Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 38

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....~~··ore ClUbs ..,......,...,..____..____ ""'!""!'_~.....,. by Wilmette Garden Clt4b) I (Contributed In small scattered communities the Garden Ttdlu Center . Next Woman's Club A,ound W ilhing Books M Program arch 21 __ _ committee this year, and three were One of the interesting~ features of elected from the club at the meeting the Chicago Garden and- Flower Show on Wednesday, March 7. The two opening at the Hotel Sherman March members of the board are· Mrs. Harvey 24, and continuing until April 2, is the Bush and Mrs. Frederick Ebeling, and lecture program to be aiven dat"ly the others, Mrs. Nathan P. Colwell, fre ,. "" e.· "th one .talk t"n the mornt"ng at 11, one Mrs. Frederick Scheidenhelm, an d Mrs. Wl l·n the event"ng at 8, and three 1"n the Ashton T aylor. T ennis, a soprano Miss Beatrice afternoon at 2. · 3, and 4 o'clock. Each · · · at 1, a round table dt'scusst'on with a pleasmg lync votce, ac~omaftemoo.. ·· ·lt be held panied by her sister, Mrs. Gertrude Wl The speakers are many, and a num- .Vidder,hsan' algroup of songs expertly ber are residents· of the north shore, an,,. c aAnn~ng Wy ·. B h h 111etts '"rs. Freder1"""k F1"sher of La'"·e Blu · ff, h.1.urs. .mta nort I .LYI. " K d r urn h f Iam, . f president of the Garden Club of Illi- s ore ~rhst, gave a e Jg t u' 10 orma nois; Mra. C. D. Ewer of Wilmette, . talk on the y~ar and a ~alf that the recordin1 secretary of the club· Mrs. Burnham famtly spent 10 Europe a 0 01 G ' few years ago. She told many humorAtL.--a. ·uc~ · 1011 of lencoe, Mrs. Car1 ous incidences about ccDad" and baby S. ll1ner of Glencoe, Jens Je.nsen of Ann, the latter being nine months old Win_netka, Mrs. V. K.. Sptcer. of when they started out, and of Carol Kendworth, ~es~e L. Smtth of Htgh- Lou, Florence and Willetts, giving land .Park. ~UISe Hubbard of Lake little pictures of the Burnham family Forest, and Sidney F. Beech of Glen- walking about Europe, seeing and do~oe. Others are well kno~n to. north ing everything that was to be seen ·~bore garden dub audtences. Dr. free saving on expenses and having Herman S. Pepoon, Mrs. Maud R. h 't· f th · 1. B b A 1me e1r tves. a y nn h was Jacobs' Mrs Theron Colton' James t e dl d o f Burdett, Christine Mogle and Lillian trun ~ rom one country to anot .er, Reid Cameron, Mrs. Linn White, and ~t;,r~ghth~at~:~~i!s :.?t~edrtstf:~!:r·~i Har~ Wells. The ros!er of speakers Rome cheerfully guided by each memalso mcludes Prof. Willard N. Clute, her of the family in turn, contentedly Leo W. Nack, Prof. 0. M. Schantz, reposing in a doubled-up state in a M!'s. George M. Kendall, Mrs. Fred- go-cart given Mrs. Burnham by a e nckAG.. Moore, Mrs. James H. Heald, whimsical friend. The go-cart feJt .1r.. · H. Conrad, Mrs. LeMear H. apart at intervals and was patched up Mason! Kenneth W. Bang'S, M~s. and remade in sections with an old Fred~rtck Dow; James Youn~r. Mtss scarf. acquired a set of thick wooden Hamet L. G~orge, Mrs. W. H. wheels held in place bv bent nails or Fowkes, D. Hdl nursery, and C. E. safety pins and then when it triumphGottschalk.. antly arriv~d home wa!'; discoveretf to The ..subJects of talks range from be a doll carriage. Mrs. Burnham gard~ns at home and ~broad. the proudly exhibited it in all its forlorn plantmg of see~, the makmg of g~r- ~1orv. There were many amusing tales dens, the planting of bulbs, nahve of Eurooean cities and hotels and the Water colors by birds and their migrations, flower Burnh~m family gardening, garden insect control, floral Mrs. Burnham · ~nd Carol Lou were arrangement, to evergreen·.;. lily ponds, exhibited on the walls of the club and gardens and markets of the north- auditorium. west. Mrs. George M. Kendall is chairman St t D B E of the free lecture program committee ae · · · tCP,.S Include Local Residents which is composed of Mrs. Albert 0. Olson, Mrs. James H. Heald, Jr., Mrs. Two north ·shore women have been Sidney F. Beech, and Mrs. F. W. elected amon« the officers of the ,.. Gulbrandson. Illinois society of the Daughters of Another feature of the show that the British Empire during the annual will lend its social charm is the tea meeting held aU-day Monday at the garden which will be open daily from Woman's City club. The group chosen 12 o'clock noon until 9 in the evening. to guide the state affairs of the D. B. On March 31, members of the Glencoe E. for the coming season is composed Garden club wiJI assist the chairman of Mrs. George Cook Adam, 0. B. D.. of the tea @"~rden, and on Sunday, honorary president with vote; Mrs. W. April 1, members of the Evanston, Gray Brown, pre.iident; Mrs. Dudley Wilmette, Winnetka, and the Kenil- E. Welch. first vice-president; Mrs. worth Garden clubs, and the Home and Sidney May, second vice-president; Garden club of Kenilworth will assist Miss Elizabeth J. Harvey of Winnetka, Y rs. William H. Colvin of Evanston, third vice-president : Mrs. W. D. Harding, recording !,ecretary; Miss Irene chairman for that day. Holmes, -corresponding secretary: Miss Junior Auxiliary Now Is Florence C. Walters, trea·surer; Mrs. · W. H. Lawton of Wilmette, organizing , 1 P .atlnntng ~nnutd Luncheon secretary; Mrs. ]. W. Bowel), standard The March meeting of the Junior bearer. auxiliary of the Infant Welfare society In addition, to these state officers, will be held Monday, March 19, at 2 national delegates and alternatives o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Victor were voted upon at Monday's meeting. lletqer, 419 Maple · avenue. The - - - - - - - - - - - - - atsistilla- hostesses wiU be Mrs. H. G. members of the senior board 'bf the · ,.rs. .... J W 1 Bersae, ,. L B p · a ter Nelson, and society. aan. L· . atterson. The committee on arrangements · llemucrs o f tbe a uxil' tary · are re- conststs of Mrs. J . J . J oh nson, soct"al quested to come prepared to make chairman, and Mrs. R. W. Armstrong, retervatioas for the annual bridge Mrs. Lester Mee, Mrs. ]. G. Elder, luncheon which will be held at the Mrs. H. A. Craig, Mrs. G. F. Iliff, and Orriaa-ton h oteI A pn'I 16, w hen t h e Mrs. E. M. Antrim. A number of i u n i or membefs will entertain the ·attr3ctive prizes will be given. a --:...t-1 1 ·d d BY R. L. P; catalogues of the large mail order Nortb Sbore a.nuacutl nc 0 e Two members of the board of di- houses are sometimes called "wishing "Our New Citizens" and "What Among Sptaktn for Daily · rectors of the Woman's club of Wit- books," because the lonely reader, as Every Woman Knows" Subjects Lecalra mette were elected on the nominating he turns from page to page of his of Two Lectures oil· catalogue, is apt to say, "I wish that I had this," or, "I wish I had that." The aU-day meeting of the Garden enthusiasts have wishing Woman's club of Wilmette on Wedbooks of their own, the seed cata- nesday will bring to its hearers a logues, those beautifully illustrated program offering varied appeal. The books that tan quicken the heartk f h d b F J beat and make an optimist of the most S spea ersld o th"e f ay are. to ef ·th · hi tf 0 cynical man alive, at least while he is c e ' c 1e exammer o e looking at the pictures. "I should like Bureau o f Na t ura 1'tza t' ton, an d M rs. Bl h E Ch · th d. t f th to try this," or, "I should like to try anc e · enowe , tree or o e that," he says as he turns the brilli- depar t men t · o f c1 o th" tog an d t ex t·t t es antly colored pages. o f th · e T eac hers , co11ege of 1nd'tanHaving only a limited garden space, apolis. In addition, the New Trier however, and that filled quite com7' Boys' Glee club will give the music L· A· Stewart Wl·11 pletely, perhaps, with perennial roots pr0 gram , and M{t · and bulbs, it is certain that he cann~t read · the play, " e Letter," just pregrow them all. The annuals that he ceding the luncheon..· · may choose are limited and many at- ; Those attending t* morning session h' . . luring pictures of salpiglossis, · scabi- are to ear of a very tmportant phase osa, clarkia, and the like must be of American civic life which goes on passed by while he tries to choose in quietly and with little comment, that a sane manner certain annuals of of the work of the Bureau of Naturalwhich he feels the need here and ization. More newcomers from foreign there among his perennials. lands pass through the Chicago Bureau Perhaps it is a color for which . he of Naturalization than · through any is looking, or, perhaps, something other in the country, with the exceprather unusual, or a flower of great tion of the bureau at New York, it is de1 . for cuttmg, · ·d. M r. Schlotf eld, t h e gema, · 1 symtcacy, or a blossom · sat that is fragrant. pathetic, and forceful man at the head If he wishes, let us say, a little more of the Chicago orga11i~ation, will tell blue " in the garden, as he turns the of uour New Citizens." Following his leaves, he sees ·only those pictures talk, the drama review will be given. that are painted in blue. Nigella, The address will commence at the lupine, lobelia, gilia, centaurea, and close of the usual luncheon hour. The browallia are some of these. speaker, Mrs. Chenoweth, lecturer, deIf it is novelty that he searches for, signer, and consultant in dress, will something different from his neigh- talk on "What Every Woman Knows," bors. the picture of many an un- a lecture on charm and type. She familiar flower appears before his brings a real message that is construceyes as he looks through the book. tive, helpful and interesting, on the If he desires an annual with deli- subject of unceasing interest to the cate blossoms, or one that grows in feminine heart, "Clothes and Happigraceful sprays, there are many pic- ness." tures from which to choose, GypsoBesides her work at the Teachers' phila, statice, California poppy, schi- college of Indianapolis, she is a memzanthus. setvia, lavender lace, and her of the faculty and lecturer on saponaria are a few of these. cp'stume at the Chautauqua institution When c~oosing. for fragral!c~ ~ne -~<'::bautauqua, N. Y. She has bee~ finds the tllustrat10ns very vtvtd m- lecturing on "Clothes and Happiness" deed, for. t~e fragrant flower · must for four years, her engagements taking look so hfehke that .the odor !S re- her all over the east and the middle called on .m~rely seemg the Picture. west, where she has been received He~e are mtgnonett.e.. sweet peas, enthustastically. Her critics say of her hehotrope, sweet. Wilham, and sweet that she clothes her talks, with their alyssum from whtc!t t.o choose. points well made logical and interestBut whatever tt ts your garden · h d"' ! needs, you will find it, if you look, in 1ng to er~ au .·ence, wtth the charm one of these wishing books. of her per.,onahty. -------- Maj. T. A. Mills Speaker at Southern woman's Club "America for Americans" is to be the subject of the lecture Maj. T. A~ Mills will give Thursday afternoon, March 22, before members of the Southern Woman's club of Chicago at its meeting in the East room of the Hotel La Salle. Major Mills, welt known as a brilliant speaker, is associated with the America First Foundation. On March 15, he spoke at the conference of club presidents and program chairmen. In ~ddition to the speaker, Eva Bowler, concert soprano, will appear on the program. t March 23 is the occasion of the meeting of the Wintlsor chapter, D. B. E. at the home of Mrs. George A. Thursby, 504 Park avenue. Mrs. William H. Lawton, ju·3t elected organizing secretary for the Illinois daughters, is the new regent of Windsor chapter. The meeting program of the Wind- , sor chapter consists first of a business meeting and then a social hour for members and their guests, which inclu~es some special feature each month to benefit the British Old People's home. Next Friday a food sale is to be held at the close of the meeting. Windsor D. B. E. Holds M eeting and Food Sale Life" is the subJ' ect of an address to be e-ven ai b Y D r. H enry N~umann, lead~r of the Brooklyn Soctety for Ethtcal 9ulture ·.before the students of the National Kmdergarten a11d Ele t 2 ,1 k W d men t ar c II day affern~~~M~rch oc e nes- MERRIT.L LECTURES TO END SPEAKS AT NATIONAL COLLEGE The of the course of talks on "Help" ·1s t o U n derstan d current last mg 0 ur p upt literature- and events «iven by ll M A th F h M .., rs. n ony rene errill under h t e ausoices of the literature department of the Woman's club of Wilmette is scheduled for Monday March 19 t 2 ' 1 k ' · a o c oc . Mrs. Merrt"ll has 1 ·.!K:~!~~nefs~f. this last lecture topic,

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