New Trier aad MoriDD · ia Swim Meet Toni,ht New Trier tanksters close the season this afternoon when they travel to Morton to engage in a return ·meet with the lads from Cicero. In the former nteet the Indian Hill boys sent the Morton swimmers home with the short end of a 39 to 20 score in the seniors ~nd a 34 to 16 in the juniors. Bennett of New Trier and Tucker will engage in the 40 yard swim, as well as in the 100 yard race. McDonald will take on Rogers of New Trier in the 220 yard swim, while Rogers and Rich will be entered in the breaststroke against Klepner. Read and Netterstrom will endeavor to uphold the grey-green in the backstroke against Talpa, the latter also meeting Granstrom in the fancy diving. Zinn~r, Springer, Roos and King are the outstanding juniors for New Trier and will compete with Donicek, Parel, Douglas and Mission. Eatab&shment of a museum to preserve newsrper "fint ·editions," files, portraits o journalists, letters, documents and epoch-making machines, is announced by Director H. F. Harrington, of the Medill School of Joumalism, of Northwestern university. Many · gifts have already been received, chiefly portraits of living newspaper men. They have been hung in the corridors of Wieboldt hall, on McKinlock campus, the Chicago division of the school, but Director Harrington is planning for permanent quarters for the museum in the headquarters of the school at Evanston. "Almost every newspaper office in the country has some early historic newspapers, a 'stick' that Was used by President Harding, or a hand press. on which some notable got his start," says Director Harrington. "Many of these treasures have already been lost. We are establishing a repository where newspaper men of the nation can leave these records of a passing age and know that they will be preserved for posterity. "Right now we are looking for an old Washington press, one that bas played an _ important role either in the d~velopmeiit of journalism, or in our national history. We would be delighted to get even a model of an old colonial hand press. When we have our new quarters we shall have room for an early linotype or a stone that has become a link in the long chain of journalistic evolution." A New ·and Interesting Service is extended to our patrons. Our enthusiasm runs so high that it is our wish to thoroughly familiarize you with the f ·-1 New Atwater Kent A.C. No.37 Radio and Speaker I I I. New Trier Grad Wins High ·Rank at Oberlin In the announcement of the Freshman Honor list of the Oberlin College of Arts and Sciences for the first semester of this collegiate year Adelle Margot Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Savage of 1520 Walnut avenue, Wilmette, received the second highest scholarship grades in her class of 326 members. Miss Savage is a graduate of New Trier Township High school~ .... I I The ex-service men's committ~e of the Woman's club of Wilmette will meet with Mrs. Charles E. Tucker 2735 llrs. W. D. Elmer of 1107 Lake Main street, Evanston for lun~heon avenue left yesterday for an indefinite Monday, March 12. stay in Davenport, Iowa. Operated dir«t from your light socketno batteries or eliminators-just plug in and you a~ ready to enjoy a program. There/ore we offer A trial introduction into your home · Merely ·nd in a request for this service to the Radio Salon and a Rt will be inaUtd into your home for a three day trial, without cost to you. as nationally advertised in CoUier's Weekly, The . American Magatine,etc. There is no obligation and no salesman will call As the number of radios is limited it will be necasary to fill requests in the order in wbicb they are received. Con~equently we a11e you to ·nd yours in early. offer you country-wide famous v&!ues in the above range of pnces. Hundreds of new smart styles for your suit . or topcoat now on display. nc to fit. ~atisfaction assured from fab- Cin SALES - - FOURTH FLOOR Price Bldg. State and Madison Streets Chicago 319 Wat Van Buren St.