~ \. 4 . \I ·Legum 1V·tes· St. Patrick's Day dance to, be given Great interer.;t is being shown in the by , Wilmette Post, No. 46, Saturday A number of evening, March 17. people have said that, while they are busy elsewhere that evening, yet theJ will be over to the Stolp school before 11 o'clock to witness the grand award of prizes. Joe Schneider's orchestra will furnish the music and the largest crowd that ever attended a dance in Wilmette is expected. Attendance records for Wihnette Post were shattered at the last regu-· lar meeting Tuesday evening, March 13. . Considerable service work is being done this winter by the Post through the distribution of clothing for men, women and children to ex-service men's families. Also toys and money have been sent to the War Orphans' Home at Normal, Ill The Drum and Bugle corps is actually under way. Twelve bu_gles, ten snare drums, two base drums and a pair of cymbals have been purchased and two regular weekly practices have been held for both drums and bugles. It has been found necessary to hold bugle practice on separate nights from drum practice and to have different instructors for each. Bugle practice is held on Tue,;day nights at 7 :30, under the direction of Edward Meltzer, former instructor of the Northwestern .University band. Drum practice is held on Friday nights at the same hour, under the supervision of Edward Straight, head of the Chicago Drummers' association. All practices are held at St. Augustine's Club House. Come out some night and see the boys work out. The instructors promise to turn out a corps that can play real music by Memorial Day. Twenty-seven men have signed up for the corps and about twenty-nine ha,·e shown up for practice. If your name is not in the following list, be sure to hand it to Ed Richmond or Fred Lippen. Drun1s-Ed Richmond in charge ; Anderson, Bridwell, Dahncke, Daily, Dusham. Economos, Flentye, E. Gould. Leach, McNaughton, My_rland, Orr, Smitherman, Doc Stone. .Bugle~-Fred Lippen in charge; Cochran, L. Hassenauer, Lahtinen, Mack, H. Mohr-, NelsQn, Bert O'Conn~ll. Marsh O'Connell, Peterson, Vanlnwagen, Visnieski. Drum Corps Dance-..:.March 17Stolp Schoo.t -Bring Your Gang Use VIGORO and .Hav:&.aA Velvety Green Lawn Good seed and the right kind of pi antfood are essential. To have a thick. dark green lawn, use VIGORO, the plantfood specially prepared to supply grass and other plants with all of the plantfood elements neeclecl . ff)r. ra ' id and sturdy growth. · · · · · Delicious Home Grown Veaetables · To have early, succulent vegetables, use disease-free seed and VIGORO. Vegetables are heavy feeders and .m ust be fed the right plantfoocl. VIGORO contains all of the plantfood elements needed· for maximum development. · Flowen-Beautiful and Fragrant Don't wish for beautiful flowers-have them by using hardy, diseasefree seeds, plants, bulbs, and VIGORO. Prizes are being won throughout the country with flowers grown with VIGORO. Luxuriant Shrubbery-Stately Trees Trees and shrubbery, like all other plants, m. ust be fed the right nourishment the same as human beings or they become "stunted" and lose the beauty that we so admire. Then, too, undernourlshed trees and shrubbery are more susceptible to disease and insect pests. · VIGORO supplies the nourishment ne~ded for maximum beauty, and production. Complete directions in every bag. (I!~ i r:: a .,,. Clean, Odorless, Eas.r to Apply VI~!!~ Architects to Hear About World's Fair Architecture The Evan3ton-North Shore Association of Architects will meet at dinner Monday evening, March 19, at 6 :45 o'clock at the North Shore hotel at which time Dr. Allen D. Albert will a·ddress the group on the subject: "Architecture of recent World Fairs with special reference to the proposed Chicago Fair of 1933." · Following the meeting the members and their guests will attend the opening reception of the First Annual Exhibition of the Evanston-North Shore Association of Architects to be held at the Homestead, 1629 Hinman ave-· nue, Evanston. - ) __~ ~. -~ --y lAW. GMDUG ILOWIU . ....... 100-lb. bag $5.00 50-lb. bag 3.00 ~5-lb. bag $1.75.· · 5-lb, ·pkg. . .50 · _ WEARE VIGORO DISTRIBUTORs FOR WILMETrE . ..,,,\, ' GRASS D GARDEN SHEEP MANURE- BONE-MEAL-SHRED CLEE CLUB TO BROADCAST The Glee club of the Mallinckrodt High school will broadcast a vocal program over the radio in the near future under the direction of Prof. lOtto Singenberger, who directed the singing in the twenty-eighth International. Eucharistic congress held in Chil81'0- twe-·yeats ~ago. -