·~IPE . 1 t tin· ,rith the reewer herein provided flve (5) teet west of and parallel with Vlllace Datum. and thence shall ra se a nee ~nstructed tn Miami Road, thence the center llne of the Miami Road from a uniform rate to anthele(v~tlo)n f~t t:~~{; :.:!rly along a line ten (10) feet south · of the center line of IJ'OQuols Road to and connecting with a main outlet storm seven and three ten s ·sewer, to be constructed by the south end. the &ewer herein provided to be eonone (1) Inch for ·ov-· sha:oed or trapesoldal water Board of Local Improvements of the A vltrlfted tlle pipe sewer of twelve structed In Seneca Road. ' corrucatlona. 'nle hel&'ht of metal strip VIllage of Wilmette, ln Lake Avenue, (12) Inches Internal diameter shall be The Internal diameter of said sewer abatl be one half (~) Inch less than the depth of the pavement slab. It shall be tht'lnce north to a line ten (10) feet constructed In Ottawa Lane along a line from Miami Road to the sewer herein ne provided to be constructed In Mohawk staked In place at Intervals of not to westerly of the center line of Romona five (5) ·feet west of the center thereof, from the sewer herein ~roRid~ Road shall be twelve (12) Inches. from eeeed three (S) feet, four ( 0 Inches, as Road. The elevation of said sewer at said to be constructed In BlackhaW toa · Mohawk Road to the sewer herein prohereinafter described. Adjoining mPtal 0 a vlded to be constructed In Locust Road, s~PA s)lall be lapped two (2) inches and conection ln Lake Avenue shall be thirty- where a connection shall be made, point two hundred and seventy (270) feet the Internal diameter shall be fifteen (15) MCurely fastened together by means of four (34) feet ~bove VIllage datum and inches, and from Locust Road to the three eighths (%) Inch pins driven thence shall raise at a uniform rate to south thereof. The elevation · of said sewer at Its con- sewer herein provided to be constructed through matched holes ln ' the splice. an elevation of thirty four and six tenths (34.6) feet at ten (10) feet south of the nectlon In Blackhawk Road shall be in Seneca Road, the Internal diameter The metal joint shall be accurately sta~ed to line . a nd grade by means of cepter line or Blackhawk Road, and thirty-six and five tenths (36.5) feet above shall be twelve (12) inches. The elevation of said sewer at its conpins left In place driven vertically through thence north along said line five (5) feet Village Datum, and thence shall raise at holes provided for that purpose ln the west of the center line of Miami a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty- nectlon tn Miami Road shall be thirtymetal at not to exceed three (3) feet, Road, shall be constructed a vitrified tile ~even and one tenth (37.1) feet at its tJIX l3ti) teet above Village Datum ana shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevafour (4) Inch centers. The pins used pipe sewer of twenty-one (21) inches in south end. A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve tton of thirty-eight (38) feet at a point shall be of Intermediate or structural Internal diameter, to a point ten (10) steel three eighths (%) Inch in diameter feet south of the center line of Iroquois (12) Inches Internal diameter shall be six hundred (600) feet east thereof and and not less than ftfteeri (15) inches In Road. The elevation of said sewer at constructed in Chippewa Lane, along a thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an length. Punched ot' cut holes shall be Blackhawk Road shall be thirty four and line five (5) feet west of the center line elevation of thirty-six and six-tenths provided in the joint at not to exceed six tenths . . (34.6) feet above Vlllage thereof, from the sewer herein provided (36.6) feet at the sewer In Mohawk Road, ftve foot (5) centers to receive the one Datum and thence shall raise at a uni- to be constructed in Blackhawk Road, and thence shall fall at a uniform rate half ( J,t) inch round deformed tle bars. form rate to an elevation of thirty-six where a connection shall be made, thence to an elevation of thirty-five and three(36) feet at Iroquois Road. Thence, to a point two hundred seventy (270) tenths (35.3) feet at the sewer In Locust . TIE BODS Road. One half (%) Inch deformed round along said llne five (5) feet west of the feet south thereof. stflel bars shall be set In the center of center line of Miami Road shall be conThe elevation of said sewer at Its conThe elevation of the sewer extending the pavement, normal to the longitudinal structed a vitrified tile pipe sewer of nection in Blackhawk Road shall be east from Locust Road in Iroquois Road eighteen (18) Inches internal diameter to Joint set at five (5) foot intervals, said thirty-six (36) feet above Village Datum, shall be thirty-nine and two-tenths (39.2) bars shall be three ( 3) feet long and a point ten (10) feet westerly of the cen- and thence shall raise at a uniform rate feet above Village Datum at its connecto an elevation of thirty-six and six tion in Locust Road and shall ··ise at a shall set one and one half (1%) feet Into ter line of Romona Road The elevation of said sewer at Iroquois tenths (36.6) feet at its south end. uniform rate to an elevation of forty ( 40) each slab. Road shall be thirty-six (36) feet a.bove A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve feet at a point two hundred and seventyEXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints o( one half ( ~) inch VIllage Datum and shall raise at a uni- (12) inches internal diameter, shall be five (275) feet east thereof, and from thick of prepared asphaltic felt equal to form rate to an elevation of thirty-six constructed in Iroquois Road from the thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an ..Blastlte Joint,~ shall be placed across and six tenths (36.6) feet above datum sewer herein provided to be laid in elevation of thirty-nine and two-tenths the roadway perpendicular to the center at Romona Road. Seneca Road thence east along ~ line (39.2) feet at its connection with the line thereof at Intervals of thirty (30) A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve ten (10) feet south of the center hne of sewer in Seneca Road. A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve feet, said joints shall extend through the (12) inches in Internal diameter shall be Iroquois Road to a point one hundred entire thickness of the pavement. constructed In Romona Road along a and fifty (150) feet west of Illinois Road. (12) inches internal diameter shall be Five (5) tie rods, three (3) feet long line ten (10) feet westerly of the center The elevation of said sewer at its con- constructed in Blackhawk Road along a and seven-sixteenths (7-16) Inches in line of said road from the sewer herein nectlon in Seneca Road shall be forty line ten (10) feet south of the center line diameter shall be set normal to the ex- provided to be laid in Miami Road where and one tenth (40.1) feet abo,·e Village of said road from the sewer herein propansion joints at three (3) foot inter- a connection shall be made, to the south Datum, and shall raise at a uniform vided to be constructed in Miami Road vals. Each rod. shall extend one and line of Avoca Road. rate to an elevation of forty-one (41) to the sewer herein provided to be laid one half (1%) feet into an Iron pipe of in Seneca Road. The elevation of said sewer at its con- feet at Its east end. one half (%) Inch internal diameter and n~~tion in Miami Road shall be thirtyA vitrified tile pipe sewer shall be conThe elevation· of said sewer at Miami with one end of the pipe be closed to six and six tenthR (36.6) feet and shall Rtructed in Seneca Road from and con- Road shall be thirty-five (35) feet above prevent entrance of mortar. raise at a uniform rate to an elevation necting with a main ~utlet storm water Village· Datum and shall rise uniformly These tie rods shall be set three and of thirty-nine (39) feet at Avoca Road. sewer, to be constructed by the Board to an elevation of thirty-seven (37) feet one-half (3%) inches below the top of A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve of Local Improvement~ of the VIllage of at a point seven hundred forty (740) feet" the pavement, and shall extend one and (12) Inches internal diameter, shall be con- Wilmette in Lake Avenue, along a line east thereof and thence shall fall at a one ~alf (1~) feet into the abutting structed in Seminole Road along a line ten (10) feet west of the center line of uniform rate to an elevation of thh·tyslabs. ten (10) feet west of the center line of Seneca Road to the sewer herein pro- five and three-tenths (35.3) feet at Locust SIDEWALKS said SeminolA Road from the sewer here- vided to be constructed in Locust Roa~. Road. Along the outer edge of the curb here- in provided to be constructed in Iroquois .whet·e a connection shall be ·made, satd The elevation of the sewer to the east in provided to be constructed, except in Hoad, where a connection shall be made sewer from the Lake Aven~e connec- from Locust Road shall be thirty-fiv:e (35) Romona Road, Shabona Lane, Osage to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet tion to the sewer herein provtded to be feet above Village Datum at Locust Road Lane, Ottawa Lane, ChiPPeWa Lane and north. constructed in Blackhawk Road, · where and shall rise at a uniform rate to an Seminole Road nerth of Iroquois Road The elevation of said sewer at its con- a connection shall be made, shall be elevation of thirty-six and three-tenths there shall be constructed a concrete nection with the sewer in Iroquois Road eighteen (18) incheR in diamete!', and (36.3) feet at a point four hundred (400) sidewalk, five (5) feet wide and five and shall be thirty-seven and three tenths thenc~ northerly to the ~ewer he··~m pro- feet east thereof, and thence shall fait one-quarter (5%) inches thick of the (37.3) feet above Village Datum and vided to be constructed m Iroqums Road at a uniform rate to an elevation of san1e kind, quality and mixture of sand, shaH raise at a uniform rate to an to the west, where the .connection . shall thirty-five and· seven ...tenths (35. 7) feet at cement, crushed lime or gravel as herein elevation of thirty-seven and nine tenths be made, the internal dtamete~· shall be the connection with the sewer in Chipspecified for the concrete pavement. (37.9) feet at its northern terminus. fi.fteen (15) inches and fr.om sa1d connec- pewa Lane, and thence shall fall at a The grade of the top of the sidewalk A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve tton to the <;onnection m Locust Road uniform rate to an elevation of thirtyadjacent to the curb shall be the same (12) inches internal diameter shall be the internal d1ameter shall be twelve (12) five (35) feet at itR eonnection with the as the top of the curb and shall rise constructed in Mohawk Road along a line inches. sewer in Seneca Road. uniformly at the rate of one-quarter (%) ten (10) feet westerly and southerly of The ele!ation of ~~id ;rewer in Seneca Whereve1· tht> word "datum" appears of an inch per foot to the outer edge the center line of said Mohawk Road Road at 1ts connection m Lake Avenue in this Ordinance it shall be construed of the walk. from the sewer herein provided to be ~hall be thirty-t~ree and two tenths to be the datum ~s fixed and established The surfa<>e of the ground shall be laid in Iroquois Road where a connection (:':t2) feet aboYe Vtllage Datum and s~all by ordinaneE' of the Village of Wilmette. graded, by b~lng ex<>avated or filled as 8hall be made thence noa·therly and east- ri~e ~t a uniform rate to an elevatiOn The elevations gh·en in this ordinance the case may require, so as to permit erly to the sewer herein provided to be ut th1rty-four and five tenths (34.5) feet are the ele,·ation!'l of the bottom of the the walk to be laid at the grade es- laid in Locust Road, where a connection at Blat.'khawk Road, · and thence s~all inside of the Rewer at the respective tablished as aforesaid and shall be shall be made. ; i-:e: ~~t a uniform rate to an e!evatton points and shall be the number of feet . t~~moothed, thoroaghly wetted and comThe elevation of said sewer at its con- of thtrty-five (35) feet at Iroqu«?ts Road and dtcimal parts of a foot above said pacted by tamping. nection in Iroquois Road shall be thirty- to. the ea~t. and thence shall nse at a Village Datum. On the sub grade as thus prepared six and eight tenths (36.8) feet above umform r~te to an elev.ation of thirt.ySeventy-four (74) manhole8 shall be shall be spread the concrete which shall Village Datum, and shall raise at a uni- five and e1ght tenths (3a.8) feet a~ I~ o- built upon said sewer and located at the be thoroughly tamped and compacted form rate to an elevation of thirty-nine quois Road to the ~est. ~he. el~~atwn necessary points. Said manholes shall till a sufficient mortar comes to the (39) feet above datum at a point eight of the sewer e~ten<lmg. not tl! 111 "'enec_a bE> cylindrical in shape and shall have an surface for finishing. hundred forty (840) f~et north of said Ho~d from ttH m~E't·He~uon watJ~ lro~ums internal diameter of three (3) feet. The The finishing shall be done by a wooden connection and thence shall fall at a ~oad .to the W~Ht sh.lll be thlrty-:.;even invert of the sewer through the manholes ftoat and the walk left with a gritty uniform rate to an elevation of thirty- ·~nd e1~ht-tenths _(37:~1) ~eet, an<l the~c~ shall be built of two (2) rings of sewer surface. seven and four tenths (37.4) feet above shall rt8e at .a umtn· m 1 ate to ~n ele\'a brick, and on each side thereof shall be 8TOBH SEWERS tlatum at its connection with the sewer tion of thu·ty-m!l~ and thl e~-tenths built a solid sewer· brick foundation For the purpose of carrying off the in J...ocust Road. (39.3) feet at a pomt sewn hun<lH~d and twelve (12) inches thick making the enstorm )Vater from the pavements herein A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve fifty (750). feet northerly of the center tire foundation four (4)' feet and six (6) pro,·ided to be constructed, and from a (12) inch~s internal diameter shall be line of saad Iroq~Q.is R?ad, an<l the~ce inches in diameter. The walls of said system of storm water sewers of vitri- constructed along a line five (6) feet shall fall at a umform Iate to an ele\·a- manholes shall be eight (8) Inches thick fled tile. pl_pe with brick manholes and west of the center line of Shabona Lane tion of thirty-eigh~ and. one-tenth < 38 ·~) ::md shall be built of sewer brick and catch basins shall be constructed and from the sewer herein provided to be feet at its connection wtth the sewer 10 t.he tops of said manholes shall' each laid in the following streets In Indian constructed in Blackhawk Road where a Hill Estates; a subdivision, In the VII- connection shall be made to a point three Lox_u~rt:ffi::·tile pipe sewer shall be con- na~ow to two (2) feet Internal diameter, lage of Wilmette, County of Cook and hundred and fifty (360) feet south thereof. structed in Locust Road from and con- bemg drawn In by means of six (6) ·ader courses, the diameter being deState of Illinois: The ele,·ation of said sewer at its con- necting with a main outlet storm water ~ L In Miami Road from Lake Avenue to nection in Blackhawk Road shall be sewer to be constructed by the Board of creas~d two (2) inches for each course. Local' Improvements of the Village of Each \>f the said manhole~ shall be Romona Road, thirty-six and three tenths (36.3) feet In Romona Road from Miami Road to above Village Datum and shall raise at Wilmette in I.ake A venue along the cen- provided with suitable cast tron cover Avoca Road, a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty- ter line of Locust Road to the point with a tight lid, each of which covers, shall weigh four In Seminole Road from Iroquois Road seven and two tenths (37.2) feet at its twenty-five (25) feet south of the center inclusive of lid, line of Avoca Road or Ashland Avenue. hundred and seventy (470) pounds tp two hundred and fifty (250) feet r-;outh end. The internal diameter of said sewer similar to the design and pattern of north, A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve In Shabona Lane from Blackhawk Road (12) inches inte.-nal diameter shall be from the Lake, Avenue connection to the ~he cast iron manh~le cover now in use to three hundred and fifty (350) feet constructed in Seminole Road along a sewer in Blackhawk Road, where a con- m the Village of Wtlmette on the sewer south, line five (5) feet west of the center line nection shall be made shall be thirty- manhole at the intersection of FernIn Seminole Road from Blackhawk Road of said Road · from the sewer herein pro- six (36) inches from said connection in leaf A venue and Isa~lla Street. The to three hundred (300) feet south, ,·lded to be laid in Blackhawk Road, Blackhawk Road to the sewer in Jro- top of each of said covers shall be at In Osage J.ane from Blackhawk Road where a connection shall be made, to a quois Road where a connection shall be the elevation of the adjacent surface of to two hundred and fifty (250) feet point three hundred ninety (390) feet made the internal diameter shall be the street. CATCH BASINS thirty-three (33) inches, and from said south, south thereof. Brick catch basins shall be constructIn Moha-.·k Road from Iroquois Road to The eleYation of said sewer at its con- connection in Iroquois Road to Avoca Locust Road, nectlon in Dlackhawk Road shall be Road the internal diameter shall be ed, trapped and connected with the sewer herein provided to be constructed In Seneca Road from Lake Avenue to thirty-six and six tenths (36.6) feet above thirtY, (30) Inches. ' Locust Road, VIllage Datum, and shall raise at a uniThe elevation of said sewer in Locust at· necessary points. Said catch basins In ~roquols Road from Miami Road to form rate to an elevation or thirty-seven Road at its connection in Lake Avenue shall be cylindrical in shape and three Seneca Road, and fiw tenths (37.5) feet at its south shall be thirty-four (34) feet above Vil- ( 3) feet in Internal diameter and four ( 8) In Iroquois Road from Seneca Road to end. lage Datum. and shall rise at a uniform ( 4) feet deep with walls eight Illinois Road, A vitrified tile pipe sewer of twelve rate to an elevation of thirty-four and inches thick, tfie inner courses of the In Blackhawk Road from Miami Road (12) inches Internal diameter shall be four-tenths (34.4) feet at Blackhawk hrick of both manholes and catch to Seneca Road, <'onstructed in Osage Lane along a line Road, and thence shall rise to an eleva- basins shall be set edgewise ln vertical In Ottawa Lane from Blackhawk Road five (5) feet west of the center line of tion of thirty-five (35) feet at Iroquois ~ourses, with alternate header courses, to two b\andred and. seventy (270) said Lane from the sewer herein pro- Road, and thence shall rise at a uniform laid fiatwise. feet south and vlded to be constructed in Blackhawk rate to an elevation of thirty-six and The connection between each catch Ia Chippewa Lane. from Blackhawk Road Road where a connection shall be made, four-tenths (36.4) feet at Seneca Road, basin and the adjacent sewer shall be · to two hundred and seventy (270) to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet and thence shall rise at a uniform rate made by eight ( 8) inch internal diameter to an elevation of thirty-six and eight- vitrified tile pipe set two ( Z) feet above feet aputh. south thereof. A. vttrlfted tile pipe sewer having an The elevation of said sewer at Its eon- tenths (36.8) feet at Avoca Road. the floor of the catoh basin. A vitrified tile pipe sewer shall be conlDternal diameter of twenty-seven (27) nection In Blackhawk Road shall be The catch basin shall be four ( 4) IDcbea. ....u be coa,tructed along a line ~ thirty-six and six tenths (36.6) feet above structed In Iroquois Road from and con-, (Continued on Page 49) I Pebruary 24, 19.2.8 '