Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1928, p. 55

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TRUE AIIERICAN OOLONIAL. I'OUR bedrooma. 1 batba 1114 aoor. Toilet. lavatory on lilt: liD aa4 ldeeJtllw porcbea. H. 'W'. heat, all 1ar1re U.-t rooms. 2 car PI'IIP. deep lot, IIIUillft· cent view. OnlT Z yean old. flf,MO. FOR RENT-MODERN, WELL-BUILT 7-room house. 4 bedrooms, garage, large lot, very convenient location East side. Rent $125 per month. EAST WILMETTE IHieiillillenn Realltty <Coo · 7!0 Elm St. Winnetka Z&f 77LTNU-1t: BEAUTIFUL LIGHT BRICK COLONIAL 334 Linden Ave. Phone Wll. 93 consisting of 8 large rooms and 2-ca.r garage; 3 master bedrooms, Z full Ule bath~ Maid's quarters on tat ftoor. H. W. heat, oil bumer, electric refrigera8 ROOM HOUSE FOR BUSINESS OR tion and dish washer. Slate roof. llanT residential purposes, wonderful opporInterior features. Large plaua In front tunity. of home. Price Is right at $45,000. Terms to BUlL . SlVII1'H & BROWN, INC. Wenn 183uniiR1t l&ol&oS1tlUlllbReaJl1ty<C(Q)o Beautiful French Chateau FOR RENT WINNETKA HILL & STONE cHAUFFEUR AND MECH. wisHES pos. Good refs. Box 271, Wlnn. 2382. 61LTN24-ltp 1564 Sherman Avenue BOOKKEEPING PART TIME, TRIAL balance, balanct.> sheets, etc. Preferably at home. Ph. Wilmette 4034. . 61L2f-1tc EXP. WHITE MAN, FURNACE AND housework. Ph. WJimette 3233. 61LT24-ltp EXP. MAN WISHES HSwt{. AND gardening. Permanent job pref Ph . University 3451-R. 61LTN24-ltp §mmmilrlt & CG@ll~p lliiD«:o 1519 HINMAN AVENUE 543 Lincoln Ave. Wlnn. 1544 69LTN2f-ltc 1--------------- a SIT. WTD.-XALE .t FEXALE FOUR FIRST-cLASS COUPLES Available Immediately-North Shore po!'itlons preferred-will go out of town If necessary. In each case the man is thoroughly famlllaa· wltb duties of houseman - .chauffeur- gardner: and woman Is Al cook. These people are very anxious to be placed, and beginning salary Is ot secondary importance. FOR RENT-APARTMENTS IN NEW FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU building now being erected on lOth st., 845 Chicago Ave. Greenleaf 4417-5055 opposite Kenilworth in "'No Man's 62LTN24-lte I...and." Apply Mrs. Pittman, 1305 Gas bldg., Chicago. Tel. Barr. 1043 or Wlnn. COMPETENT COUPLE DESIRE WORK 1947, or. call at 924 Spanish court (No Man's Land.) 67LTN2f-ltc as chauffeur and maid work. North Shore refs. Ph. University %885. 6ZLTNZ4-ltt: ~~~.........- - - - - - - - - - - : . FOR RENT-S RM. MODERN APT., COLORED COUPLE DESIRE POSITION Genuine Frigidab·~4 convenient location, -cook and houseman. 1st-class refs. possession May 1st. Wade Kenwood 6193. 62LTN24-ltc II FOR RENT-R00118 526 Center St. Ph. Wlnn. 382 61LTN!4-ltc FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and cold running water; garage space If desired. Phone Wll. 716-M. · 66L'O·t!p University 285 Unlventty 8080 ~--------------------------RENT- HOUSE, 6 RMS. WITH 1108 Davis St. 61LTN24-ltc 'FOR 71LI4-ltc sleeping pordh all newly decorated, located on beautiful corner lot, available immediately. Call for keys at 310 Myrtle St., Winnetka. FINEST EAST KENIL69LTN24-1tc RESIDENCE. worth location, archltecturallT a gem. Evanston 5 bedrms.. and 4 baths. beautiful TO RENT-MODERN 1 RM. HOUSE, (Just South of Davis) marble mantles, paneled woods. and handsomely decorated, alp. pch., sun Beautiful five.. six and seven t·oom apts. hand-made lighting fixtures and cryspch., landsca~ g_arden, long lease dein 'l ~tory fireproof building, in the tal chandeliers of rare beauty are a sired. Will rent -rum. or unfum. Ph. heart of Evanston. few of the things that make this one Wllmette 1219. 69I.TN!t-ltc Appointed with marble wood-burning fireof the outstanding residences of the places, Incinerators, electric refrigeraNorth Shore. tors, Otis elevators with uniformed FOR RENT--6 ROOK HOUSE IN WEST operators. Doorman in attendance. GaKenllworth. Possession Jlay 1. Rent $60. P. 0. box 473 Kenilworth. rage In connection. Ready for _Occupancy March 15th 69LTN!4-ltc INSPECTION INVITED Greenleaf 1617 513 Davis St.· Evanston FOR RENT-WILMETT~ ROOM Rental omce on premises 77LTZ4-ltc bungalow convenient to transp. H. W. Greenleaf 4250 67LTN24-ltc heat, 2-car gar. May 1st. Brlargate 6951. 691.24-ltp 5 RM. AND GAR., $J.OO. Nr. lake. Winn. 6 ROOM KENASTONE, 5 YEARS OLD, 1630 eves. and Sundays. Kr. Pierce. side entrance, large living room, heated _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _6_9_U_T_N_Z_4_-l_tc sun parlor, H. W. heat, Z-car prase, FOR RENT-FURN. 6 ROOK CORNER south front lot 50x150. $11,500. bungalow near "L." Ph. 71 wnm:~~z~::; J&cdkdlihmgit«Dliil &, Alllle1m I&utt WiimumeitllKa FOB BENT-FUBN. HOUSES flO Linden Ave. FRANKLIN BLDG. 6 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM April or May 1, or tor summer. $100. INC. End of ""L" Wll. 40'1-408 'l7Lit-ltc Wi~~- ~~~~s and trans~~LT~~~:c 71 FOB BENT--8TOBES A OFFICES FIRST TIME OPPERED, 1 ROOM: stucco, 4 bedrooma. · sun room, sleeping porch, Z lava. Water heat; oll burner, beautiful lot, l-ear heated garage near schools and tranap. FOR RENT-FURN. ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen, near transp., reas. 629 Park Ave., Ph. Wilmette 2345. 66LZ4-ltc FOR RENT-! NICELY FURN. RMS., double and single. People emplo)·ed. Breakfast optional. 602 Maple Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3587. 66LT!Z-3tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 6!9 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc 460 Winnetka Ave. Ph. Wlnn. 38! ATTRAC. 9 Rlrl., I BATH, STUCCO 73LTNZ4·1tc reBid. with sun parlor and alp. pch., canvased walls. East, nr. achoola and transp. Lot 58xZOO. l-ear aara«e. A good buy at 1!1,500. A NEWLY-DECORATED 3-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT-ROOM FOR TWO PEOPLE for rent. Private entrance. Call Wino. employed, breakfast optional, light 18Z3. 61Tl-ltp 77 I'OB 8ALE-BOUSE8 housekeeping If desired, 1 block to . transp. Ph. Wilmette 3730. 66LZ4-ltc 3 ROOK KITCHENETTE APT. 1 BLOCK FOR RENT-NICELy FURN. ROOM. from Winnetka staUona. Phone Wlnn. llanied couple or lady. Call Sundays Z658. 67LTN14-3tc unUl 4 or after 5 weekdays. Ph. Glen- FOR RENT-4 RM. FLAT, t45 PER M:O. ATTRACTIVE 1 ROOK HOKE, IODway between "L" and steam. H. W. coe 978. 66LTNit-ltc Hot water heat, 18!6 Elmwood Ave. Ph. heat, 4 bedrooms, near school, church, ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. Wilmette- 1646. · ' 67LZ4-!tp etc. Floe lot 50XZOO. Many shrubs and perennials, garage and drive. A real Gentleman only. 725 Prairie Ave. W11buy at tZO,OOO. FOR BElfT-FU.&lf. APT&. mette UZ. 66LZZ·tfc 18 New brick realdence, tile roof, aun parlor, breakfast nook, 3 master bedrooms, FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOJIS BY ! ROOK APAJlTKENT TO SHARE with employed woman. 1 block to staI tiled baths, al8o servant's room with week or month. Phone Wilmette !399 tion. HZ Park, or teL Glencoe 1411 evebath, Frigidaire, oil burner, lla" fan, or 3345. IILTNIO-tfc nings or Sunday. 68LTNZ4·1tc etc. !-car garage. Belt North east location. $40,000. LARGE. WELL-HEATED ROOM: FOR one or two. Convenient location. Wll- a FOR &'BlfT-HOUSBS mette Z699. 86LZ6-tfc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NICE LIGHT BEDROOM IN PRIVATE 340 Unden Ave. Phone WIL 18 family, cloee to transp. fZO Park Ave. 77Lif-1tc Ph. Wilmette 191. 66LZ4·1tp 6 ROOK BRICK COLONIAL. 3 BEDLARGE, LIGHT, WARK lUI. NEAR rooms, 1 bath, sun parlor, !-car garage, WILJPJTTE--CHARIIINO BUNGALOW on eut lllde ; ·'L," ! elec. linea, I B. R. tl'auap. Private batb. C&ll Winnetka at $160. atatlonll all within 5 blocb; pa4e and l&U. IILTNZI-ltc 6 room home, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, breakkiD4ei'IIU'tell achoot a blocb; uvm. fut nook, aun lc sleeping porches, Z-car roma llxll: dlnlq room lls:lZ; Jdtcben I'OR RBNT-WBLL I'URN. ROOII prap at $140. . lidO: lAID room lldl ; roo...,. cJo.ta near tran8D. IU Park Ave. Ph. Wll· and beclrooma: ballt·ID book aa..; moet IDette UK IIIM-ltp IDOdern »lam_blq; B. W'. .._t: oil b111'11er: B1l1l4 I [ IRIDIU :_ .pnce ROOK lPOR RQT. 1&.00. 11AN PRID'. on paved- allq: Inquire Ill- Qallwood UnlvenltT 1080 fll Prairie Ave. Ph. wn. am. 1108 Davia st. aLt.t-1tc ..LT!f.ltp Ave. ~ Holk:~Ums«»Jm a13 Davis Street & JJennb Greenleaf 1817 7'1LZf·ltc Wiillmetttte §]pXeeiiaJl BEAUTIFUL NEW CREAl( BRICK veneer 6 room a.uu houae, 2 batJ1a. 1 tile, with ahowen. Extra toilet on 1st ftoor. Z fireplaces, 1 eJIIP'&Ved Beautifully decorated. Larp, luulated attic. ·B lock to golf grounds. 1115 Cherry st. Price t19,500. J. A. Horak. builder. TeL B ..hland Park II... 77LTNII·Stp litO·. RoMoJJ<O>lhumsttoliil&Cco FOR SALE-I ROOK HOUSH. WA'l'BR heat. Z :rean old, 2-car pap. ttt.MO. Will conalder vacant or wiD IWit for $100 per month. Call Wilmette Ml after 7 P. II. . '11LTKit-ltc FOR BALB--7 Rll. STUCCO BOUBII. sunparlor, very artlatlc, rouah waUl, larae studio on tfdrd ft., pr., aear tralulp. fU,OOO. Ph. Wilmette Z&IL 11LTNM-ltp l&ol&oSttnnJlbReaJlity<Cco w.

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