Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1928, p. 95

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March· Z, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE FOB 8ALE-ROU8E8 .7 l ahown bJ' the elltlmate of ,.the Pfelddeat of the Board of · LoCal 1Jbprove11l81Wi . FOR SALE-LARGE OVERSTUFFED the ·aatd Vlllqe of Wbmetka, and the dav., $30 ; rocker to ·match, tl5 : tel. report' and 8.11888811lent roll of ald Com· FOR SALE-3 NEW BRICK AND STUCtable, $7 ; carved tall mah. plano lamp, mlBBloners, Ia the aum of Thirteen l'lve Hundred Sixty-two co homes, 3 bedrooms, bath : many ex- ' $15 ; marble top k\tehen table, $ol : Thousand. Evanston tra features. H. W. heat, garages, 50 chair, $5; desk lamp with parchm~nt Dollars and ftfty-flve cents (t13J6~1.66). (Just South Davis) Now unless you, such defenaanta u foot lots, 2 blocks from R. R. and shade, $5 ; mah. chime clock, $11 ; fireBeautiful ftve, six and seven room apts shown bJ' the aftldavlt flied tn Bald electric. $18,500--$23,500. Owner wants side tongs, shovel and bi'Wih, f6 ; also are In 7 story fireproof building, in the proceedings to be non-realdeDta of the offer. Liberal terms. · and-Irons, $12. Ph. Wilmette 1016. heart of Evanston. State Illinois, or whoae realdenceli are · 100LTN23-1tc shownof Appointed with marble wood-burning thereby to be UJl)mown, and the fireplaces, Incinerators, electric redesignated aa "All whom It FOR SALE-ROCKER AND ARM defendants frigerators, Otis elevators with unimay concern," shall be and appear be· chair, mah. frame, upholstered in Wilmette 273 formed operators. Doorman In at- 1171 Wilmette Ave. the aald Superior Court of Cook brown leather. 2 for $10. 3 pc. wicker fore 77L23-1tc County, Illinois, at the County Court tendance. .Garage In connection. set-2 rockers and 1 table, 3 for $10. House, In the City of Chicago, Count)' Ready for Occupancy March 15th Wilmette 2777. 100L23-1tc of Cook and State of Dllnols, on th4t INSPECTION INVITED twelfth day of March, A. D. 1928, and Rental office on premises CHEST OF DRAWERS, :MASON HAMCH<?ICEST LOT IN KENIL. 200x200 FT. plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's Greenleaf 4250 lin plano. Must be sold this week. petition, or object to the report and wtth 9 rm. mod. house, large liv. rm., 67LTN23-ltc Greenleaf 168 or University 66'16. din. rm., sun parlor-with open fireassessment roll ot the Commlaalonen 100L23-ltp aforesaid, the Bame and the matters and place. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, servants' FOR RENT-5 RM. MODERN APT things therein charged and stated will suite 3rd ft. Oil burner. Perfect conGenuine Frigidaire, convenient location' dition. Clear. Easily ftnanced. Will FOR SALE-RARE AND BEAUTIFUL be taken as confeBBeC\, and a Judgment possession May 1st. · ' white mahogany bedroom set. Price entered in aooordance with the Bald redivide 100 ft. with bouse, 100 ft. vacant. reasonable. 7337 N. Robey St., Apt. 2. port and asseBBment roll and the prayer 229 Essex Rd., Ph. Kenilworth 1499. Phone Sheldrake 4089. 100L23-1tp of said petition. 77LTN23-1tc 526 Center St. Ph. Wlnn. 382 The following Ia a d~ptlon of the 67LTN23-ltc BEAUTIFUL NEW CREAM BRICK OAK DINING ROOM SET--64 INCH said Improvement, and Includes a detable, 6 chairs, $10. Wlnn. 652-J. veneer 6 room English bouse, 2 baths, scription of the Iota. blocks, tracts and FOR RENT-LARGE LIV. RM., BED 100LTNZ3-1tp parcels of land sought to be taken fQr 1 tile, with showers. Extra toilet on rm., kitchen, bath In east s. home. 1st floor. 2 fireplaces, 1 engraved stone. 101 WTD. TO BUT-H8EHLD. GDS. the said Improvement. Private entrance porch. Near transp That Locust Street be widened by con· Beautifully decorated. Large, Insulated Ph. Wll. 204. 67L23-ltc attic. Block to golf grounds. 1235 WANTED TO BUY-SECOND-HAND demning therefor the West Thirty-three (33) feet of that part tying south of the Cherry st. Price $19,500. J. A. Horak, FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTE furniture and other household goods. south line of Westmoor Road (alao builder. Tel. Highland Park 2346. apartment, steam heat, janitor service Highest prices for same. Croat Furni- known as Fig Street) of Lot Twenty-six 77LTN22-3tp ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Evans- (26) in the County Clerk's Division of near transPQrtatlon. Call Wllmett~ ton, 111. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN6-tfc that part of the Southeast Quarter of 1800. 67LTN2-tfc FOR SALE OR RENT Section Seventeen ( 1 'l) In Township I ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY DECORATED FOB SALE-)(ISC. Forty-two (42} North, Range Thirteen 18 FOR RENT-FURN. APTS. throughout, H. W. heat, large lot & lot fruit trees, garage. Owner wants to FOR SALE-S'l'EINWAY GRAND PI- (13) East of the Third Principal Meri2 ROOM APARTMENT TO SHARE dian, lying west of the Railway, accord· go to California and will rent for 2 with employed woman. 1 block to staano, perfect condition. Must sell, leav- lng to the plat of aald County Clerk's Dl· years or sell for $17,500. See at once. tion. 362 Park, or tel. Glencoe 1421 Ing for Europe, $750. Telephone tor vision recorded In the ofllce of the Re· 110 Fifth St. 77L23-ltc Sunday. 68LTN23-ltc app. Mrs. E. Fisher, 616 Roscoe St., corder of Cook County, Illlnolsi on the Chicago. Buckingham 14'18. thirtieth day of April, A. D. 8'l!t _In FOR SALE-NEARLY NEW 6 ROOM FOR RENT-HOUSES 102LT23-1tc Book 13 of Plats at Pace 82, aa .uocubrick, convenient location. H. W. heat, ment Number 178377, and that when ao garage. $13,000, cash · $2,500. Splendid FOR SALE-OIL BURNERS AND widened, aald ~ust Street shall be Imbuy. tank, used 2 winters, first-class con- proved aa follows: Beginning at and connecting with the dition. Too small for 14 rrn. home is I-1. 8 ROOMS INCLUDING 4 BEDROOMS reason for seJUng. A genuine bargain. existing brick pave"Uent In Pine Street: 1213 Wilmette Ave. Wll. 225 and sleeping porch, 2-car garage. CenPhone Winnetka 382. 102LTN23-ltc tbence north In aald Locust Street, to 77L23-1tc and connecting with the existing contrally toea ed. In excellent condition. Reasonable rent. Phone Winnetka 2237. 8 ROOM BRICK COL., 4 BEDROOMS, LARGE DRESS CASE FOR USE IN crete pavement In aald Locust Street at 69L23·1tc shop. Call Marion I. Calkins, Wlnn. the south Une extended of Starr Road; 2 baths, H. W. heat, garage att., near 1708. 102LTN23-ltc also from and connecting with said exist· schools and transp. Price $24,000. ing concrete pavement In aald Locust Street at the north line extended of aald 103 WANTED TO BUY-1\IISC. Starr Road to and connecttng with the For Rent-8 room BRICK, near lake and 460 Winnetka Ave. .. Winn. 1800 WANTED-CLEAN WHITE RAGS tOe existing ·c oncrete pavement in aald Locust "L." Four bedrooms, 2 tile baths, water 77LTN23-ltc heat, sun parlor, garage, large lot in per lb. 1232 Central Ave., Wil~ette. Street at the south llne extended of Dinschoice location. Rent $225. 103LTN14-tfp more Road ; also from and connectlug with said existing concrete pavement In said Locust Street at the north line ex@Jf tended of said Dinsmore Road, to and NOTICE 334 Linden Ave. Wilmette 93 connecting with the existing asphaltic 69LTN23-ltc 7 ROOM . HOUSE, CENTRAL EAST concrete pavement in Westmoor Road: Kenilworth. . Call owner Kenilworth VIllage of Winnetka by clearing, grubbing, excavating, trench· 2010. 77LT23-ltc FOR RENT-6 RM. DUTCH COLONIAL ing, backfilllng the trenches, grading. near "L" and N. W. Sta. E. side. Jm: [N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK preparing the subgrade to receive the mediate occupancy, $125 per mo. Ph. '18 FOR SALE-VACANT ILLINOIS. COUNTY, macadam pavement and sod edge, grad· Wilmette 1650 evenings. 69LTN22-tfe WILMETTE RIPARIAN RIGHT, VACiDJ~. rolling and hand-raking parkways, a!lt. One of the best locations on the adJusting existing manhole and catch GENERAL NUMBER 470218 8 ROOMS, INCLUDING . 4 BEDROOMS Shore. Size 100x450 with excellent basin covers, constructing tile pipe and sleeping porch, 2-car garage. Cenbeach. Must be sold at once. Priced VILLAGE OF WINNETKA a drains, placing sod edge along each side trally located. Reasonable rent. Phone below rna rket. Exceptional terms. of the proposed pavement, constructtnc Municipal Corporation, ' Winnetka 2237. 69T52-ltc a macadam pavement with tarvla wearvs. ing surface, the center line of which shall ATT. 8 RM. HOUSE WILMETTE, !'a)rJl'\ CATHERINE E. MURPHY, 0 the center line of the street In which large lot, 2 baths, oil heat, near "L," J..!:::!lo ~l!.I.!:U l!,.QV ~(9.!, l!.c:¥ ~ AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. be tt is located. The width of satd pave· University 8080 N. S. and lake. Wil. 2921. 69LTN23-ltc 1108 Davis St. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK ment shall be eighteen ( 18) feet", except 78L23-1tc COUNTY, ILLINOIS, by order duly en- at the street comers of Pine Street and FOR RENT-FURN. HOUSES the pavement tere~ in the above entitled proceedings, Westmoor Road, where WINNETKA MANOR. ASH STREET havmg that as to such defend- shall be widened along curved Unes, connear Glendale. Desirable vacant, ~nts as directed 6 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, FROM are shown by the afftdavlt flied vex toward the center of the proposed t20x185. Will sell all or part. Price m said ·roceedings, to be non-residents pavement : the radii for said curved lines April or May 1, or for summer. $100. $70. Surrounded by good homes, and of the State of Illinois, or whose resi- being- twenty-five (25) feet: Including Near schools and transpor. Garage. near school. Phone Wlnn. 1486 or ad- dences are shown thereby to be unknown removal of two ( 2) trees on the west Winn. 1688. 70LTN23-tfc dress 653 Walden road. 78LTN23-ltc and the defendants designated as "Ali Ride of said Locust Street at Pine Street, 71 FOR RENT-STORES A OFFICES whom it may concern," the Clerk of said adjusting present brick pavement at FOR SALE-75 FOOT LOT SUITABLE Court cause publication to be made In Pine Street, and macadam pavement at FINE OFFICE, CENTRALLY LOCATfor 2 houses, near transp. and schools. the Winnetka Talk, a secular newspaper Westmoor Road, removal of combined ed, Immediate possession. PAUL SCHROEDER & CO. published in the Vtllage of Winnetka curb and gutter at aald Pine Street and 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 County of Cook and State of Illinois: said Westmoor Road, adjusting existing 78 2 containing notice of the following mat- sidewalk approaches, constructing new 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382 L a-ttc ters: sidewalk approaches, and the removal of 73LTN23-1tc St WANTED TO BENT-HOUSES Notice is hereby given of the pendency all surplus materials and rubbish, all of the above entitled proceedings lnstt- within the Vlllage of Winnetka, County ------------------------------------------FOR RENT-SHOPS AND OFFICES. RESPONSIBLE WILMETTE RESIDENT tu~ed by the petition of the Village of of Cook and State of Illlnots. · offering and guaranteeing good care WmnetkaJ.. heretofore ftled ln the Superior Dated at the City of Chicago, County of G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. of property desires 6 or 7 room house Court of cook County, Illinois, designated Cook and State of Illlnois, this tenth day 73LTN8-tfc in east Wilmette or Highland Park. General Number 470218 In aald Court, of February, A. D. 1928. Reas. rental for long lease. 3 in fam- praying for the ascertainment of the 77 FOR SALE-HOUSES SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, ily. Also 8 or 9 room house for parents. just compensation to be made for the Clerk of the Superior Court Ph. Wilmette 3736. 89L23-1tc private property to be taken or damaged of Cook County, Illlnois. for the making of the Improvement here- FREDERICK DICKINSON, WANTED TO LEASE WITH PRIV- inafter described, and for the ascertainVtllage Attorney. T49-4tc ilege of purchase, modern house 4 B. ment of what property will be benefited WILL HANDLE A REAL BUY IN A R. located west . of N. W. R. R. by by the making of said Improvement, and . large 6 room stucco home. 3 b. r., corner lot, l-ear garage, grounds wen . Amer. family 4 adults. Address Wil- the amount of such be.neftt. WARNING! 89L23-1te landscaped. Property Is well located · mette Life B-617. The Commissioners duly appointed by To whom lt may concern: to schools & trans. Price $13,500,. owner the said Superior Court of Cook County Having been unjustly accused, through . wants offer. · · · · · WANTED TO RENT-7 OR 8 ROOM Illinois, to Investigate and report the just house In Wilmette or Winnetka. Write compensation to be made for the private slanderous gossip and base Insinuation, of groBS misconduct, I wish to announce ~ ll-vr IR\. Wil. Life B-618. 89L23-ttc property to be taken or damaged for aald 0 0 ~~ ~ ~· ijj,(Y ~~ : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ improvement, and also what real estate that any further accusations of . thla be ben~ftted by said Improvement, character coming to my attention will be 11 1~08 Davis St. University 8oso· ~ :.---~~~A~N~T~I;.;;~9~U~E~S~ · ~·~--- wlll and the amount of such benefit to each prosecuted to the full extent of the taw. SPECIAL NOTICE Frank P. Fischer, 77L23 - 1tc . Have another lot of nice Walnut chests parcel of land assessed, duly made a spe1618 Wilmette avenue, from $8 to $20 In the rough-newly cial assessment to raise the cost of such Wilmette, Ill. finished .ones from $36 to $60. Cherry improvement, and filed their Bald report highboy, tilt-top and gate-leg tables, and asseSBment roll In the ofllce ot the 3-llght Prism Candlesticks, $45 to $60 Clerk of the Superior Court of aald Cook· HOLD COMMITTEE INSTITUTE pair. Special prfces on odd tables, County, on the tenth day of February ~TTRACTIVE 7 ROOM. HOME, . MID' quilts, rugs, beds. in pairs, prints, glass, A. D. 1928. An institute for Troop committee. way between "L" and steam. . lL W. Thereupon a summons luued out of etchin~s. books, etc. r heat, ol bedrooms, near school, church., said Court against the defendants above men was held on Thursday evening, 808 WASHINGTON ST., 1 BL. S. MAIN . etc. Fine lot 60x200. Many shrubs and named, and the defendants described. as March 1, at the Highland Park PresEVANSTON perennials, garage and drive. A buy at 99L%3-ltc "All whom It may concern," returnable byterian church. TJlese get-togethers , $20,000. . in said Court at the County Court Roue COLONIAL ~ANDLE . WICK BED In the City of Chicago, County of Cook give the Troop committee an oppor. spreads. HaYe . few new oneiJ-I'eal and State of IlJlnolsJ. on the twelfth day tunity to exchange experiences and o colonial deldgnfll-for sale reasonable. of March! A. D. 19l08, as la by law ~ discuss their jobs with men from other Antique walnut ladles' chair. Wilmette quired. wnieh proceeding Is now pending. 310 Linden Ave. Wllmette 88 The total cost of said Improvement, u troops. · t9LTNII-1tp -; .;~ ·· --: ·:· · -·:. · ·· . ·:.-.-::;:.-:-..:-;;: .-:;;::-.;:::t'ZW.:tto.: 2'l59. FOB BENT~APABTKENT8 lot POB 8AL'E-B8BBtD; ODS. 15i9 « HINMAN AVENUE Choice Ne\v Homes ot M«»un&tt & IFll!illllceJrtty FOR SALE FRANKLIN BLDG. ·· F. GATHERCOAL WIL!viETTE E. E. Stults Realtv Co. Smith & Brown, Inc. f ~lllln~l!K ·§&ll<e ~ IE: ~.O.nnll.O.l~Q ~ n.n.w(Cf{JI FRANKLIN BLDG. ' .n.lft) ~ taill E IE: § ll.nnn CC · ; Willm®fl:it® §~lia\R i }. l.o Ml JJ<O>lhumlft(Q)Jrii &CC@o

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