Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1928, p. 18

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I ..,..,·rill .Ba1ketball J'apil of FrallCIKO Daclcli of Cbicaao Opera aad RaYinia Opera Co. Central school Q'Jilnaalum, Karch 8 Boltw'd Peewees (1&) Wilmette (I) Lewis Delptl . RF Oliver Towlee William Ba·yJeaa LF John Stackhouse John Greensby C Paul So.ule BenJ. Schneider RG :Marshall Dooee Milton Evans LG Kenneth Miller Wll. Llghtw'ta (18) · Boltwood (11) Frank Church RF Llllbourne Dawaon Oscar JobDIOD Colin Flnbr.yeon L F Cecil Williams C Robert Lyden George Eber RG Valley Nordburg Hugh Saxon LG John Castle Peewees {10) Oliver Towles F John Stackhouse F Paul SOule C otis Gooch G Kenneth IIIUer 0 Marshall Doose G Robert Thomby, Kenilworth (8) Roger Barrett John Simone Donald Kimball Thomas Smith John O'Connor Following are the reeulta In la8t week'a play In the various events In the WDmette Playground and Recreation board leagues: Batlletltall Won Terminal A. C. . ......... 18 State Bank .............. 18 Congrep.tlonal . . . . . . . . . . 8 Methodist ................ 11 K. of C................. 11 Presbyterian ............ 10 Wilmette Sh98 . .. . .. .. . . . 9 St. Joseph ........ ·. .. .. .. 6 L 0.' Q. F. .. ..... : .. . . . . . f LBAGUB 8TAimiNG8 Annocuxta the opming of VOCAL STUDIO 859 Elm .St., Winnetka Voice placeaeat. comet braibiaa aad p·n tOnt proclaction Italian Btl Canto Loet Pet. Z too I 8U 9 9 11 f 8 by the atdlocl. JOHN BORINO STUDIO 859 ELM STREET PHONE WINNETKA 1125 Llghtwelghta (U) Frank Church F Richard Joelln Colin Flnlapon F Claude Phllllpe Cecil Williams G Thomu Blnmu. George Eber G Claude Hamilton Huch Saxon G Edward Hoffman Alfrecl Zlbble G Robert Thomby, referee Baptist .................. lf Presbyterian ._ ............ 1S Ridge Electric . . .. . . . .. . . 9 St. Joseph ............... 6 American Legion I . . . . . . 6 referee Howard P. T. A. I . . . . . . . 6 Legion II . . . . . 4 Kenll·worth {t) American Howard P. T. A. II . . . . . 3 Wilmette I~ vene,.~~au 11 I S If ... &T8 &&0 &18 f&O · HS ZOO ............ 16 Z '1 6 11 11 11 tZ 8'1& 811 ill &00 SU ltz 881 H8 ZOO ;~!i~!!!~!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~~~!~~~~~~!·~!'~.!~~~··I The Acacia fraternity is holding a dinner and dance at Shawnee Coun- Ridge Electric c u atur y evenmg, .&narc · .James Schaefgen Benjamin 'ftlalman (8, 1&,Hotrman 15) .Jacob I>onald Hartnett Howard P. T. A. . I Amer. Lelrlon II (16, 11, 15) ('1, ti, 11) llartln Lynch Curtis Coicrove Lester Watson Paul Kler A. Struebing Stanton Van Inwacen Dudley C. Stone, referee American Legion 1 Edward Richmond Lea Orr (1&, 10,Dally '1) Orville Stover llould~ FredLippen Dudley C. Stone, referee v.u.,..... Washington Laundry-washing · Saves Money have a variety of laundry services. and W E each one offen a superior quality of work at prices considerably less than homewashing coats. One of our services is called Damp Wash service which returns clothes damp for ironinge~actly what home-washing gives you. Counting · laundress hire, meals, carfare, soap, powders, bluing, starch, gas, water, repairs and depreciation on equipment, interest on investment, etc., this laundry service averages about half the cost of home-washing. · This substantial difference in cost daily results in ·many new custome~ some of whom formerly imagined they could not possibly afford our service. May we suggest that you make a comparison between the cOlt of our ·rvica and the cOltS of bome-wanng. We are confident that you will diJCover tbat it is possible to obtaia fl'OIIl us a better quality. of laundry work for less. mpH~ St. Joseph {i, 13) Wll. Ice (15, ti) Norbert Miller Unal SUtton VIctor Delnleln .James Hoffman Arthur Peters Edmond Schlldgen Edward PhiUJps August W.J~.llowlts Robert Steffens William Thalman Raymond Hoffman Ray Meier G. W. Gathercoal, referee Baaket·ll K. of C. (U) State Bank (Z9) Jim Jlontonara RF Jlaraball Coma Jim Phllllpe LF Ballard Roblneon Roger Leonard C Lawrence Roth Frank Steiner RG Robert Smith Bernard Smith LG .Jack CUDen Pierre Van de North Carl Clifton Chris Schaefer Jack Paterson, referee March 8, 19!8 Tenn. A. C. {40) Wll Shoe store (10) Robert McY....ean RF Ralph Wellh RuBBell JohnBOn LF Robert Wolff Lyman Go88 III · C Rob9rt Wlleon Eugene Hardt RG Herbert Wolff Harold John10n LG Harvey Harloff, referee Methodist (11) St. .Jo.eph (10) Charles Varney RF Luna Gender Fred Lundberw LF Robert BtetreDS William Varney C Raymond Roftman Fred Waldener RG Victor Delnleln Lowell Todd LG Edward Pbllllpe Harvey Harloff, referee Wll. Shoe Store· (!4) I. 0. 0. F. (!3) Ralph WelSh RF Harry Chambers Robert Wilson LF Geo. llerpnthaler Robert Wolff C Bclpr Polley Herbert Wolff RG John Myers LG Edwarwl Bokakl Clyde Hamilton, referee Tenn. A. C. (!8) Ketbodlat (10) RuB&ell Johnson RF Charles Varney Robert McLean LF Peter Rhelnhold Lyman Gol8 III C l'red Waldener Manning Powers RG Lowell Todd Milton Powen LG FreeL Lundberw Clyde Hamilton, referee GIVE ..ICID" PARTY Members of the freshman · class at Northwestern university gave their annual "kid" party la'it Wednesday evening at Patten gymnasium. Miss Dorothy Enquist and Miss Virginia Eagles, social chairman and treasurer of the class, respectively, were in charge of arrangements. Prizes donated by Evanston merchants were given to those having the best co.;tumes. Members of the Chicago Association of Commerce Glee club whQ appeared in the musicale given Tuesday evening as a benefit for the Woman's dub of Wilmette. were entertained at dinner at Shawnee Country dub preceding the concert. Tbia is the WashLauclry Maa -yoa've INII hia ia · ., yoar ~· ~I hi· ia. He will be alacl to eqUiD 011r · rices aad -~ · lllliill.. ..., . . . . . , . . . ..... ,., .... ..... - help yoa clecicle LaUDd.y IU. is ... . Wilmette 145 Eltc&blialled - F ort1 - Y ecar s -oThe Gamma Phi Beta sorority gave a subscription dance last SaturdaY evening. ·

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