Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Feb 1928, p. 45

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February 24.. 1928 WILMETTE· LIFE 45 DOMECONS' FROUC Domecon, · ·New Trier's DomesticScience club, held a · social meeting last Tuesday after school. The entertainment consisted of a song and dance skit by Alta Dee and Martha Belshe, some songs by Kitty Farrar and the Belshe sisters and a few readings by Jean Gerber. After the entertaintnent the girls all took part in a community sing. Mrs. Howard D. Murphy of 989 Eastwood avenue drove a number of Wilmette girls to Chicago last Thursday to see a play at St. Andrew's s~hool after which ·she entertained them at luncheon at Cooley's Cupboard in Evanston. "LIME EYOII" BIG GUD.D UNDERTAKING 1.,._ Dnma Promiaea ·to Be Oatat.ndin. Prodaction Evidence P~ints New Trier Stuclenta Hear T. . by Health Authority to a Good JokeDr. Hennan N. Bundesen, health ediBut Who's It On? tor of the Chicago Daily News, and It is known in all circles-whether most intimately associated with ice or chickens-that Rhode Island Reds and ._ Guild Hiat017 \Vhite Wyandottes can easily be crossed and that, while they will not It is a rather difficult task that tht" produce Silver Spangled Hamburgs or North Shore Theater Guild has cut Black Minorcas, they will produce out for itself in choosing "Little Eyolf" chickens of an entirely edible sort and as its next production, in celebration certain to lay eggs in the proper of the tOOth Anniversary . of the birth season. · of the immortal Norwegian, Henrik However, regardless of how interIbsen. As a consequence the acting ested one may be in the manufacturresponsibility has been entrusted to a ing of ice or the production of poultry, cast composed of some of the most talentel amateurs that the northern fine or otherwise, it may be easily deducted that these two cannot by any suburbs can draw together. possible misconception be crossed The cast is quite small. There are without producing dubious results. only six characters in "Little Eyolf." Nevertheless, without consulting But ~ach one of these is s~ important friends who would have doubtless been in hts plac~, that the castmg had to willing to give advice, Frank Meier, be conducted with scrupulous care. dean of local ice manufacturers has In the introduc~io!l of the ~~a!ldard tried the experiment and obt~ined works of Ibsen, L1ttle Eyolf IS re- startling results. ferred to as being am<!nf1 the _very I Mr. Meier, who has thirty-six chickgreatest of. t~e dra'}lat1st s achteve- ens of super-fine denomination, learned ~uents. It ts 11lust~ahvt: of . the ~ual- recently that the foundation to his tsm of the playwnght m hts attitude barn had rotted out and was in need toward Nature. In half of I,is plays, of replacement. He promptly set to he ·pleads th~ ~a use of Nature. In work to remedy the situation. In the ?.t~ers, he ,mdtcts. Nature sternly. course of so doing, however, it ·was Lt~tle E~ol~ falls m the lat te~ class. necessary to raise the barn several It ·~ an mdtctment of ,the egOJsm of inches and, as the chicken house had passtot~, one of Nature s most potent been built immediately adjoining and subtleties. connected with it. it naturally foiThe Plot lowed that the chicken house was also Rita, the self-centered, jealous wo- raised. This was accomplished and man whose domination of her weak- the new sills installed by Friday of ling husbaod completely effaces her last week. End of Act t. instinct of mother love, is the characAt the close of his operations, Mr. ter through which Ibsen brings out Meier fed his aristocratic proteges and his theories of "the law of change." departed for Elgin in his car. Dame It is a difficult role of complex and Nature, feeling t~at she had neglected conflicting emotions. This part is her duty long enough, turned on the taken by Mrs. Wm. D. Sidley, of Win- cool air and dusted down about six netka, whose splendid work in recent inches of snow. End of Act 2: local productions marks her as an · · saturday, Mr. Meter, returmng amateur actress of -unu,;ual amainments. Mrs. Sidley received her hastily made his way to the home of dramatic training with May D. Kelso, his high-class feather dusters and and was prominent w-hil,.. at North- peered within. Lo, and behold, egg western university in the productions producers had one and all disappeared. of Oliver Hinsdale, now director of Their irate owner, visions of Sunday the Dallas Little Theater and winner roast chicken dinners causing him to of many of the Belasco Trophies for groan audibly, immediately announced Little Theater competition. to all comers, that, if caught, the ofOf equal importance is the charac- fender would eat standing up. End of ter of Allmers, Rita's vacillating, ego- Act 3. istic husband-a strange and eccentric Dame Nature smiled on all of this personality. In this role Stuart Bailey and forthwith turned the dial to "more of Winnetka returns to the ranks of heat" and melted down the results of the North Shore Theater Guild after her previous efforts. Shortly therean absence of three years. His last after, mourning near the last residing Guild appearance was "Outward , place of the dear departed, Mr. Meier Bound," but he has played more re- was startled to s~.:e appearing concently with the Loyola Community tentedly first one and then another, Theater in the leading part of "The and finally 36 members of the Copperhead." feathered tribe-from beneath the barn. Miss Ethel Berger of Kenilworth The largest · sewage disposal plant in has recovered from a recent operation for appendicitis. the world is located near Evanston. president of the American Public Health association, spoke before the students of New Trier last Friday afternoon. His talk was on bealth and his pleasing way of presenting facts about his subject was enjoyed by the students. Dr. ~ndesen offered to send to any who desired his book, .. The GrowiJtg Child." Many students wished to have it and the books have been sent for. Dr. Bundesen concluded his talfc with a discussion of the mental side of health as related to the physical. Mrs. Ray C. Pearson of 117 Dupee place will be hostess at the next meeting of the Order of Martha of St. Francis Xavier church at her home on Monday afternoon. -o- . aa·J is LOWEST ATVERY Lo RATES Oa Vacaat aad W M-.... 781 Elm St. 1 P. W. Bradstreet l S. -· Wiaaetb IG. Mrs. Noble Gillett of Kenilworth has gone east for a week or ten days. I N HINTs · No.2 I s u B A N YOUR BOMB The portable part is your aato. Protect it fuDy from accident and the acta of othen. INSURANCE at Reclucecl Rates rn an . Old Line Legal Reserve Company Phone or Write Smith-Lawson-Coambs Co. 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago Telephone Wabash. 6776 E c ~ Representing Stock Comptmiea Only E · c . ' F. C. Broderick Landscape Architect I 020 SPRUCE Sr: . TEL." WINN. 2235 North Shore Representative for ·Ample funds at interest for Joana on homes Stark Bros. America'· Olcleat ...t l.arpat N.......,. Home Gn.mda S·Wi.Uioaa Parka Cemeteri· I 5, 10 and 15 year plana, atrailht or with pre-parmen~ pivileaea Ow , _ . . ......... ,.., U HI 0 M C( HT Q A L LU ld l ( () I rl llll Any size proposition can be handled-Supply any quantity of Nursery Stock-Meet any competition for equal values -and g~ve you a year to pay. ~ . I N S U Ill\ H( ,,,,, ~- C0 . l) ' U 1\ ~ i( t. ,' ~~ S t. i t l i 0 !VI " u. l) ·,; t· j I · d ,/'.. I .) ) 1..· '.J ,,

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