WI~M~.TTE LIF·E ~arch 2, 192.8 ~ Legion. 1 ~Auxiliary The American Legion Auxiliary_ will hold its regular March. meeting Tue~ day evening, March 6, m the Masomc temple. Special features of this. meeting will be an address by Mrs. Wahls, and special music. Every member should hear Mrs. Wahls, for she comes to the organization with very helpful suggestions for the work among the ex-service men. As Department Rehabilitation chairman, the scope of her work and her outlook is state-wide. At the February meeting an hour of sociability was spent over the card tables after the business meeting. Members of the Auxiliary and their friends enjoyed a delightful afternoon at cards on February 21 at the Masonic temple. Mrs. 0. G. Daily and Mrs. W. E. Richmond presided over the tea tables. ·General arrangements for the party were completed by- Mrs. George Bassler and her committee. This pa~t month has plu~&:e~ the Auxiliarv mto the added acttvJttes of gathering in me~bers. They are ~1~ ways glad for thts yearly oppo~tun.tty to tell folk what the orgamzabon stands for, the good it accomplishes, and why any woman who has been made eligible by the service in the world war of father, husband, son, or brother, is indeed fortunate. Mrs. G. A. Stone, as head of the membership committee, has been very active in carrving this message to prospective members. She found splendid support among members of her committeeMesdames Paul Kier, Norman Deno. J. L. D. Hall, H. Dornbos, and Carl Renneckar. No definite report is as yet available of the fruits of their efforts, but a noticeable increase in members is anticipated. The Department president in writing of the two notable birthdays iri the past month takes from Lincoln's second inaugural address a paragraph which peculiarly expresses the ideals of the Auxiliary, the largest patriotic organization of women in the world: "With malice toward none, with charity for all: with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the Nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have born the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan-to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves, and with . all nations." ' The American Legionnaire, the official organ of the American Legion and Auxiliary in Minnesota, voices the same thought in these words : "He (Lincoln) is the spiritual general-in-chief of the American Legion and all other patriotic groups; the man who most completely symbolizes the .Principles upon which our organizations are founded, and one of the ever-flowing sources of our inspiration for service." SERVE TEA AT MEETING Mrs. Frank Daegling of Beechwood avenue. Wilmette, and Mrs. George Ortseifen of 337 Essex road. Kenilworth, served tea at the meeting February 15. at the Foundation for St. Francis hospital. Miss Laura Steck of Evanston played several piano selections. The members . of the foundation discussed plans for the festival to be held next June for the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Thayer and their infant son, Robert, arrived last Wednesday evening for a week's visit at the hhme of Mr. Thayer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Thayer of 121 Robsart road, Kenilworth. Special "Go-tO-Church" Sundays for Parents This is an · invita·tion to parents, particularly to those whose children are attending our Sunday Schools, to renew your acquaintance with the ~burch. If you've been Hletting the children do it," begin next Sunday to come with them. Find out what they're doing in Sunday School. Meet the pastor. Meet the parents of your children's friends in the Sunday School. The Wilmette churches are composed of intelligent, earnest, likable people. You'll be glad to make their acquaintance, to find out what they are doing, through the church, in this community and throughout the world. If your children aren't in any Sunday Schoolt . this invitation holds goodt of course. Bring them ·next Sunday and get them started. 1 · ............................ · 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1 Directory of Churches: 1\e Fnt PreU,teriaa a..ch Ninth Street and Gnealtaf AYtnae R111. Citorrlf P. ·JiagiU The Fant MetWst a.cJa Lake and Wilmette A·maa R111. Horace G. &mitb St. Joloa's ·J.thera Oaarcll W"alaaettt ud Park AYtaMI Ral. s,., w. Jl.,. St. Aapstiae'I Episcopal a-da 1140 Wllmtttt AYmae R111. Habert C.t.ton 1\e Wlwtte B.ptid a.ch Wilwette EnaJjsh Lather· ·Oaarch GNflfW AIMmll a4 &wntb &met R111. C11rl 1. Empaon Forat and Wilmette AYtaaa Fmt Coqreptioal Oa.rcla Lab aad Wilmene Amaaa P.wilhl, tiM lnr.cbaftb A411frtUint CommiltH" Wilmttte Cb..m F.-,.,ior.