Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 47

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February 24, lt28 VILLAGE OF WILKBTTE L.,.a ........... W. I~METTE · LIFE inchea thick com· by , volume of oae (1) part of Portland cement, two ( 2) parts of Torpedo sand and three ( 3) parte of crushed limestone or gravel from two and onehalf Inches in size @ 25c per foot ·.. For cost of engln'erlng services ... For cost of making and collecting the assessment therefor ...... ..·...... poeed #/' coalltructed aloaa the oater Une · the ro&dWQa herein apecUie4 to be ~ aald curb an4 ptter lball be com of CODCrete ot the ame ldDd qaallt7 mixture ot eemeat aa4 cnudaed ume! stone or cravel aa berela apeclfted for the concrete pavement. It .tuill be aeYeD (7)_ IDchu thick and twenty-four (h) lncnea wl4e with a ptter ftalr BeVeDteeD (11) lncbee wide. The top of the curb 8hall be three (I) IDChee bieber than · the autter nac at summits and nine (9) lnchee bieber at Inlet& The back of the curb ·hall be on the outer line of the roadway· herein provided to be lm· proved with pavement. · The upper Inside corner of the curb and the aJII'le at the Junction of the curb and cutter shall be rounded off by a circular curve of one and one-half (1%) Inches in diameter, tangent to th· lntersecUng surfaces. One half (%) Inch round steel rods shall be aet in the middle of the gutter ftag at right ancles to the curb line. Said l-ode shall be two and one-half (2%) feet long and shall extend one and one half (1%) feet into the gutter ftag and shall be placed at three (3) foot inwrvals. . The expo~red face of the curb and gutters shall be gl\·en a trowel and brush finish. The grade of the center line of the pavem~nt iu all roadl'l l'4hall be two (2) Inches higher than ttl~ top of the gutter ftag opposite. The top line of a cro88 section of the pav~ment, normal to the center line thereof, shall be the arc of a circular: curve passing through t)le upper corner of the gutter flags and the grade point herein established for the center line of the pavemenL The intersections of the pavement with .he pavements In Avoca Road and Lake Stt·eet shall connect evenly. GRADING The present surface of the roadways herelp provided to be ·paved shall be brought to a sub-grade, which after being rolled and compacted as hereinafter specified shall be seven (7) Inches below lhe grade of the top of the finished pavement as herein specifted. At street lnterMectlons where anclea are rormed by the Intersection of the curb line!-! they shalt be rounded by circular curve of not less than twenty (!0) feet .-adios curvex to the intersection of the center llnt>s and the back of the curb shall cot. "orm thereto. After grading the roadway as herein specified, the sub-grade shall be thoroughly rolled and compacted by a motor driven roller weighing not less than ftve (5) tons and aal parts of the sub-grade which can not De rolled shall be equivalently tamped and any depressions which appear during said rolling and tamping shall be filled with the best part of the excavated material and the surface rerolled and t·e-tamped till a proper subgrade is obt..dned. ADJUSTING JIANBOLE COVERS All manhole covers along the line of thi~ improvement shall be adjusted to the grade of the finished pavement. CONCRETE PAVEKENT Upon the sub grade thus formed shall be laid a concrete pavement seven (7) Inches thick as he.reinafter specified. The concrete pavement shall be composed by volume of one (1) part best quality American· Portland cement, two · (2) parts of clean, sharp torpedo sand, and three (3) parts of crushed limestone l)r gravel of size which will pass through· a ring two and vne half (2%) Inches In Internal diameter and be retained on a ring of three quarters (%) of an Inch In Internal diameter; the whole to be mixed with clean water. The surface of the concrete shall be finished by the roller and belt method. · BAR REINFORCING The con~rete pavement shall be reinforced with deformed round steel bars o:1e ha.lf (%) inches In diameter. The bars shall have an elastic limit of not less than sixty thousand (60,000) pounds per square inch sectional area. Four lines of bars shall be laid for each slab, one line of bars six (6) Inches Inside of each side form parallel to the center line, and cne line of bars laid perpendicular to the center line, six (6) inches distant from the transverse joints and the longitudinal joints. The ends of the bars shall extend to within two · (2) inches of the side forms and joint filler. All bars shall be placed half way between the top and bottom of the pavement. The use of more than two bars to make up the slab length or slab width Is prohibited. When two are used they · shan· be cut to allow a lap of not less than twelve (12) Inches. LONGITUDIYAL CONCEALED METAL .JOINT Concealed metal joint shall be placed In the center of the pavement. This joint shall be etrected by means of a ,·ertlcal strip of deformed metal so placed f hat it shall extend from the baae of the pavement to within one half (%) Inch of the surface of the pavement. Either black painted or plvanlud metal shall he used. The deformed metal uaed llhall f)e not lea than elchteen gauge with corrugations of three (3) Inches, and the depth of corruptions three-quarter (~) inch, for semi-circular C"OJTUirlltlon·, and (Coatlnued on Pap 41) 600 lineal feet of twenty-· one Inch tile · pipe ~~ewer 0 .6.00 per . OADilf.lNCE NO. lUI foot · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · 3;000·.00 Reto····datlo·, Ettl·ate & Ottlaaaee 510 lineal feet of ·twentyaeven Inch tile pipe &ECO:M:KENDfTION OF BOARD aewer 0 $8.76 per O:t' I.. OC.o\L MPBOV.EXI!NTS foot · · · · · · · · · · · . · · f,f62.60 1,240 lineal feet ' of thirty TO THE BOARD OF LOCAL inch tile pipe .ewer IXPROVEXENTS OF THE VILLAGE @ $10.00 per foot. 12,400.00 OF WILMETTE 480 lineal feet of thirtyand three Inch tile pipe TOOF THE ;PRESIDENT AND BOARD sewer @ $10.60 per TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE foot · · · · · · · · . · · · · . 5,040.00 OF WILMETTE: 450 lineal feet of thirtY-six We herewith submit an ordlnanc.,...proinch tlle pipe sewer vldlng that T..ocust Road from the pave @ $12.20 per foot . 5,490.00 ment now in place In Lake Avenue t~ 120 lineal feet of Tunnel the pavement now in place In Ashland under Lake Avenue A venue, also known as Avoca Road . @ $15.00 per foot . 1 800 00 l\flami Road from the pavement now 1 ~ 74 bric~ manholes, cylin' · place in Lake Avenut> to the Northwest drlca.l In shape, three line of Romona Road : Romona Road ( ~) feet In internal from Miami Road to the pavement J diameter with wall Avoca Road: Seminole Road from th~ eight (8) inches pavement now in place in Lake Avenu thick and with cast to Blackhawk R~ad, and from lroquoi: iron cover and lid _; Road to the north end of Seminole Road . weighing 470 pounds Mohawk Road from Iroquois Road t~ n @ $100.00 each . . . 7,400.00 Locust Road, SPneca Road from the paveS., small brick catch bament now in place in Lake A venue to sins, cylindrical in Locust Road ; Iroquois Road from Miami shape, three ( 3) Road to Seneca Road, and Iroquois Road feet in diameter and from Seneca Road to Illinois Ro d . four (4) feet deep ~lackha wk Road from l\llami Road at~ with cast iron cover eneca Road; and also Shabona Lane with adjustable curb Osage Lane, Ottawa J...ane and Chlppew~ and with grate Lane all from Blackhawk Lane to th seventeen inches by south ends of said Shabona Lane 0 e twenty-two inches, Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa i!,ge equal to Duplex ~espectivt>ly be improved by grading ad~ catch basin cover lUsting manholes, paving, curbing, , con~o. 2 $50.00 each . ~ "'- o 00 structing storm water sewers and 73 manholes adjusted to .. ,..a · crete slde\\·alks and otherwise lmpro~f: grade @ $10.00 ~e ksame, in the Village of WUmettl each ............ . oo. County, Illinois, in the manne; 730.00 1 7,500 cubic yards of excavaspecified In said ordinance, together with tion for pavement @ an ~stlmat~ of tbe whole cost of said im75c per yard . . . . . 13,12a.OO pro\ement' and we recommend the P sage of said ordinance, and the mak~s 27 ,!!!·0 1-Iineal feet of concrete combined curb of the improvement therein conte~te! and gutter, composed Respectfully submitfed, · by volume of one EARL E. ORNER part of Portland ce.JOHN CLARK BAKER ment, two (2) parts ERNEST C. CAZEL of Torpedo sand and C. E. DRAYER three ( 3) parts of PACL A. HOFFMAN crushed limestone or HANS VON REINSPERG gravel from two and JOHN F. 'VEIDLEN one half inches to Bohrd ~f Local Improvements uf three fourths of an Dated, t e ' lllage of Wilmette inch, in size, seven 'Vilmettt>, Illinois, Februa"r:r 21, I 1928 . ( 7) inches thick, a nd twenty-four E~TiliATE BY PRESIDENT OF I inches wide with a BOARD OF LOCAL IXPBOVE»ENTS curb averaging six (G) inches in height TO THE DO~ OF LOCAL on the outer edge I»PROVEliENTS OF THE , .ILLAGE and gutter flag OF WILMETTE seventeen inches a ad wide with one-half T 0F THE. PRESIDENT AXIl B0 1\RD inch round steel 0 rodlS two and one TBt;STEES OF THE ,.ILL"\GE half feet long exOF WILXETTE: h ·nding Into the Tht; Board of Local Improvements of gutter flag normal the ~ illage of Wilmette having adopted to the center line a resolution and caused to be made a of the street and ~aft of an ordinance providing that three ( 3) foot incust Road from the pavement now in ter\·als and three place . in Lake a venue to the pavement and one-hali ( 3-lh) ~ow m place in Ashland Avenue also im·hes below the nown as A\·oca Road; Miami R d f top of the gutter the pa\·errtent now in place In l..~ke l'~~ flag fii, $1.a0 per nue t.o the Northwes~ line of Romona foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41,085.1)0 :~oad, Romona Road from Miami Road .the pavement in Avoca Road· :?ll.. ~ :w :o:<tuare yards of reinforced concrete Semmole Road from t-he pavement now pavement, seven P~ace in Lake Avenue to Blackhawk ( 7) inches thick, oa ' and from Iroquois Road to the eomtlosed of one &~~ ~nd of Semir:tole Road ; Mohawk (1) part of PortRoad . rom IroquOis Road to l..(~oeust land cement, two i Seneca Road from the pavement <2) parts of clean ~owd _n place in Lake A venue to Locu~t tot·pedo ~rind t 0 Iroquois Road from Miami Road and three (3) parts ,..o neca Road, and Iroquois Road from of crushed lime~e¥Ja Road to Illinois Road; Blackhawk "'tone or gravel from Miami Road to Seneca Road· from two and onE-. O~taw~soLaS~abonda Lane, Osage Lane: half inches to threef ne an ChipJX>wa IM\ nt· a 11 fourt-hs of an inch ~om Blackhawk Lane to the south f'll·d~ in size, reinforced Otta~ld Shabona Lane, Osage Lan~ with one-half inch specth~elyLa~e i and Chippewa I.ane re= round steel bars mproved by grading, nd1 ti and with one-half s~uc~fngmarholes, paving, curbing, coninch round steel crete s orm water sewers and <"ondowel pins three th sidewalks and otherwise improvln ... feet long extendre~o:U.~id i; bthe m~nner l'l)lec·ifiNl ~l n~ ing into each slab e Y said Oonrd of r...,<'., 1 1mprovements; of the pavement and said Board havi~ one and ·one-half ~s~nted to the President and Boa~d feet at three foot donsJ.es of said Vlllagt> a rt><"omm.-ndnintervals' along ·the 1 h said local lmprovem('nt be mndt· <'roRs joints and of Y submit an estimate of the c"molt along the longi. e construction of said lmpro\·emt-nt tudinal joint, and ~nc1uding labor, materials and all 0 with a concealed ~penses attending the samE', and the <'ol'lt 0 metal longitudinal tbt>:,U~king and collecting the assessment joint along the cen~ o r. as Provided by law, namely: 3 ·· 0 0 1 ineal feet of six Inch tt>r line of the pavement and with a tile pipe sewf'r @ one-half Inch ex$1. n per foot .... $ !i,9ii0.00 1·300 Uneal feet of t>ight pansion joint equal to Blastlte joint Inch tile pipe Rt>wer tbrough and across @ U.60 per foot 1 ~liO 00 9,260 lineal feet of twel~~ ,. t> · the pavement at thirty foot interInch tile pipe sewer vals @ $3.00 per 0 $2.76 per foot . . 2· 4fV 00 1,100 Jlneal feet of fifteen "· ,,, yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88,290.00 114,uOO square feet of conInch tile pipe sewer crete sidewalk five @ $3.50 per foot . . 3,8u0.00 92 0 lineal feet of elghtet-n (5) feet wide and five and oneInch tile pipe eewer q u art e r ( 5-") 0 f4.76 per foot .. 4,370.00 .d - . - ··4 28,625.00 12!'8 73.50 16,220.00 Total ....... $286,576.00 And I lu·r~by certify that in my opinion the abo\·e estimate does not excee4 the probable cost of th~ improvement proposed and the lawful expenses attending the same. · · · Datt>d this 21st day of February A. D. 1!t 2 ~. · ' EARL E. ORNER . PrelSident of the Board of Lo"al improvements of tbe VIllage ot 'Vilmette. ORDI~ANCE :SO. li!t AX OBDINAXCE W Se · 0: ;:e:t di u,.,; pt·oviding that Locust Road from the TJRYt>ment now in place in Lake Avenue to the pavement now in place In Ashland Avenue, also known as Avoca Road: lfiami Road from the pavement now tn place in Lake A venue to the northwest line of Romona Road ; Romona Road from Miami Road to. the pavement in Avoca Road ; Seminole Road from the pavement now In place in Lake A venue to Blackhawk Road, and from Iroquois Road to the north end of Seminole Road ; Mohawk Road from Iroquois Road to Locust Road, Seneca Road from the pavement now in place in Lake Avenue to Locust Road; Iroquois Road from Miami Road to Seneca Road, and Iroquois Road from Seneca Road to Jllinois Road; Blackhawk Road from lUaml Road to Seneca Road : and also !"habona Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane all from Blackhawk Lane to the south ends of said Shabona Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane respectively be Improved by gradln& adjusting manholes, pa vlng, curbing, constructing storm water sewers and concrete sidewalks and otherwise improving the same. in the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND' BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTE: Seetlo· 1: That a local Improvement ~hall be ma:de In the Village of Wilmette, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois, the nature~ character, locality and description of which local improvement i~ as follows: · That Locust Road from the pavement now In place In Lake Avenue to the pavement now in pla~e In Ashland Avenue, also known as Avoca Road; Miami Ro!ld from the pavement now in place in Lake A venue to the Northwest line f)f Romona Road ; Romona Road from Miami Road to the pavement in Avoca Road : Seminole Road from the pavement now in place In Lake A venue to Blackhawk Road, and from Iroquois Road to the north end of Seminole Road; :Mohawk H.oad from Iroquois Road to Locust Road, Seneca Road from the pavement now in place in Lake A venue to Locust Road, Iroquois Road from Miami Road tn Seneca Road, a .td Iroquois Road from Sene('a Road to Illlnois Road ; Blackhawk Hoad from Miami Road to Seneca Road ; and also Shabona Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane all from Blackhawk Lane to the south ends of said Shabona Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane respectively be improved by grading, adjusting manholes, paving, curbing, constructing storm water sewers and concrete sidewalks in accordance with the following specifications ~ The finished roadway, including the curb and gutter, shall on Locust Road, Romona Road, ~ohawk Road, Semlnol~ lload. Seneca Road, Iroquois Road and Blackhawk Road each be twenty-two (22) feet wide and on Miami Road shall be eiE:ven (11) feet wide and on Shabona Lane, Osage Lane, Ottawa Lane and Chippewa Lane shall be eighteen (18) feet wide and on all said street and rnads the center line of the street and the center line of the pavement shall ('Oincide, except on Miami Road, where the west edges of the pavement shall be thirty-three (33) feet west of the east line of the street. . GRADES The grade of the top of the curb shall be the number of feet and decimal parts of a foot above village datum, as said datum Is fixed and established by ordinance of said village, as are shown on the plat hereto. attached and made a part hereof, and between said points the grade shall be uniform. The grade of the gutter at Inlets ~hall be nine (9) Inches below the top of the adjacent curb and at summits three (3) Inches below, and the grade ·'lf the gutter from summit to Inlet shall 'Je uniform. CUBB AlfD OUTTEA A concrete curb and gutter shall be

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