Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 43

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New Trier's Senior tra~en won a bard fought quadrangular meet at Patten gym, Evanston, last Saturday, with 42 ~ points. Proviso was second with 32 ~ points, :Morton copped 29 and La Grange trailed in with 16 wints. Cassell breezed in ahead of the rest to win the quarter mile run for New Trier. :McHugh, Proviso's ftasb, pressed him hard all the way and finished right on his heels. Steve Windes ran a great race for the Green and Gray in the mile but Hosse of La Grange _ was too good for him. Steve started out in the lead witb his usual winning stride. Hosse p-.ssed him though on the third lap and held the lead for the rest of the race. Hafner and O'Shaugnessy of Proviso and Baker, New Trier's star sprinter, ran the forty yard dash so closely that it would t_ake an impartial judge to say who was first. The j u d g e s gave Hafner first place, · O'Shaughnessy second and Baker third although a good many of the spectators thought Baker was second. The way Dave Wanger ran his pre liminary heat in the low hurdles promSenior Summariea ised well for New Trier. He fell in the finals though and got fourth place .41\ Y~t-11 Da~h-1. H::1f"P.r (P.): 2. fP.): :-1. Bnker (N. T.): only because there were only four in o·!':h·n,Plln4'tz~v .t . "'nllf~::l, n:o ) 0 'rilll"' :4.8. the race. Walton won the event for ?.,n v~ rfl n:1.c:zh-l. Wn.n~er (N. T.) : Morton with Mulligan of La Gran'!e ., 'fnt-nhv (L.): 3. Bnkshimle (M.); 4. Time :25. right on his heels. Gibson got third O'~haue-ne111sy. .u.n Vnrtl Run-1. Casl'l4'11 (N. T.): 2. place for New Trier. 1\"rlJuP"h (P.) : 3. Bowes (M) : 4. Mackie Wanger made up for his fall in the (T. \ . TJrnn :M. Half 1\flle-1. Bun!'et:~ll (N. T.): 2. hurdles by "Showing his heels to the n .. rlt"' fP.) · :to Etrt!'l,.~ton (P.); 4. Simprest of the field in the 220 yard dash. son (L.). Time 2:09.2. Murphy and Bukshimie had a hard 1\fflo-t. Jfnotte (L.): 2. Wlnd~>R (N. T.); fi~ht for second place. Murphy won ... 'fottlt> (M.): 4. Kenneth (P.). Time 4 :!\R. thP olace for La Gran~e. .tn v-. ..ft Low Hurdle~t. Walton (M.): Walton won the high hurdles for 2. Mulligan (TAo); H. Gibson (N. T.); 4. (N. 1'.). Time :5Jt Morton and Jack Leach came in W!.>n,..,.r Yard Hif!'h HurdleR---1. Walto" (M.): second for New Trier. Walton knock- .,, 40 r,..::lrh (N~ T.): 30 Blasseur (P.): 4. f'tl a hurdle over but he beat Jack to u .... n (1\·. T.). Time :6.2. 0 the tape and ,vas not tc~uali6;,1 .~ cause the hurdle had not been futened up properly. There were fourteen runnen in the half but Darhn· of Proviso and "Ted" Burgess finished far ahead of the rest. "Ted" won the event for New Trier as he uauaUy does but Darhn made him step pretty fast. Eggleston of Proviso and Smapson of La Grange fought it out for third place with the Proviso man just_. step ahead. Carl Hall was beaten in · the high jump for the first time this year by Murray, a boy from Cicero. Murray cleared the bar at 5 feet nine inches. The Green and Gray relay team won by a large margin. Walton and Murray were .high point men, each taking 2 of the 4 firsts that Morton won. Wanger and Hall won the most points for New Trier. Wanger got 7~~ and Hall 7. The results of the Junior meet were iust the reverse of the Senior meet. La Grange was first with 34 points, Proviso won 32~ points and New Trier got 20~. Morton has no Junior team. Mcintosh was high point man of the Tuniors, winning 13 points for New Trier. Leitz copped 12 points for Proviso. DeBeers ran a nice race in the 660 vard run to get third place for NPw Trier. Two Proviso runners, Perli5 ancl Hill came in ahead of him. Soie~rel got second place for New 'rrif'r in thP. Junior high jump. Meyer!' iumped 5 feet 1 inch to win the event for La Gran~e. 0 -·r-·- ~ JloiDtoeb (N. T.) : I; ~~~~: & Simmer (L.): f. Spel'l')" (] 44 feet. La . Ql'&l)p : 1-: ·- Provlao ; Kiss ~AUCire:;' Alberga of 1623 Was ington avenue was entertained· with a surprise bridge and dancing par Tuesday evening given in celebra · of her seventeenth birthday. 5 to .25 Miles per Hour in 7~ Seconds! 10 to 45 Miles In 13~ Seconds! No other car in The Victory price class can IIJI/Wfklch these astonishing get-away figures! And that holds e1J1141l1 true of Victory speed! There's a simple, logical.answer to this spectacular performance - . .q..lkJ J1ou1W per /Jf»nnJ of car weight. North Shore Garden Service VALLEY VIEW FARM-Waukegan Road-GLENVIEW Building and Construction of HOME GARDENS PA~KS PLAYGROUNDS TENNIS COURTS GOLF COURSES FLAGSTONE SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS, ETC. Specialty: Ia other words, a new and superior kind of engine with a new and superior kind of body.; The problem of weight solved thru simplicity of design. The problem of design solved thra simplicity of ~· (No body sills-only 8 major body paeces) High power made feasible by rugged Dodge construction and Dodge quality materials ··· High s~ made practical by a lower gravity center and 110 bot/1 tnWh.11g. (Chassis full width of body) This is Victory Demonstration Month. Drive the car and win one of Dodge Brothers bis ~monstratioo Prizes. (Pull details on .request) Tum in on WBBH I« Dotlge &otbm Rlulio Prognm ftJfqJ Tbuntlq nigbt., 7:oo o·ctoclc tbru WEAF-NBC Re4 Netwwlc. Black Soil S7. 00 truckload delioered. Telepbonea: GLENVIEW 80-R and 141-J Ample funds at interest for loans homes on · Sincere Seroiu Alwqa C. M. McDONALD 1 o 1 9 Da-via StrHt Phones: Uaivenity 2 2-f, Wilmette 5, 10 and 15 year plana, straight or with pre-payuient privileges Oar,.... . . ,...,..,. 67 B'_ y 2 2.f c:Jhe VICTO . Il:Y S ·I X DOD&& BI.DTH&R.5

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