 o'clock Monday evening. Tickets may day School In the Life of the Church." Greater Chicago announces daily Lenten be procured and places reserved by callThe Sunday afternoon address will be services during the laBt three weeks of Ing Wilmette· 1204 until noon Monday. ven In St. Peter's Lutheran church, Lent at the Adelphi theatre, Clark street After an Informal program, Harry uldln« and Lemoyne .streets, at 2 :45 a few doorB north of Madi!K'n. These Eugene Kelly, former president of the JL m. · 'The nbJecf Is ."Bull41ng the services will begin at 12 :05 and close Union League club of Chicago, will ad· Church of the Future." There wUl be at 12 :35 every day, two aervlces being dress the meeting on ..The Present Day lancheon served In the church parlors at only on Good Friday. Tile speaker 5 :10 p. m. In the everun. Dr. wnu· The above illustration 18 bpt one of the held the first week Is Pastor G. Obershulte Patriot." wiU qaln speak. The subject Is "Leam- manr used in the proepectua of the pro- for The Chicago Congregational club will IIIC to Teach from the Kaster Teacher." posed new ~hodhrt EpiiJCOPI.I church. of St. Paul, Mlnn. The public is Invited hold its 345th meeting on Mon~y. Dr. Wlles Is of the staff of the Sunday This twenty-JMUre deacrt~'fe · booklet was to attend. Karch 19, at the Hotel LaSalle. There School Literature Committee of the distributed at the eiOM of the eervlee la8t The service for Sunday, March 18, fol- wlll be a reception at 5 :30 and dinner United Lutheran Church In America and Sunday morning. Since then It has been lows: at 6 :15. The Rev. J. W. G. Ward, D. D., ha8 a large experience In this very · Im- !llacecl In the bands of all tlae constituency Organof the First Congregational church, portant work of the church. You are of the church. The very general and genFugue and Andantino Sonata VI Ul'l'ed to attend theae meetiDp. erous wordB of praiBe concerning thl· .. . ..... . . . . . ..... . . ..... . Mendelssohn Detroit, will be the speaker. booklet indicate the wholehearted spirit The Liturgical service The Neighborhood Circle, Mrs. E. H. Holy Week promises to be a ble88ecl which the new building enterprise Is The Epistle and the Gospel for the day Burge, chairman, will be entertained at eea80n for our concregation. ServlcH in belg received. AI\)' penons outside the The Credo the home of Mrs. H. A. Pope, 910 Lake 1(111 be held every nlaht of the ·week churCh wl&hlnc ·to receive a copy of this Sermon by Pastor Herman W. Meyer avenue, on Tuesday. The assisting except Saturday. The Hhltory of. our booklet may secure one by telephoning "The Christian and His Baptism" hostesses w111 be Mn. F. J. ScheldenLord's Pa881on will be read and com- the church offtce, Wilmette 2348. Organhelm, · ilrs. W. F. English, Jr., and Krs. ments will be ma4e by the palrtor. There SaUclonal .... ... . . . , .... , ..... Gullmant Emma · Buts. Luncheon will be served will be no aermoa· preached durblc thl· The Benediction Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes will be the week of eervlcea. The Scripture aceounts .. . .... . .. . ...... Merkel at 1 o'clock. Will be allowed to. apeak for themselves. preacher at the 11 o'clock service Sun- Organ- Postlude Miss E. Austin The Wekeacaftla Camp Fire Girls will The aervlce preparatory to the Holy day morning. Np other word than this meet at the- church at 3 :30 P. M. Mrs. Commulon will be beld WeclDeiMiay eft- announcement Is nece88&ry to assure a Regular mid-week Lenten services are Herbert A. LaRoy is Guardian of the Ding, April 4. Holy Communion will be crowded congregation. Those who wish ob8erved the following evening, com- to hear this brl11lant bishop must plan held every Wednesday evening at 7 :45 group. o'clock at St. John's, to which everyone IQemoratins the Institution of the Holy to be at the church early. Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts will is cordially Invited. The Holy Week BaerameDt by our Lord J'eeue Christ. Bveey member of the church will want The Fellowship serVIces on Wednesday services will be as follows: Palm Sunday meet at the church at 7 :30 P. M., Fred to !take of the eaerament at that time. nl«bt. have lllarted out with a rising tide evening at 7 :45, the choir will render the Rye, Scoutmaster. J"rlende of the congregation who have of Interest. The attendance has moved ··Seven Last Words" by Dubois ; on MaunThe memben of th~ Cosy Comer heen acculrtomed to receive .the Supper 8teadlly up from the first meeting at day Thunday evening at 7 :45 and Circle will entertain their husbands at a on Good Friday evening at the same time, at that time will be welcome as usuaL which eighty were present. The Third party at the home of Mr. and llrB. Division will have charge of the supper services with the celebration of the Lord's Uonel Bush, 1200 Elmwood a venue, on 'lfew aea ..n will be received Into next WedneldaT night. These evening Supper. Tuesday evel}ing. tJae church on Palm Buday, April 1. gatherings are for all the memben of The WedneBday evening service : On Wednesday at 3 :45 the Junior choir the .family. SUJmer Is served at 6 :30 Organ: Fugetta and Choir . . Guilmant will reheai'Be under the direction of Amy and the meetln« adjourn· at 8 o'clock. Reading of the PaSBlon Story Leslie Toskey. Hymn ~ High School league wlll meet SunThe ~~ervlce Sunday morning at it The Senior choir meets for rehearsal Sermon : "The· End and Aim of Our Reo·cJock will be conducted by Prof. F. D. day evening In the home of LeRoy Stoker, at 7 P. K. · Amy Leslie Toskey Is the demption." Whitesell. Prof. Whitesell will preach !!8 )(yrtJe street, Winnetka. TranBJJOrtadirector. Oftertory here every SundtQ'- up to and Including tlon will be provided for those who will Benediction come to the Youns- People's HoUBe at Wednesday evening the members Buter, April 8. Organ : Postlude : . . ....... .. . .. . Rogers ofOn 5 :20. RuBsell DeLong, a student In Garthe church are Invited to a dinner Miss E. Austin ret Biblical Institute, will continue the under the &UBPices of the Woman's Tbe Sunday eehool meets at 9 :30. ComThis Is the annual Home Mlspletely graded Jeseons for all ages. Class- Lenten series of discussions. Harlow Boy Scout Troop No. 6 of St. John's Gutld. Pyfer will play a plano solo. Thank Otferlnc meeting. The · for men and women held In the audiwill be well represented at the next court Rionary torium at 9 :45. The Young People's group will meet of honor to be held at Highland Park. Rev. George E. White of the American Missionary 8.880Clatlon. wlll speak. Ml88 Sunday evening at I :30 at the home of The parents of the boys are particularly Florence Blesemler wlll play the violin The High eehool B. Y. P. U. will meet Nystrom, 714 Central avenue. Jlr. invited to attend this meeting. at 6 :10 Sunday In the Gulld room. The Jane and Clifton Darling will sing. Reservamhrenaperpr, a professor In Garrett lllaalona.rr committee will have charge of Biblical Institute, will continue the series On Sunday evening next, March 18, the tions will be received at the church oftlce, tlae meeting. on "What Jesus Chritrt Means to Me." newly-called missionary at large for the Wilmette 1204, until Wednesday momlng. of Northern IWnols, the Rev. The Boys' club meets on ThurSday at Tbl· church co-operates with the SunNext Thursday is Division Day. The District Mr. H. H. Hartman, will be Inducted Into 3 :30 under the direction of Mr. McCordar Evening club which presents Sunday, Divisions meet as follows : at T&bor Lutheran church, Sunny- mack who is assisted by Howard West . .rell 18, at 7 o'clock at the CongregaFlnt- ! P. M.- Jin. C. A . Lundberg, oftlce side and Drake avenues, Chicago, the and Joe Swan. ttonal church, Dr. Glenn Frank. Dr. 1010 Elmwood avenue, HosteBB. service beginning at 7 :45 o'clock. EveryW'rapk 18 greeldent of the Unlvenlty of Second-10 A. JI.-Mrs. Wm. J . Carver, one On Friday the Northwest Circle wlll Is Invited. W'l8con81n and has 8J)Oken before tbe 908 Ashland avenue, Hoste88. meet at the home of Mrs. George Red1tllmette Sunday Evening · club for the Fourth entertains Third- tO :30 A. M .ding, 1~16 Elmwood avenue, for luncheon Jut two Y.ear& Jll88 Mary Welch, conMrs. S. H. DaJ2_t, 831 Central avenue, at 1 o'clock. tralto, will Bing. Holrteu. Flfth-10 :30 A. JI.- Mrs. E. W. K. Roe, Wl11lam E. McCormack, 8.880Ciate minister Troop No. 1 Girl Scouts will meet at This 18 one of the good churches ln the church at 7 :15. The regular Jlld·week meeting of the 835 Linden aven~e. Hoste88. Miss Elizabeth Wilmette which profter their hospitality Brown Is captain. claUfth will be held on Wedne8day eve? APRIL 13 ? and a share In their work to everyone nine at 8 o'clock In Children's hall. Dr. League of Women Voters will hold ol'pbett will conduct the meetlng8 as the The Woman's Exchange now has a who Uves In this vicinity. The welcome a The candidates meeting In this church Fri-.eon4 of the aeries of eight prayer meet- number of new lines which are ~special found here will be cordial and friendly, .... which he will have charge of. , ly suitable for gift& The Exchange I· the work engaglnc and helpful, and the day evening at 8 o'clock. open dally from ten to ftve except Satur- services stimulating and enlarging. Then Ia to be a buaar at the Baptist daJ' wben lt close~~ at one o'clock. There Old People'· home WednetKlay, Karch !8. will be a 1l'ooc1 sale next Saturday mornA church school, which Is fashioned to minister to boys and girls of all ages, Lfmcheon will be aerved at U :30. Next Sunday, March 18, wlll be the Ing. · meets at 9 :30 on Sunday morning. Its fourth Sunday In Lent. There will be The Initial Financial campaign of the oftlcere and teachen will welcome new Holy Communion at 8 A. Jl., Church lftae Boy Seout· wiD hold their regular ...-ly meetlnc at the Church Thursday new Kethodlat Episcopal church begins pupils and will help them personally In schools and Bible clas~~es at 9 :45 and elteiiiDc at '1:10. · next Monday moraine. Two men. ex- their work. The eehool Is completely Morning Prayer with addre88 at 11 perienced In the fteld of church finances, graded and thoroughly organlaed. o'clock· .......,. afternoon Karch !5, at 4 will direct the movement. The palrtor tfelock. the third of the eerie· of vesper will accompany one of these, .and a group The Convenant class under the direction During Lent there are extra Services will take the form of a caatata. of laymen 1D turn wiU ao with the other of the Rev. William F. McCormack will of the Holy Communion on W edne8day8 · ..Cruclftdola,.. wttla B. l'nd vieitor. Tbese two teams of two men have ltll fourth meeting at 9 :30 In the at 7 A. K. and on Fridays at 10 A. M. teDor 1110lalf't: WOllam de Veny. Neb will call on tile entire coDBtltuenq church oftlce. Tbls 18 a group which le and Wedne8day evening services at 8 80iolat ; and IIP8clal oqan eoloe during the period March 19 to April 1. lrtudylng church membership and the P. II. Jlr. ll&rDe& 'J'be choir of our church Judging by the subscriptions already meaning of ChriBtlanlty. During Lent the Women's A880Ciatec1 IJeeD workl... on the eantata cllllpDt- volunteered, tbese canva.aen for the dle put two month8 and a fine per- creat new enterprlae will receive a The Junior Congregation aervlce will Guilds meet every Friday In the Club HoUBe at 10 :10 A. Jl. with luncheon at --noe Ia unreel. Everyone I· cordlal- hoepltable welcome wherever they p. have as a special number, an anthem by DOOD. laYited. ftla mUideal wiD be held at Tile eublleiiDtloD· already pre~~entect with- the Junior choir. llr. Albert B. Tucker out sollcltaUOa n.qe from ftve dollare AaiBtant Superintendent of the Church WlbDette Baptla ehureh. On WedDeeclay evening of thl· w~ the to a sum that ean be expre88fld only with eehool, will be In charge. . rector PNaehecl at Grace Church, Hlnelftle Wilmette BaDtlat chureh Ia located ftve a.ures oa the left Bide of the deelmal dalea IlL, exchanibur with the Rev. R. J. tile......- ot war..tt.e ... J'orMt av.. poiDt. 'ften will be DO IIOIIcltatlou at Tbe peat pnaeher for the moraine Lee, ~r of GraCe ChUrch, Hlneclale. wvnldp BeniCe ..,.,. be the Rev. Vlneent &117 1"MMe meet~Jw. whO Pl'eached Ill lt. A1111MtiDe'e. Leatea Senlee Wednesday evening, March 21, at 7 :45 o'clock Sermon: ..The End and Aim of Our ~emption" (2 Cor. 5 : 15). o Bums aBSOCiate secretary of the soclat Service committee of the Consreca· tional church. He Is In Chtcaco at »ruen~ orsanlslnc a Belllhul.rY f~ the atudy of Race Problem· In Chicago. The title of his aermon will be "The Flret Principle of Kingdom." The Choru8 choir under the direction of AmY Leslie Toskey will sing. The Forum Is a wsttlve success. Very few of Its most sanguine supporters could have foneen Its popularity and value. But many men and women enjoy Its meetings on Sunday t:nornlngs at 12 :15 in Pilgrim Hall. Next Sunday Dr. Frank o Beck will speak on "'Youth's PersOnality Problems" In connection with the general theme of ··can We Christianize Modern Culture?'~ _ the B111Jti&t Church Fir&l Congregational St. AuttutirJe's Charch

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