· February 24, 1928 WILMETTE LIFE Puretest Special Sale of Finest We've Ever Seen! It only goH to show what competition does! Two yean ago you'd paid twice or thrte times as much for srationuy equal to this we're able to sell for 59c a box! We bought in big quantity this · time sos to give you the lowest possible price. A· 1 ar·A1ar Whiting's High Grade Stationery · lnner. .lined envelopes. Fancy weaves. Usually sold at $1.35. Common Courtesy and Self -Respect! You show the FIRST and HAVE the SECOND when you exercise ·care and thought in the · selection of your personal writing paper. Don't YOU feel that way about it yourself! Our line hut is no£ excelled in this City. Come in real soon! A master product. A natural laxative. Here is an Agar-Agar that is constant; one that is highly ab sorbent. Puretest Agar-Agar is free from starch; it is tasteless; it jellies quickly. We recommend it as a superior product. J -Ounce Package For· this sale only and as long as they last- $1.00 Renneckar' s 59e a box Phones 28-29 Not TERRIBLY Important! But just tht same good looking Stationery makes even an ordinary message or letter take on a bit of dignity not OTHER WISE obtainable. And thoughtful folks always use it. Our Symphony Lawn Brand and Lord Baltimore sort are leaders here. tht formtr 85c and the latter soc a box. ·~StoJW Wilmette, Illinois Only One Store- . Centrai and Wilmette Aves. Tbe f\IEW T htif t Model EASY WASiiER $129 Wringer Type For years and years the Easy's Vacuum Cup system of washing has been famous. Where the best is ., l I I ! I The introduction of this latest "Thrift Model" Easy represents a new departure in washing machine value. It the least you can afford Nowhere is the best so truly the cheapest as in an article of fine jew~!ry, a w~tch, ~Sf of silverware. Many an attractive pnce on such goods is merely an attempt to take advantage of the customer's good faith. Put · your money in quality, where it will pay dividends of satisfaction-not regrets. Our prestige in this community and membership in the Gruen Watch Makers Guild, assure you merchandise of highest quality at prices based on actual value. Gruen Ccartouche $3S Odaer daigns, $40 ro $UO is now possible foe everyone to own one of the famous Easy,s I I ,. I Call us for a trial of rither model. I I I I I ADAMS 525- 4th St. ELECTRIC SHoP Phone Wilmette 1040 DOMINIC PAGLIARULO I·Wtltt 8 Optida 1166 Wilmette An. Pboat Wilatttt 1 5 fiiGtt in the Mmt location 1061