Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Mar 1928, p. 22

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Pare·l. Dsli~IJI .· '· .·. Public Fo,.,m in Demo·llrataon '------------ ~ of Gym Activity I Brilliant blue, _yellow, green and Editor, WuxBTTS Lin: If the people of the north shore red costumes of EurQpean peasantfolk . · · · · · · · · · { Not found in the dictionary. but a word} that means a SUPER GREASING SERVICE To You · ~rvice Station equipped with the most moderQ facilities for laundering and greasing your car. It is not a Lubritory unless the station: is equipped to give you the advantage of scientific greasing and washing backed by a guarantee of satisfaction. · · · · · · · This perfect service, guaranteed to satisfy those who want only the best, is now available to the car owners of Wilmette. The first Lubritory north of Chicago. CALL WILMETTE 346 do not watch out we will soon have a generation of ingrowing necks and camel backs. A great many of our north shore young ~ople go arou~d with their lieads tilted back, thear necks drawn inward and their backs curved outward, all of which is caused from sitting on the spine instead of in the manner prescribed by nature. Sitting on the spine is largely peculiar to high school and college students, and, surprising as it may seem, even among military and naval students· Some of the youngsters grow out of this habit but many grow up that way and it is almost impossible for them to straighten out properly. Many ailments can be .attributed. to improper posture, accordmg to emment medical authorities. -A. Stein, 6 Electric place, Wilmette, 111~ BAHA'I LECTURE Next Sunday at the Studio of Louis Bourgeois, 536 Sheridan road, Wilmette, Dr. Albert Vall will give the addreBB. His subject will be: ·'The Law of Spiritual Rebirth." The hour of meeting will be 3 o'clock. These meetings are constructive and especially Intended for the public, It Is explained. Each Tuesday, at 2 P. K., at 112 Linden avenue, Wilmette, a class for the study of the Baha'I Revelation Is held for the honeflt of Inquirers of rell~lous truth. Literature may be obtained and consulted at these Tuesday cl8.88es. 'l'aell·'1 Serviee Station (Sr:;;.::~n~il~o.) . Maia St. at Wamingtoa Washed and Vacaamcd Sl.SO to S2.50. . S.O.izcd incladia1 tGp clrcaaiat aad rcIDIIChiat rast spots $1 0 to $16 Can can All Greased ------S 1 to S 6 C«l call'fl lor ,.d dtlil1~r~d WILMEITE Spring ·Fashions · awa&t you 1n . UPTOWN CHICAGO toiaa S KU I J0 lhoppen are to UptowD Chicqo tbae claya-attawtal by a Wide choice of uaUIUal ....... illchaamiailmportedSpriD. COihlala. Thej well bow the lpeCiallbo&tPial adftlltapa foaad there. Uptowa Chle11011aa cfemend dae M1arteat ad neweat aad the caoceatnted poop of Uptown Stat. ate apedally equipped to o8'er tbe - - - · · fint clrelpe. There ahoppia1 il done ia unhurried, unjoaded leilure. Rapid aaul &eqa.t tnDipol"tadoa. by car, bus or "L" CODDeCtl with au poiDta ill or arouDd CbicaiO. 'lhole who drive to Uptowa Cbicqo find ample partial ~ near any deaired store · · · a moat important feature for thote dairiq to take their pw:cbua home jmmedi·tely. ........,tl ... v.,_.. .. au..,. -.rea"" l3'te of Mcrdwincliae for alae laonac .u anutoad:1 ofniq ~ ..ta.a ia ewr.y well .u tor dae I...U;, wcal'drak blending with the regulation black and white gymnasium ~uits added a gay note to the annual Phvsir.al Training demonstration by Howartl school pupils last Friday evening. An audience of parents and friends crowded the approximating 750 school gymnasium and . balcony in spite of the cold night. There were 686 pupils taking part in the demonstration which was arranged under the director of Daniel M. Davis, Director of Recreation, and Miss Lucy Reeser and Glen W. Gathercoal, instructors in the school. First grade children of Miss· Fannie Ferris' room, Miss Ruth Sloan's room, and Mrs. Ella Clegg's room, danced "The Shoemaker's Dance." Dickory, Dock" and "Hickory, "Punchinello" and were followed by the second grade children from Miss Dorothy Nash's, Miss Nellie Decker's and Miss 1ones' rooms, dressed in white costumes festooned with huge red hearts, who gave three English dances. ..Lads and Lassies." "Wooden Shoes," and "Looby Loo." With military precision the e.i ghth grade girls of the school performed an intricate companion drill involving more advanced gymnastic activities taught in the eighth grade. And a group of seventh grade girls demonstrated the opposite phase of the Physical Training work by performing the "Jumping Jack Dance" dressed in Harlequin costumes. One of the gayest features of the program was the dances given by the third and fourth grade children in Swedish and Norwegian costumes~ Pupils from Miss May \Vitcher's and Mrs. Eula Keene's room. wore the J;O"een. red and brown of Swedish and Danish peasants and ~ave an exhibition of "The Danish Dance of Greeting." "Pop Goes the Weasel." and "Jollv is the Miller." Fourth grade puoils from Miss Margaret Loftus' and Miss Eula Brickey's rooms wore the dark blue and yellow of Norwegian mountaineers and danced "The Norwe~ian Mountain March" and the "Swedish Clap Dance." · Eighth J!Tade boys, directed bv Glen W. Gathercoal. ~ave an exhibition of pyramid buildinl!'. which i~ a new phase of the Physical Training work installf'd in the school system last vear. The Formal Gymnastic and Apparatus work used in the school svstem w~c; demonstratt>d bv pupils of Miss Mildrt>d Van Horn's room, showing the Triole Posture Test and ~ames employed in the fifth vrarfe and hv the wand and Raqdri11c; given bv tht> fifth and sixth P"ri1.de nuoils from Mi~s Lois Bt>rrv's. Mise; Mi1.rv Corrnran's. Mis~ Bettv Scheidler's · and Miss Aleda Larson's rooms. Seventh grade bovs also gave a short f'xhihition of formal Jlvmnastico;; ~nd the more complex games used in the upper grades. RA.CK FROM SHOPPING TOUR Mrs. Walter Hanna has returned to her shop in Wilmette after a sta.. . in the East, where she went to arrange a wedding and to bring back the latest fashion has to offer in frocks, gowns, sports apparel, and_ millinery. Mrs. E. B. Belshe of Arkansas spent a week visitin'!' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Luther Belshe, of 530 Forest avenue. Mrs. Belshe was driven up by her father, E. L. Belshe, who had been soending a few days there, and who also returned to Arkansas with her. ~ I Beualc8 Mea- Claiecrco ..tcoma u,.... ."'i .. new UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping ·c enter of a Million People ~ AA.tCYL! ~ .. u ........, Gild il ....... ·ore tlaCia Cln, ..._, Clakaao 10 · .-..c dae .-cal ol ewr, '*"-···., .,,~.- ..... Qieqo .-cca. We . . . . , . . 10 iMradaCIIC ...... .-u,_ - i ~ 7' ... .......... ....,... - MONTROSE dac ,_..Wiida lien for ------- -o------- -- --- - --- - - - ---- -- - During 1927, Illinois had the lowest fire loss in four years-$5,432,396 less than in 1926.

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