Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 50

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CLM&IFIED ADVERTIBBIIENTB 1& cenbl a line In one paper. I& oenta a Une In . &DJ' ~two · ......_ a Une In all th.-. Jl&per& mtnJIVJI CB.UUIB It · · · Aft11188 of ftw wonla to the line. No black face~ ueed. II~ tlleeaa& oa all cub with orcler a4vertlaemenbl wben bro t to our oftlOe at 1111 Oeatral Ave., WUmette, or &It Lincoln Ave.. Winne · ~ centa D··- 1"\--..lz;... I' ~or Cla881fted advertleemenbl will be ac~1 ·~~ ··-cepted up to We4needa7 & o'clock for the WILIIBTTE Llli'E or all three papera; Thui'8Cia7 & o·ctock for the WINNBTKA TALK and Friday 6 o·clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephonea: Wilmette 4100 or Winnetka 2000-2001. ··.no ,....,,,·o·..·- REL. COL. COUPLB WJTH N ·. S ·. RIUI'S~ A real opportunity wl8h poe: u J'&1'4 mu, bat.ler, cbaut-· preaenta ltaelf fe~ 8.D4 aoo4 cook. Kawood 915&. ~· to the atrl looldnc to eetabllsh ' ti~TNit·ltp herself In a profealon where advancement Ia Umlted only by penonal ability Become a Telephone Operator Full salary Is paid during training . Increases are regular CLUB HOKE FOR BUSINESS WOJriEN Exceptional opp. for a limited number or Girls over 16 with at least young women of good character to segrammar BChool education cure very pleasant rms. where home: are asked to come in for ·prlv. may be enjoyed. Large llv. nn., a personal Interview plano, vic. Ideal location cl~se to 2nd floor-614 Davis Street-E\1\lnston transp. Breakfast Berved. References or exchanged. Write Wll. Life B-611. 'Vllmette Exchange, 725 12th St. 63LTN!2-1 te 56L5-tfc WILMETTE WANTED - EXPERIENCED WHITE .. FOB BENT-BOOMS <'OOk and st>cond maid. Glencoe 994. FOR RENT-FURNISHED ~OOMS BY 56LTN22-ltc week or month. Phone Wilmette %399 _Y_O_U_N_G __ I_N_T_E_L_L_I_G_E_NT--GIRL TO or 3345. 66LTN20·tfc take care of chlJdren evenings. Ph. LARGE, WELL-HEATED ROOM FOR Wllmt:tte 3000. 56L22-ltc one or two. Convenient location. Wilmette 2699. 66L20-tfc THEATER CASHIER WANTED. MUST lh·e on North Shore and be 25 years CENTRAL HOTEL-I..IGHT. OUTSIDE old or o\·er. Apply In person to Teatro rooms for transients and residents. 629· del Lago. 56L22-ltc Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66LT8-tfc WILL DO WASHING, ALSO WASillNG taken home, housecleaning. Good refs. FURNISHED . ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS Wilmette 3600Y 4. · 56LT22-ltc employed ; light and pleasant ; hot and cold running water ; garage space If WHITE NURSE TO CARE FOR 2 CHILdesired. Phone Wil. 776-1\1. 66L10-t~p ilr.,n. Refs. req. 435 Willow rd. Winn. 2345. 56LTN22-l tc ROOM FOR RENT NEAR TRANSP. Gentleman only. 725 Prairie Ave. WilGIRL FOR GEN. HOUSEWORK. 3 IN mette 442. 66L22-tfe family. Tel. Winn. 627-Y. 56LTN22-1tc FOR RENT-PLEASANT, WELL-FURN. 81 SJTtT A TJON WTD.-FEKALE single room. 1 block from N. W . Sta . Wilmette 3000. 66L22-ltc WA~TED LAUNDRY WORK TO take home, will call for and dell\·er. LARGE, LIGHT, WARM RM. NEAR Phone Wilmette 2627. 60LTN22-ltc transp. Private bath. Call Winnetka 1543. 66LTN22-ltc EXP. GIRL FOR DAYS, HALF DAYS or work by the week. Wilmette 3884. FOR REN..T-2 NICEI..Y FURN. ROOMS. 60LTN22-1 tp double ind t~lngle. People employed. Breakfast optlona 1. 602 Maple Ave. Ph. SCHOOL GIRL WANTS TO TAKE Wilmette 3587. 66LT22-3tc care of children evenings and Saturdays. Wilmette 1462. · 60L21-ltp FOR RENT-APARTMENTS YOUNG WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. Phone University 4915. 60LTN22-ltp -------------------------- ~============-==========~ Charles H. ·Brethold Tel. 65 545 Main St., Wilmette PRICE REDUCTIONS INSURANCE · FOR CLEAN-UP! 30L17-tfc ltJT llaater Six Buick Sedan, cost $1,725 New reduced to $1,175. liH Buick Kuter Six 7-pass. Sedan. Coet $2,600, DOW reduced to $1,%50. 1111 StaDdard Buick Sedan, cost $1,495 New, reduced to $850. Has new-car ON FIRST OR SECOND liORTGAGES at reasonable rates, <tuick, courte~ms, .ABOVE CARS CARRY A 90-DAY confidential service. GOLD SEAL GUARANTEE C ry Y 0. TERXS AND TRADES! 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston Univ. 8383 30LTN16-8tp UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THESE CARS 1st and 2nd Mortgages FOB SALE-AUTOS I·· LOANS MONEY TO 140AN ·~· M Ken d R ea It C ---------------- Nortlln §llncre OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS u ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ liASSA.GE JB3uniicllK CCcmmJP)aimY .031 DAVIS ST. UNIV. 5961 4LTN22-1tc Electric Cabinet 305 Carlson Bldg. 636 Church St. Greenleaf 4070 32 2 s:!dr:h ~;;::!ge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~l-~tf~c COMPETENT LAUNDRES~ IRONING (Just South of Davis) or cleaning, good refs. Greenleaf 11 U. 60LT22-ltc Six rooms. two master bed rooms, 3 baths and maid's room in 7 story fireproof building nearing completion. GIRL WITH 6 YRS. GENERAL OF4 Ten rooms, four master bed chamben~. fice exp. wishes position on No. Shore. library, six baths and 2 maids' roomR. Ref. furn. Wilmette 463. 60LTN22-ltp Beautifully appointed with marble woodburning fireplaces, Incinerator, electric refrigeration, etc. Otis elevators with GIRL WISHES POSITION TAKING unlform~d operators on duty day and care of children in exchange for room. night. Doorman in attendance. Garage Wilmette 463. 60LTN22-ltJl connection. COT1~ ~~~~GE~N~E~B~AL~B~E~PA.~I~RS~~~ GI<;RMAN WOMAN WANTS POSITION, in Ready for Occupancy March 15th. 11LTN22-tfc good plain cooking and housework or INSPECTION INVITED Rental office on premises. Gr. 4250 children's nurse. Last place 2% yrs. GENERAL REMODELING AND RE67LTN22-1 tc pairing. Estimate suggf'stions and Ph. 'Vinnetka ~235. 60LT22-ltc DBES8HAIUNG plans free tot any job big or small, EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS TUES., we go anywhere. FOR RE. :rT- 5 RM. :M ODERN APT., Wed., and Sat. Understands all washGenuine Frigidaire, convenient location, WILL DO DRESSMAKING AXD RE-I H en dTlC . k SOn OllS·t . 0. ing . machines and mangle. Evanston modeling at my home or yours. Mrs. possession May l~t. ref~. Douglas 5988. 60LTN22-ltp Fred Kludy. Ph. Wilmette 3997. State Bank Bldg. Park Ridgt> 6531-710 17L22-2tc 50LTN20-tfc DAY 'VORK, CLEANING AND LAUN- 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382 dry, Thursdays and Fridays. N. S. 67LTX22-ltc LOST and FOl.~ ND li IYS!l'Bt1CTION reft~. Kenwood 2489. 60LTN22-ltc LOST-REDDISH BROW~ FOX 1'EHFOR RBNT- 2 ROOll KITCHENETTE rier, upstanding ears, lost on Thurs., COMP., EXP. COL. MAID FOR GEN. apartment, steam heat, janitor service, FRENCn LESSONS BY FRENCH Feb. 16th. Ph. Wilmette 2433. housework. Best N. S. ref. Tel. Glen-· near transportation. Call 'Vilmette lady on Thursdays. · $1.00 per hour. 551..22-ltp coe 758, ask for Get·trude. 60LTN22-ltp 1800. 67LTN2-tfc Address Wilmette Life B-604. 25L22-2tp FOUND-ONE D. K. E. PIX, SHERI- RELIABLE GIRL DESIRF$ CARE OF 4 ROOM FURN. APT. WITH LARGE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dan and Michigan. Ph. Winnetka 1064. children afternoons and evenings. Wilglassed-in living-perch. 893 Elm, 2nd mette 995-R. 60L22-ltp door on side. Winn. 2298. 67LTN22-ltc G. Veeder. 55L22-3tp LOANS BAD IOS NEW STUDEBAKER SEDAN - RUN %,000 miles. Will sell or take used car In trade. Wlnn. 2973. 4LTN22-ltc OUR COMPLETE PORTABLE TESTING unit enables us to give you laboratol'y service In your own home, thus elim11 BUILDING & CONTRACTING Inating all guess work. This sen-ice is reasonable and guaranteed. Open evenings until 9 o'clock NORTH SIDE & EVANSTON BRANCH RADIO SERVICE & INSTALLATION Linden ~venue and 5th Street Phone Wilmette 4117 RALPH WATTS, Mgr. 42LT22-1 tc 2047 HOWARD AVE., CHICAGO Between Clark and Ridge 4t TBEATJIEYTS EVANSTON CHICAGO UNIVERSITY 8950 BRIARGATE 5126 TREATMENTS GIVEN FOR ACUTE and chronic ailments by graduate SE~-\L" Mechanotherapist. Hours by appointment. Ph. Wilmette 652. 49LTN21-tfc ·7 ----------------------------1\he Finest .-\partment Building in Evanston Expert Radio Service DAY WORK -,LAUNDRY OR CLEANing. Refs. Call evenings. Ph. University 2882. 60LTN22-ltp EXP. LAUNDRESS WANTS WfORK TO take home. Will call for and 4ellver. Wilmette 834M. 60LTN22-ltp 1519 HINMAN _\VENUE HARRIS BROTHERS CO. "CELLU LINED GARAGES ..-\GES-HOMES .. c c FRANKLIN BLDG. . SITUATION WTD.-KALE 5I HELP WANTED-FEMALE PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY TO loan. First and second mortgages. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- SIT. 'W TD. BY EXP. WHITE MAN, Reaaonable rate. Quick service. 801 work, who wishes a good home more furnace and hswk. Wllmette 3233. Ridge Terr., Evanston. Ph. Greenleaf than bJg wag.e s. Only two in family61TL50-ltp 1592. 30LTN22-ltc father and daughter. Talk B-607. 56LTN22-ltc DO YOU NEED An excellent chauffeur with years of the liONEY TO LOAX 0~ AUTOMOBILES. GIRL TO HELP WITH HOUSEWORK, best training, and with good referEvanston Motor Acceptance Co., Inc. must be clean and wllllng. Private ences? Or maybe you need a butler, 1129 Benson Ave., Evanston, Ill. room and bath. Call Wilmette 126. or houseman, maid, couple, or nurse. 30LTN21-3tc 56LTN22-ltc We have all these, good, competent, reliable help. Call us at any time. Y'our troubles are our business. Greenleaf 4417 or 5055. FAUST PERSONAL SERVICE BUREAU 845 Chicago Ave. Evanston 61LTN22-ltc Til... of wltllla.r to ·laee ·· atTerU····t Ia 'l'B· CHAUFFEUR, COL., MECH., SINGLE. BTAlfiTOlf U'VJEW, Ia addllloa .. WD·eUe Life, WlaaeDa 'I'd 15 yrs. exp., last place 7 yra., refs. or Gleaeoe lfow1, eaa aow do .. ,,. eaiiiiii'Will live on premises or move near, LeRoy. Kenwood 6671. 61LZ2-ltp WILIIETrE ~ · WINNETKA . . a SIT. WTD.-liALE & FEJIALE for TRB Alf8TO.If U'VJBW ·ut Ito Ia ltJ' ·· FOR RENT- 5 ROOM APT. POSSESsion Mar. 1st. 1410 Gregory Ave., Wil. 67LT22-ltc FOR BENT-HOUSES ---------------WINNETKA 7 ROOl\1 HOUSE, HOT water heat. 2-car garage, convenient location, $115 a month. Ph. Wlnn. 142. 69LTN22-ltc FOR RENT-6 RM. DUTCH COLONIAL, ' near "L" and N. W. Sta. E. side. Immediate occupancy, $125 per mo. Ph. Wilmette 1650 Evenings. 69LTN22-tfc IDEAL COLONIAL BRICK RESIdence, 8 rooms, 2 baths, 3 toilets, all decorated. Lease as of March 1st. 401 lOth St. Corner Oakwood. 69L22-ltp 71 FOB BENT--8TOBES A OFFICES Fl~ OFFICE, CENTRALLY LOCAT- ·t A IIBW CL&ISD'IBD SBRYICB! ··r ,.,...., c.,,. ·v eel, Immediate 'POBBesslon. - I P. ·· oa '1'1lelda71 - RELIABLE COUPLE WISHES WORK ln prtvate f~m ny, or man as chauffeur. U nlvera1ty 9 ..10. 62LTN!Z-ltp 526 Center St. FRANKLIN BLDG. Ph. Wlnn. 381 73LTN~-ltc

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