Spring fC»otbaU prac · got under.. way in fuU swiag at . Northwest!lll university this week ·ben Coach Dick Hanley. led a sqaad of; 75 hopefuls through a -rigorous dtid . in fundamentals. Most of last year's veterans together with a number of freshmen composed tbe opening day's turnout.. Coach Hanley plans to put h1s charges through a six weeks' training session consisting largely of fundamental work together with laying a groundwork for next fall's campaign. He will be assis.ted by Pat Hanley and Tom Stidh~m who were members of the coaching staff last fall. The task of finding men to replace such veterans a·s Tiny Lewis, · Vic Gustafson, Waldo Fisher and Rudy Schuler will occupy much of the time of the coaching staff this spring. Several of. the more promising freshmen candidates will be tutored to take over several regular jobs on the · first string eleven. Miss Jean Burns, who was graduated from the Northwestern university School of Speech, and · .who has recently returned from a trip to the Orient, will entertain Satur~ay, Mar. 24, at the annual mothers' and daughters' luncheon at the Evanston Woman's club. She is ·characterized by members of the School of Speech faculty as "a young reader with womanly charm, refinement and artistic gifts." CUB TROOP TO TOUR DELLS The officers of the Cub Troop of Club Vista del Lago met W edne.sday evening with Harry.Hughes, 414 Laurel avenue. About fifty cubs of the troop, under the leadership of Louis Simmel. will leave the club Friday night at 8 o'clock for a two day trip in the dells at Kilbourne, Wis. The tour has been arranged by R. H. Nason. Commodore Blackton of Los Angeles will be a member of the party. April 24, the Miami Triad; three Northwestern university fraternities so · grouped because of their founding in Miami university, Beta Zeta Pi, Sigma Chi, and Phi Delta Theta, will givf" a dance at Shawnee Country club. ----------------------------------Mr. and Mrs. }. D. Stinson and their daughter, Betty, of 1601 Spencer avenue have returned to Wilmette after a month spent in Miami. Mr. Stinson's mother, Mrs. R. 0. Stinson of Rogers Park, accompanied them. PROFESSIONAL INSTINCT M· ·lo , . , tu preju0111 ,,.. mref·l GIJo·t _,.,;ou of jtulg,.,t. Tlmr /,,.,. Ia 1I1M A PLACE TO PARK WHILE IN THE LOOP Hiah Speed Automatic Gar··· Firat -d ODI7 Skyacraper Garaae ia the w.td Z4 Storap ~ .UUIJ .,f.,.,tl ·JHnt "' """ Pmw-Arro· )\ CCOMPLISHMENT sets men apart-and such £1. men are seldom ~ntent with the commonplace. Perhaps that explains why the new Pierce-Arrow is so popular with those who have arrived in the professions. Here is a .car which combines great beauty and modernness with the dignity of an illustrious name. There is never a hint of ostentation about Pierce-ArJOw-but always an atmosphere of exceeding fineness. ]lis 1M llllsliiiUJi8gcarfor ·m ofthe tmtstallliing type. Twelve custom-built models in the Continental fashion and coloring~ From $2900, at Bulalo. Car Capacib Yoar Car Ia Not on.. The Feaden Not Bunp&l NO WAITING IUra.: 'ISe-12 hoan; SO eeapou. at. 50e- 3 ho.... hetweea 11 A. II. and 4 P. II. 10c eaeh addidoaal ..._ er fnctioa thaeof. A si,.ijiJ fi,.,m,tlla tllllltl tllis a 111111 'rtZttka/ lnudurt. Ytur lrtslllt tar tlttf/JIItl Ill tas/, up II tht fuU tlmollllt of its appraisal w/utiM. · y,., 111111 ~~~ 11 PUru-Arm~~ 1111 '.1 tllnltll if ,.u lrtfw. Sh--6 P. M. to midaiabt(U roa wiD 18Dd aa roar JWDe and addreM, we will be pad to mail you a enmplimentary parkias licket 10 that JOD maJ beeeme aequiated with the JUnelou opentioa of ..ia Aatematic Gan1e.) · · JAMES G. BARBER 1508 ELMWOOD AVENUE Phone University 4535 EVANSTON AUTOMATIC GARAGE THE PURE OIL BUILDING Wacker Drive and Wabaah Avenue, Lower Level-Fnnklin 1575 ENTRANCE ·. _ ~ ···"!!: I!!Je ~= ~~w.:=..~ .r· .·..=).::..-= GA·t=:.=aJ..~..:::..-.~ Lalre p._ WACKU DRIV& 91a . . _ . . - 111eck . - e1 ......... A....a. ltnll) . . . . . ..