February 24, 1928 Boy1 Rouflll IIJIO . Shape for Boxing. .I · I W ·lLMET.T .E ·LI.JE·· The boys who are being put into condition for the second annual boxing and wrestling show of the Playground and Recreation board are fast rounding into shape. They are knocking the rough edges oft in their workouts at the Howard gymnasium on Tuesday and Friday evenings from 7 o'clock until 8:30 o'clock under the tutelage of Paul A. Kier and Glen W. GathercoaJ. Mr. Kier has some boys who are showing real class at the manly art of self-defense. Speed and precision are being taught in delivering and evading blows, which will make the coming show on March 9 one worthy of the attendance of all the fans of the north ~bore. WreSIIItJI E~hI·bit .____________. S· ur· .1.. 181&· " ·' ' " G-"" ,. uul I I an Aliie~ basso whose · caner was .Lut week Mrs. A. C. Milia of· 2IZ9 tqade over·· 'by the thriUing 'performance. Sheridan place visited her son.-· Norof Mme. Gaclski. Howarwl ·Preston, man, who is attending Cornell colleRe· AmericaJJ basso, was studying to be a , . . laWYer in New York and was 18 years ~ . . old when he and his sweetheart went tO Mrs. George Schdbach of 1606 Lake hear their first grand opera. avenue entertai.! 'ed at luncheo.n and "The opera was "Die Walkure" and two tables of bradge on Wednesday. Mme. Gadski sang Brunhilde. The .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;:;;;;iiiiiiiiiia .thrill of the performance changed the p'ans of the embryonic Gladstone and What Wilmette he and his fiancee, now Mrs. Preston, decided he should become a singer. Now, Merchant Offen Yoa several years later, Preston will sing W.otan in the same performance with Gadski. They met for the first time when they came to Washington for rehearsals." Mr. Preston leaves soon to rejoin the 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Chicago Civic Opera in California. SBBVICB Week? "Hap" Gathercoal's wrestlers are also getting to the place where they can handle themselves with the best in their class. An interesting feature of the coming show will be an exhibition by the Lincoln Turners, a troupe of experienced acrobats, who have been working together for some time. All those interested jn boxing and wrestling may still enter the classes on Tuesday and Friday evenings at the above hours. The cost is nothing but interest in these red-blooded sports. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hagemen of Boston were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barry who reside at 1537 Central avenue. NEVER CLOSED Are You Contemplating Having Those Alterations and Repairs Done Now? Howard E. Preston, 1031 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, prominent member of the Chicago Civic Opera company, returned to the north shore this week af t~r an extended engagement with the opera company which included thirty performances in Chicago, six in Boston, and separate performances with the PREACHES AT BAPTIST CHURCH National Opera company in WashingProf. Charles T. Holman of the ton, D. C. In Washington, Mr. Preston sang in Divinity school of the University of Chicago will preach at the \Vilmette "Die Walkure" with Madam Johanna Baptist church Sunday morning, Gadski and Elsa Elsen in opening the February 26, at..the 11 o'clock services. International Opera Festival in .that city. Miss Jane Perkowitz entertained the In announcing Mr. Preston's appearmembers of the Skipper club at her ance with Mme. Gadski in the Nation's home on Wilmette avenue last Monday capital, ·the \Vashington E,·ening Star afternoon. Luncheon was served and I told this interesting story : the members played bunco. "In the supporting cast tonight will be G. W. SAXTON CARPENTER AND CABINET WORK I I No Job too Small for My Peraonal Attention. 546 Sterling Rd., Kenil. Kenil. 3495-1847 ·-~- ----------~--·--~~ ..............._ _ _ _-111"4_ _ _ _ _ _. . $5 YES SIR $5 During the month of February we will grease your car, drain and re-fill your crankcase, wash your car, put water in your batteries, inflate your tires and polish the nickle, all for five dollars. In con. nection with this service we will call for your car in case it is impossible for you to bring it yourself. There is no excuse for missing this bargain. Remember during the entire month, you may rece~ve this service. WILMETTE MOTOR SALES P. J. 515 FOURTH STREET SCHAEFER, Prop. PHONE WILMETTE 636